Conversation between a Student and Doctor at a Student Health Center - IELTS Listening Sample Answer

IELTS Listening section comprises two monologues and conversations and a total of 40 questions. This topic - A conversation between a student and doctor at a student health center is IELTS listening part one.

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Candidates need to answer the following IELTS listening question types:

  • Table completion
  • Multiple choice questions

Audio Transcript:
You will hear a conversation between a student and a doctor at a student health center.
First, you have some time to look at questions 1-6.
Now listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.

Student: Good morning.

Dr: Good morning. Come in. Sit down. Now. You're a new patient, aren't you?

Student: Yes, that's right.

Dr: Okay, so I'd better get some basic details down first, right? We'll start with your name.

Student: Martin Hansen.

Dr: Do you spell that? Son or Sen

Student: Hansen.

Dr: Okay, and you are a first-year student.

Student: Yes. I am.

Dr: Studying?

Student: Medicine actually.

Dr: Good choice. I hope you enjoy it. And your address.

Student: Yes. It's 13 Chatham Street.

Dr: That's CHATHAM, isn't it?

Student: That’s right.

Dr: And your phone number?

Student: 01734 24655.

Dr: 01734 26455

Student: No, you've got the six and the four the wrong way round. It's 24655.

Dr: Sorry, right. And when were you born?

Student: On the 15th of June 1986.

Dr: Here in New Zealand?

Student: Yes.

Dr: Now, let's get some of your medical background. Have you ever had any serious illness or accident?

Student: A broken leg I got playing football when I was 17. I was in the school team.

Dr: What position did you play in?

Student: I was the goalkeeper

Dr: A lot of standing around then?

Student: Yes, when we were winning.

Dr: Anything else?

Student: No apart from that nothing

Dr: And have you had any operations of any kind?

Student: No, the only time I've been to hospital was when I broke my leg.

Dr: Fine, any allergies?

Student: Yes, to dust and cats.

Dr: What form does that take? How do you react?

Student: They both make me sneeze a bit, nothing else.

Dr: So, you're not allergic to antibiotics like penicillin as far as you know?

Student: I don't think so.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 7 to 10.
Now listen carefully and answer questions 7 to 10

Dr: Good. So, what's your problem?

Student: Well recently. I've been getting this pain here just behind my eyes and in my forehead.

Dr: I see have you felt sick or dizzy at all or vomited?

Student: No, not at all though. The pain is pretty intense sometimes.

Dr: And how's your health generally? Have you had any colds or flu recently?

Student: I had a cold a couple of weeks ago, but that's gone. It was only a sniffle.

Dr: Really good. Are you studying a lot? You getting enough sleep?

Student: Yes, I'm studying quite a lot. I've got some exams coming up in December, but I'm making sure to sleep plenty.

Dr: What time do you go to bed?

Student: Usually around 11:00. I sleep about eight and a half hours and I'm up about 7:30. So I have time to go jogging for half an hour before going to the University at 9.

Dr: Very healthy. And has this pain kept you awake or stopped you jogging?

Student: Yes. It makes getting to sleep harder. It's much worse at the end of the day. I hardly notice it in the morning.

Dr: What about food? Are you eating properly?

Student: I think so, my girlfriend cooks my meals.

Dr: Right? And do you wear glasses?

Student: No,

Dr: When did you last visit an optician?

Student: I don't remember. When I was a child I suppose.

Dr: Okay. Well, I think first you should get that done again just to make sure it's not the cause. In the meantime, you can take an aspirin or two when you're in pain and come and see me again in a week. Ask the receptionist to give you an appointment with the optician. He's here on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Section 1

Questions 1-10
Questions 1-6

Complete the form below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.

Example Answer
Patients name: Martin Hansen
Faculty of 1 _________________
Address: 13 2_______________ Street, Perth
Telephone: 3 ____________________
Date of Birth: 15th June 1986
Serious illness/ accident: 4____________________
Operations: 5 ____________________
Allergies: 6 _____________________

Question 1:

Answer: medicine

Explanation: Martin was a medicine student who was in his first year.

Also check:

Question 2:

Answer: Chatham

Explanation: Martin Hansen’s address was 13, Chatham Street.

Question 3:

Answer: 01734 24655

Explanation: The phone number told by Martin is the one mentioned in the answer - 01734 24655

Question 4:

Answer: (a) broken leg/broke leg

Explanation: When asked about his medical history, Martin told that he once had a broken leg while playing football.

Question 5:

Answer: none

Explanation: Martin told that he didn’t have any operations done on him.

Question 6:

Answer: dust (and) cats

Explanation: When asked about allergies, Martin told that he had allergies of dust and cats.

Questions 7-9

Circle the correct letters A-C. Write answers next to 7-9 on your answer sheet.

  1. Why is Martin visiting the doctor?
  1. He suffers from headaches.
  2. He suffers from nausea.
  3. He has an infection.

Answer: A

Explanation: The reason behind Martin visiting the doctor was recently he was having pain behind his eyes and forehead.

  1. How many hours does Martin usually sleep each night?
  1. Less than eight.
  2. Between eight and nine.
  3. More than nine.

Answer: B

Explanation: Martin sleeps for about 8 to 9 hours. He sleeps at 11:00 and wakes up at 7.30.

  1. Which of these describes Martin’s problem?
  1. It’s continuous and constant.
  2. It’s worse during the daytime.
  3. It’s worse in the evening and at night.

Answer: C

Explanation: The headache gets worse during the evening and at night. Martin hardly notices it during the morning.

Question 10

Circle TWO letters A-E. Write an answer next to 10 on your answer sheet.

  1. Which of these things does the doctor suggest Martin should do?
  1. change his diet
  2. has his eyes tested
  3. sleep more
  4. take more exercise
  5. take some medicine

Answer: B (and) E

Explanation: The doctor suggested Martin two things - to get his eyes tested and to take some medicine.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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