Conversation Between A New Student Stefan And An Assistant Anna- IELTS Listening Sample Answer

IELTS Listening section consists of four parts comprising both conversations and monologues. Candidates need to solve 40 IELTS listening questions within 30 minutes. This topic - A conversation between a new student named Stefan with an assistant named Anna about getting a membership for the student council. The candidate will hear the audio once, and answer the following IELTS listening question types:

  • Sentence completion
  • Short answer questions

Audio Transcript:

You will hear a new student Stefan talking to an assistant, Anna at the student union about his membership. You now have 30 seconds to read questions 1 to 6.

Anna: Hi, can I help you?

Stefan: Hum…..yeah, I hope so. This is the first time I've been down to the union. I'm a new international student and I just wondered what to do.

Anna: Alright, well, normally we ask International students to fill out this form and we put your details on the wall by reception. Then other students can contact you. It's a way for everybody to get to know each other. It can be a bit lonely, otherwise,

Stefan: Oh! I see.

Anna: What's your name? I'm Anna by the way.

Stefan: It's Stefan Unger.

Anna: Okay. Well, just write that there, next to name and then fill in the rest.

Stefan: Alright, what does it mean? Degree program?

Anna: Oh, Just if you are an undergraduate or postgraduate. Or maybe you are just here for a short course.

Stefan: I'm a postgraduate. Do I need to say what in?

Anna: Not really. It's too much detail, but you should put your department, so people who have the same interests or problems as you can get in touch.

Stefan: So I'm studying Marine construction. So for the department, do I put down the science faculty then?

Anna: Just your actual department. That must be Engineering, know?

Stefan: Oh, I see. Yes

Anna: Then if you list what you like doing in your free time, not that we ever get anyone we're studying with. And maybe you can meet up with someone socially or to join a club or something.

Stefan: Well, I like lots of things. Shall I just list them?

Anna: My advice is to just put one or two like football and films or whatever. Otherwise, you'll get so many invitations. You won't get any time to work.

Stefan: Okay, I think I'll just list computer games as that’s my big interest. I haven't played football for ages. I may start to play once I get settled. Now, let's see. Next thing is languages.

Anna: Yes, we find many of the international students get a bit tired of speaking English all the time. Sometimes they like to speak to someone in their own language. It's up to you.

Stefan: That is a good idea. I presume I don't need to put English down.

Anna: Oh! No. I put Italian and French.

Stefan: I can only speak German my mother tongue.

Anna: Okay. Well, that's fine. Just put that.

Stefan: What does accommodation mean? Is that my address?

Anna: We're trying to find similarities between people and some people live in a hall, some are in flats some are in bed sets. So it helps if you say. .

Stefan: I’m in hall, though I like to be in a flat, but that won't happen till the end of the first term.

Anna: Put where you are now. You can always change it later. Then, finally just put your phone number.

Stefan: I haven't really got one. I haven't sorted out a mobile yet.

Anna: Well, it's going to be difficult for people to contact you then, isn't it?

Stefan: Why don't you put the union one and we will take messages from you?

Anna: Okay. It's 02950659003. Have you got that?

Stefan: Yes.

Anna: Okay then.

You now have 30 seconds to read questions 7 to 10.

Stefan: Oh! I had a couple more questions about the services you've got here. It says there's a photocopier here.

Anna: Yes, you need to get a card from the shop and then it's available to all students in the mornings. Union uses it after 1 p.m.

Stefan: Okay, I see also the union organizes lots of events. Are they always held here in the union building? It looks big enough.

Anna: If you're interested in something, you should check the poster or our website. In fact, we normally use the Round theater opposite the conference center for most events because the sound system is better.

Stefan: Right. I'll do that. Also, I wanted to hire a van. Can I do that through you?

Anna: No. You need to present a case really. They're not just available for hire to anyone. The president said we have to limit who is allowed to hire them. The person you need to see is the transport secretary. She's on the second floor.

Stefan: Okay. Thanks. The other thing is, are all the discounts we get with our union cards listed on the back of the card? I thought there might be more.

Anna: No. That’s it, I'm afraid. Mainly books, clothes and music. Though we are currently negotiating to get one on newspapers. So that should be valid from next term.

Stefan: Okay. Thanks a lot for your help.

Section 1

Questions 1-10

Questions 1-6

Complete the form below.



Student Union Registration Form

Name: Stefan Unger

Degree programme: 1______________

Department: 2___________________

Leisure activities: 3_________________

Language(s) (apart from English): 4_____________

Type of accommodation: 5_______________

Contact number: 6______________

Question 1:

Answer: postgraudate

Explanation: Stefan was pursuing his postgraduate degree. When asked to write down the degree of program, he wrote postgraduate.

Also check:

Question 2:

Answer: engineering

Explanation: He was pursuing his postgraduate in MArine Construction Engineering. Therefore, engineering is the right answer

Question 3:

Answer: computer games

Explanation: When asked to write about the activities he liked doing in order to find candidates of similar interest, Stefan wrote computer games as he is really interested in that.

Question 4:

Answer: German

Explanation: The other interest that Stefan wrote about is languages. Anna, the assistant told that many students find interest in the same thing as they are mostly tired of speaking in English and find someone to talk to in other languages. Stefan told that he only knew German, his mother tongue apart from English.

Question 5:

Answer: (in) Hall

Explanation: When asked to write the type of accommodation Stefan lives in, whether it’s a hall or flat or others. Stefan wrote that he stays in a hall but looking forward to staying in a flat.

Question 6:

Answer: 0295069003

Explanation: Stefan didn’t have a mobile phone so couldn’t give his contact information. But he asked for the contact number of the student union so that he can get updates from the same.

Questions 7-10

Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  1. When can students use the photocopier?
  2. Where are events usually held?
  3. Which Union officer is responsible for van hire?
  4. What will Union members be able to get a discount on?

Question 7:

Answer: (in the) mornings

Explanation: The students could use a photocopier from the student union section, and that could be used in the morning. It was used by the members of the student union from 1 pm.

Question 8:

Answer: Round Theatre

Explanation: Most of the programs of the student union took place in the Round Theatre as it has a better sound system.

Question 9:

Answer: Transport Secretary

Explanation: For hiring the van, Stefan had to contact the transport secretary and take permission from her.

Question 10:

Answer: newspapers

Explanation: Stefan asked about the facilities that the members of the student union will get apart from the ones listed. Anna, the assistant told that it is only books, clothes, and music for now, and they are talking about getting newspaper in the list.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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