One of the Consequences of Improved Medical Care is That People are Living Longer and Life Expectancy is Increasing IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 18, 2022

One of the Consequences of Improved Medical Care is That People are Living Longer and Life Expectancy is Increasing IELTS Writing Task 2 has three sample answers as provided below. This is an opinion-oriented question and candidates are required to answer it with a strategic approach. The body of the essay has three paragraphs that discuss the topic further with legitimate arguments.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: One of the Consequences of Improved Medical Care is That People are Living Longer and Life Expectancy is Increasing IELTS Writing Task 2

Model Answer 1

Over the period of time, the medical facilities and health care system have improved tremendously. With the improved medical care, the life expectancy of people has increased. This situation has both advantages and disadvantages. I believe that both the situations are correlated and the former outweighs the latter. On one hand, with modern and enhanced medical facilities and technologies many fatal diseases like cancer, HIV have increased the lifespan of the patients. This gives hope and happiness to the patient and his or her family members. On the other hand, many people claim that modern medical technologies have increased life expectancy. As a result, there is an increase in the ratio of the older population in the society. The fact might interest others that these older people due to these advanced medical facilities remain active and a lot more energetic in their workplace. They will be able to contribute more to society even after they reach their retirement age. This leads to more asset accumulation in the country. This will lead to teaching values and traditions to the younger generation which may be in the family, neighbor, or anywhere in the world. Additionally, the modern and new generation will be more grounded as they would better learn the past. On the other hand, there are also quite a number of disadvantages of this longer life expectancy. For instance, the treatments are expensive. Modern and ultra technologies make a huge hole in the pocket. The middle or upper middle class would surely face difficulty to afford the A-class treatments. Also, the number of hospitals, doctors, and nurses is limited. The older people are, the more the tendency to get infected with any diseases. Keeping in mind that the resources are limited, the scarce number of hospitals won’t be able to attend to a lot of patients with equal importance. If it is to be considered that the government will support with funds and resources, that will also cost a considerable amount of money. Lastly, I would conclude that enhanced life expectancy is a blessing that will also have a lot of disadvantages. In my opinion, life expectancy outweighs the disadvantages because of the enhanced medical facilities which have decreased the mortality rate to quite an extent.

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Model Answer 2

In the modern times, we see that the medical facilities and technologies have enhanced. Modern medical science with a lot of effort has been able to change and improve the medical care system. Due to this advancement, people are living longer and life expectancy is increasing. There are a lot of people who are in favor of this modern and developed health care system while others think that there are more disadvantages than advantages. Here in this model answer, I have discussed both pros and cons so that the conclusion can be drawn. The first and the foremost benefit of this modern medical field is that every person in the back of the mind knows that in any emergency case they can trust the medical facilities and doctors, hence can enjoy life to their fullest. They believe that there is a treatment for every difficult disease. The advantage is that people due to this assurance lead a stress free life. The second reason is that the younger generation will learn values, wisdom, traditions, and experiences from the elderly person. The senior member in the family or in the office will always guide the juniors to escalate the social and moral values. Additionally, the government will be able to set an example of the dynamic works of the elder people to inspire the younger generation. This will also have an outflow of good and positive thoughts in the country. Furthermore, this will also lead to community development activities wherein the younger generation will learn to respect the elders and have a symbiotic affinity towards each other. Well now coming to the disadvantages, development or advancement doesn’t always have a positive effect. The enhanced life expectancy means an increase in population, precisely the older population. For instance, living longer doesn’t indicate a healthy life. The older people are more prone to get affected in pandemic situations, where the difficult part is the medicine or the disease preventing procedures might be difficult or may have side effects and make the body even weaker. The increase in life expectancy also decreases job opportunities, lesser resources, and more. Also, in any organization, the senior member will be in his position for a longer period due to his experience. Well, life should have balance in all aspects. In my opinion, life and death is a natural process to create balance in the universe. Hence, death must be accepted to proceed further in life and make scope for others.

Model Answer 3

Modern medical advancements have done wonders for the healthcare system. There is a cure available for any sort of fatal disease. The scientists and researchers are even working with our genes that can be beneficial in preventing various diseases. Due to this advancement in technologies, people are living longer and life expectancy is increasing. People believe that an increase in life expectancy has more benefits than demerits. The enhanced life expectancy means an increase in population, precisely the older population. The older people due to these advanced medical facilities remain active and a lot more energetic in their workplace. They will be able to contribute more to society even after they reach their retirement age. This leads to more asset accumulation in the country. Additionally, the government has extended the retirement age. For instance, professors, researchers, lawmakers, writers, and many other professionals have vast experience and could contribute even more in their old age. Thus, when a physicist discovers a groundbreaking theory in his or her 70s, we should thank the enhanced medical research and treatment. The younger generation will learn values, wisdom, traditions, and experiences from the elderly person. The enhanced life expectancy means an increase in population, precisely the older population. For illustration, living longer doesn’t indicate a healthy life. The older people are more inclined to get affected by any sort of disease, where the difficult part is the medicine or the disease preventing procedures might be difficult or may have side effects and make the body even weaker. Lastly, in my opinion, enhanced medical facilities have increased life expectancy and we are a part of the progress. This enhanced life expectancy is a blessing for mankind.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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