IELTS Listening section comprises two conversations and two monologues. This topic - A conversation between a saleswoman and customer about an Arabic course is IELTS listening part 1. The candidates will generally come across conversations about academic courses or university-related topics in IELTS Listening part 1. This topic contains the following IELTS listening question types:
Audio Transcript:
You will hear a conversation between a saleswoman and a customer. First, you have some time to look at questions 1 to 10.
Now listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 10.
Saleswoman: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I'd like to sign up for the intermediate course in Arabic, please.
Saleswoman: Of course. There are three courses. One runs during the day. That's an intensive course that runs for four weeks. Then, there is the weekend course which runs for eight weeks. Finally, the evening course runs for 12 weeks.
Customer:I'd like to join the Intensive course, please. My company is posting me to Syria in six weeks, and I need to improve on my basic conversational Arabic before then.
Saleswoman: I see. Have you taken a course here, before?
Customer: Yes, I have. I took the Arabic refresher course during the summer. I really enjoyed it.
Saleswoman: Do you have your registration card for that course? If so, it will speed up registration and we can give you a 5% discount too.
Customer: I think I'd have it in my handbag. Yes, here it is, a little dog-eared. I'm afraid.
Saleswoman: Thank you. Your name is David read. I'm sorry. The rest of your name is not clear.
Customer: Rivers R I V E R S.
Saleswoman: Ah, yes. Okay. I have your details on the computer.
Customer: Actually, my address has changed since I took the previous course. My new address is 38, Temple way.
Saleswoman: Thank you. I'll just change that. Can I have your new post code too, please?
Customer: Certainly, it's BM 9 2 EV. My new home telephone number is 698 4537. My mobile number is the same as before.
Saleswoman: That's o nine eight seven three seven five six three three.
Customer: That's right.
Saleswoman: It says here, that the teacher was very impressed with you.
Customer: Really! Amit was a great teacher. Is he still here?
Saleswoman:I'm afraid not. He went back to Syria. Since you're going there, I'd love to give you his email address.but I'm afraid it's against company policy.
Customer: That's okay. I think I have his email address written on the back of the registration card. I have it on my laptop as well, somewhere.
Saleswoman: I'm sure he'd be glad to hear from an ex-student.
Customer: I'm banking on it. I wouldn't mind having a friend in Syria, when I go there.
Saleswoman: I'm sure he'll be glad to show you around. The course runs monday to friday from ten to twelve and one to three. Nine students have signed up so far. Is that okay?
Customer: No problem. And the cost?
Saleswoman: 380 pounds after your discount.
Customer: Thank you. Here's my credit card. Will the course be held in this building, like last time?
Saleswoman: Yes, it will. In classroom four. The teacher, this time is Mrs. Aziz.
Customer: Oh, I've met her. She seems well-spoken and friendly. I'm looking forward to her class already.
Saleswoman: Oh, we've had very positive feedback from students about her classes. May I ask, if you have a few minutes to answer a few questions. We're conducting a survey of our clients. It won't take long. I promise.
Customer: Oh, I'm not in a hurry. Go ahead.
Saleswoman: The first question is about why you chose to study Arabic. I've got your answer to that one. How did you first hear about our school?
Customer: Well, I saw a newspaper advertisement. I think it was in the standard and then I mentioned it in conversation with a friend who had studied French here, and she said she was very happy with the course.
Saleswoman: Oh, I see. What was your friend's name?
Customer: Mary Wright with a W.
Saleswoman: W -R- I- G- H -T. Thank you. Do you think you would be interested in taking courses other than, in Arabic?
Customer: I doubt it. I need to speak a little French and German in my line of work, but I speak those languages to an acceptable level. So further Improvement is unnecessary. I've always been interested in learning an oriental language like Chinese, but I don’t really need either. So….
Saleswoman: What is really important to you in selecting a school? Could you put these five items in order please. One indicates the most important.
Customer: Teachers, is top of my list for sure. Recommendations from others, yes, that's next. Teaching materials. mmm. No. Location, then admin staff. I think a good teacher can make use of even quite poor materials. So that would be the least important to me.
Saleswoman: Any other important points that are not on the list?
Customer: A welcoming reception area. aaaaaa………...Group size, perhaps up to a dozen students. That's a big attraction for me. It creates a better atmosphere, friendlier and more personal. You know what I mean?
Saleswoman: Absolutely. Thank you very much for that. Here’s a complimentary English Arabic pocket dictionary with our Thanks.
Section 1
Question. 1-10
Q. 1-3
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.
1.How long will the customer’s course last? ____________
Answer: 4 weeks
Explanation: The customer told that he would like to join the intensive course of Arabic which is of four weeks.
Also check:
2.Which course has the customer already taken at the school? ____________
Answer: Arabic refresher (course)
Explanation: The customer took the Arabic refresher course in his school during the summer and he really enjoyed it.
3.How much discount can returning students qualify for? ____________
Answer: 5%
Explanation: The saleswoman asked if the customer had the registration details of the previous Arabic course, then that would speed up the process and also give a 5% discount.
Q. 4-6
Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.
4.The customer’s address is ____________
Answer: 38 Temple Way
Explanation: The new address of the customer is 38 Temple Way as given.
5.The customer can contact his former teacher by ____________
Answer: email
Explanation: The customer told that he will contact his former teacher, named, Amit by using the email id which is present in the previous registration form.
6.There are hours of classes each day, Monday to Friday ____________
Answer: 4
Explanation: The course takes place from Monday to Friday from 10 to 12 and 1 to 3.
Q. 7-10
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
7.What is the customer’s impression of the female Arabic teacher? ____________
Answer: well-spoken, friendly
Explanation: The customer told that he had already met the attending teacher named Mrs. Aziz, and she seemed friendly and well-spoken.
8.What other languages can the customer speak? ____________
Answer: French and German
Explanation: The customer told that he has knowledge of French and German of an acceptable level.
9.What does the customer decide is the third factor in choosing a school? ____________
Answer: location
Explanation: The customer first selects the teachers, then the recommendation from others, and thirdly location.
10.What does the customer say the reception area should be like? ____________
Answer: welcoming
Explanation: The customer also mentioned about how he liked a welcoming reception area.