Conversation between Debbie and Andrew Talking about a University Assignment - IELTS Listening Sample Answer

IELTS Listening section tests a candidate’s proficiency in properly understanding audio and answering questions. There is a total of 40 IELTS Listening questions. This topic - A conversation between Debbie and Andrew talking about a university assignment is IELTS listening section one.

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The following are the IELTS Listening question types:

  • Note completion
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Multiple-choice questions

Audio Transcript:

You will hear two students Debbie and Andrew talking about a university assignment. First, you have some time to look at questions 1 to 4.

Now listen carefully to the discussion and answer questions 1 to 4.

Debbie: Hi, I'm Drew. I told Dr. Boyle that you were under the weather and he gave me the details of the next assignment so you can get on with it when you're feeling better.

Andrew: Well, thanks Debbie and what I say

Debbie: Actually, it's not an essay. We've got to give a presentation to the rest of the group and prepare handouts for them.

Andrew: We as a group work?

Debbie: It's you, me, Jessica and Mark. It's a business planning exercise. We’ll take a hypothetical new business; I will prepare a business plan for it and then explain it to Dr. Ball. We got six weeks to do it.

Andrew: So how do we approach the task?

Debbie: Dr. Ball suggested, we took the idea of running a paramedical training company in the Middle East.

Andrew: Okay. So, who's doing what?

Debbie: Well, we had a chat and we thought you could help Mark. There's quite a bit of Medical Training in the Middle East so we can get quite accurate Financial costing into this. Mark will do that. He's good at figures.

Andrew: That's good. I can help I had a job last summer at an accountant’s office and I've got experience with figures. Anyway, what are you and Jessica going to do?

Debbie: We can do some more research on the smaller companies in the area who do medical training while you and Mark can concentrate on the bigger firms. Both Jessica and I have good research skills.

You know have some time to read questions 5 to 10.

Now listen to the rest of the discussion and answer questions 5 to 10.

Andrew: Seems you've been busy planning the whole project.

Debbie: Well, six weeks seems like a long time but we've got some midterm test in a fortnight. So, I think we better get on with this presentation as soon as possible.

Andrew: You're right. What about an arrangement when we can meet to check on each other's progress?

Debbie: That's going to be a bit tricky. Jessica won't be here for next Monday to Saturday and she's got to have some minor surgery.

Andrew: Nothing to worry about her, I hope.

Debbie: No, it's just something routine, but Mark will be away at the weekend and won't be back until Tuesday or even Wednesday. His brother’s getting married and he's going to be best man.

Andrew: That means neither of them will have much time to be working on my project in the next couple of weeks then.

Debbie: No, and as well all have to be studying for our midterm test as well. I think you and I will be bearing the brunt of the work in the initial stages Andrew.

Andrew: Well, that's fair enough Debby. But I hope they’ll pull the weights later. I don't want you and I to have to do all the work. We've got to pass these tests too.

Debbie: You're right, but I don't think Jessica and Mark are the type of people to shirk their responsibilities. Anyway, when are we going to have this meeting?

Andrew: What about next Wednesday?

Debbie: Well, Jessica will be fine by them, but Mark isn't sure if he’ll be back by then. What about the following day to be certain?

Andrew: Agreed. But where? we all live in different parts of the town. So how about the Student Union bar?

Debbie: Don't you think it would be rather noisy

Andrew: Not definitely in the morning? I haven't got any lectures until two o'clock.

Debbie: None of us has. No wait, Mark has one at 11:00, but maybe he could miss that this time and copy up the notes. Let's say we'll meet at the bar but a bit later at noon.

Andrew: Good, that's sorted out. Now who's actually going to give the presentation Jessica has such a quiet voice and Mark’s Scottish accent is difficult to understand

Debbie: It’s not that strong. Sometimes I can't work out what you're saying Andrew.

Andrew: Okay. I admit my accent is not that clear. Yeah, but remember we have a couple of Japanese students in the group. It wouldn't be fair on them to have to listen to any of those.

Debbie: We can decide that later. We don't have to worry about that yet. I have to rush. I've got a lecture in 10 minutes, so get well soon.

Andrew: Thanks, Debbie. We'll be in touch. Bye.

Section 1
Questions 1-10
Questions 1-4

Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


FORM: PRESENTATION WITH 1_____________________________________
Mark financial 2__________________________ good at figures
Andrew helping Mark 3____________________with figures
Jessica helping Debbie good research skills
Debbie research 4_______________________ good research skills

Question 1:

Answer: handouts

Explanation: Debbie told that the project was actually not an essay. They had to prepare a presentation for the group and provide handouts for them.

Also check:

Question 2:

Answer: costing

Explanation: Debbie stated that Mark will be doing the financial costing related to the medical training as he is good at that.

Question 3:

Answer: experience

Explanation: Andrew can also help Mark in finance since he had a job last summer as an accountant. Therefore, he has experience in figures.

Question 4:

Answer: smaller companies

Explanation: Debbie told that they can do some researches on the smaller firms dealing with medical training, and Mark and Andrew will deal with the bigger ones.

Questions 5-8

Complete the following sentences with answers next to 5-8 on your answer sheet.

  1. The presentation will be in_______________________ weeks.

Answer: two

Explanation: The presentation needs to be prepared in two weeks as they have an exam very soon.

  1. Jessica cannot work on the presentation next week because she’ll be_______________________

Answer: having (minor) surgery in hospital

Explanation: Debbie told that Jessica will not be available from Monday to Saturday since she is having minor surgery.

  1. Most of the basic work on the project will be done by________________________

Answer: Debbie and Andrew

Explanation: The majority of the basic work of the project will be carried out by Debbie and Andrew.

  1. The meeting to discuss the progress of the project will take place on________________________

Answer: Thursday

Explanation: A meeting will take place on Thursday for discussing the progress of the project.

Questions 9 and 10

Choose the best answer A-D. Write answers next to 9-10 on your answer sheet.

  1. What time will the final meeting take place?
  1. 11:00
  2. 12:00
  3. 1:00
  4. 2:00

Answer: B

Explanation: The final meeting will be taking place at 12.00.

  1. Who will present the final talk?
  1. a Japanese student
  2. Mark
  3. Jessica
  4. no one chosen yet

Answer: D

Explanation: It has not been decided that who will be presenting the final talk.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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