Conversation Between a Librarian and Students IELTS Listening Answers

Conversation Between a Librarian and Students IELTS Listening Answers highlights a conversation regarding borrowing of books. Candidates are required to listen to the audio carefully and answer the questions. The candidate needs to answer the following question types:

  • No more than three words/ a number
  • Write the correct letter

In no more than three words or a number, candidates must answer questions with just three words. In order to answer choosing the correct letter, candidates must listen carefully to the audio. They are to look for major keywords that are essential to answer the question in the assessment.
The IELTS Listening section tests a candidate’s listening ability. The candidates must listen to an audio and then answer the given IELTS listening questions. Candidates can refer to IELTS LIstening practice papers for practicing more topics related to this assessment.

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Transcript for IELTS Listening Practice Test 2

Section 3

SMITH: Welcome! Please come in and gather over here around the tables. My name is Adam Smith, and I’m the librarian here. I’ll show you around today and explain how to use these facilities. Hopefully, when I’m done with it, you’ll know the ropes, and please feel free to let me know of any questions or concerns that you may have. Now, we’re at the gate of the library. Upon entering the door, you’ll find that the restrooms are on your left-hand side, and opposite them is a Photocopy Room. Many of you are wondering about the check-in and check-out process. What you have to do is go to the Circulation Desk, which is to the east of the Photocopy Room. The Reading Room is a really large area in the centre of the library, just to the north of the Circulation Desk. I’m sure you won’t miss it. If you’re here to do research, this is where you should bring books to look through. However, if you’re here to do any group projects or other interactive activi­ties, I advise you to use one of the study rooms, which are just to the east of the Reading Room. Moving on to the southeast corner, we have the Periodicals Section, just next to the study rooms. We have a collection of dif­ferent newspapers and magazines in this section. You can get last week’s weather reports, or all the top stories five years ago - our periodicals can be traced back 20 years to the time when our school library was built. Ah, our first question! Yes?

STUDENT: Can we check out magazines from the library?

SMITH: I’m sorry, but you cannot take any periodicals out of the library. You’re welcome to read them for as long as you want while you’re here, but you cannot check them out.

STUDENT: I wonder if there is any place where we can get some food in the library. Do we have a store here?

SMITH: Of course. The Food Service Centre is just meters away from the study rooms. It’s on the northeast corner as you look at the map. The Food Service Centre offers different kinds of snacks though it’s not big. Well, moving on along to the west, you will find the Video Resource Centre on your right hand. We have educational videos and documentaries, as well as major motion pictures. We ask that you pay attention to the tag on the video that you pick up, as many of our documentaries are for on-site viewing only and may not be taken out of the library. To the west of the Video Resource Centre is our Satellite TV Station. Here we stream the news from Channel 19 for most of the day.

STUDENT: How many channels does it have?

SMITH: (laughs) It does have nearly 200 channels, but we general­ly will give top priority to channels with some big events, like presidential addresses or other breaking news. Dur­ing the coverage of the presidential debate, students will take a break from studying and flock to watch it. Last but perhaps most important is the Enquiry Desk. It's just on the left-hand side when you walk into the library, so it’s impossible to miss it. If you have any questions about how to use equipment or where to find something, come and ask the assistant. Don’t be shy, because that’s what they’re here for!

SMITH: Speaking of questions, one of the questions we get asked is how to actually check out a book once a student has picked one out. If it’s a fiction or non-fiction book, look for the pink and yellow check-out card inside the back cover of the book. You can also find information about the book on these cards, including its publishing date, genre, ISBN, and a log of dates it’s been checked out be­fore. Present this card to me or any library assistant, and we’ll stamp it and then the book can be kept for three weeks.

You can find general information on a field of study by using one of our subject guides. We have them on paper here, but any of our computers will allow you to search within fields as well.

STUDENT: What if the library doesn’t have a resource we’re looking for?

SMITH: Great question, I’m going to address that. Our library is in a network with a number of other universities in the area, so if there is something you’re looking for and it’s available somewhere in the area, we’ll be able to get it for you. However, there are universities that are not part of the network, so we do not share resources with them.

If you want more information about the library and its resources, you’ll find it in a labeled blue folder on my desk in the inquiry section.

Okay, so that’s a lot of information all at once, and I don’t expect you to remember it all. The most important thing is, please be respectful of the staff and if you need help with anything at all, come and ask me or one of the as­sistants. Alright, any questions?

Questions 21-26

Write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 21-26.

  1. Video Resource Centre
  2. Reading Room
  3. Food Service Centre
  4. Periodicals Section
  5. Enquiry Desk
  6. Satellite TV Station
  1. _______
  2. _______
  3. _______
  4. _______
  5. _______
  6. _______

Question 21.

Answer: B
: The information provided by the librarian about the reading room. The reading room is at the centre of the library and the north of the circulation desk. This information makes it clear that number 21 on the map is the location of the reading room.

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Question 22.

Answer: D
: Considering the description of the Periodicals Section to the southeast corner of the map, we can match it with the number 22.

Question 23.

Answer: C
: In the conservation, the librarian mentions that the foodservice centre is just meters away from the study room and on the northeast corner. According to this information, 23 is the location of the Food Service Centre.

Question 24.

Answer: A
: According to the directions provided y the librarian for the Video Resource Centre ‘along to the west’ and ‘on your right hand,’ it matches exactly with number 24.

Question 25.

Answer: F
: Now after identifying the Video Resource Centre’s location we can easily follow the directions to find the location of the Satellite TV Station. To the west of the Video Resource Centre is the Satellite TV Station. Hence the correct answer is F.

Question 26.

Answer: E
: According to the librarian the first room is already identified as Restrooms so the second room on the left must be ‘the Enquiry Desk’. Hence 26 is the Enquiry Desk’ and E is the correct answer.

Questions 27-30:
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

If you need to find information on a certain book, you can use 27 ____ check-out cards.

If you want to find information in a specific field, use the 28___ guides.

Computers in some 29_____ cannot be linked to the network.

You can find more information in a 30_____ on my desk.

Question 27.

Answer: pink and yellow
: It is mentioned in the instructions given by the librarian to the students. To find a fiction or non-fiction book, look for the pink and yellow check-out card inside the back cover of the book. Hence, the right answer is pink and yellow

Question 28.

Answer: Subject
: While instructing the students the librarian mentions that to find details about a particular field is to look up the ‘subject guides’. Thus, ‘subject’ is the answer.

Question 29.

Answer: universities
: Listening to the audio, we got to know that there are a few universities that are not part of the network. And the library ‘do not share resources with them.’ This means that these universities don’t ‘link to the network’.

Question 30.

Answer: (labeled) blue folder
: The librarian mention to the students that if they want any more information about the library they can find it in the labeled blue folder on my desk in the inquiry section.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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