Comparing Or Contrasting Two Pets IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Oct 22, 2022

Comparing Or Contrasting Two Pets IELTS Writing Task 2 has three sample answers provided below. It requires candidates to answer a simple question with argumentative statements. The sample answers have an introduction and body. The introduction provides a brief description of the given topic. The body in each sample answer portrays argumentative statements to support the test-taker’s perspectives.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Write an essay comparing or contrasting two pets.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

Today's most popular pets include dogs and cats. Although they are two different creatures, they do share a trait, and I adore them both. I'll start by describing how these two creatures are similar to one another. The fact that these two creatures have hair is perhaps one of their most striking similarities. Cats are four-legged creatures, just like dogs.

Additionally, because of how flexible their legs are, they can move around and capture prey with ease. They both have a great sense of humour and love getting to know new people, especially kids. People frequently let their dogs and cats look after their children, for instance. Along with their shared characteristics, the two creatures also differ in a number of ways. Cats and dogs have various sonic characteristics. For the breeder, it is essential that both cats and dogs feed their pups without much aid from people. Training is possible for both dogs and cats. A cat will typically make a "meow" or "purr" sound. A dog, on the other hand, reacts quite differently from a cat, howling, barking, or going woof. In terms of linguistic instruction, dogs are also more intelligent than cats. For instance, unlike a cat, when you call your dog by name, it will typically come to you. The fact that dogs are often bigger than cats is another extremely visible distinction between the two animals. In conclusion, dogs and cats have many characteristics in common and differences. These are the two creatures that I adore since they each have something special to offer. Both of them make wonderful pets. I would know from first-hand experience because I have a dog and a cat in my home. In addition, despite their differences, over time they have learned to coexist in harmony. You won't turn down the chance to own a puppy or a cat if you love animals. Both of these critters enjoy people and get along well with them. But they also differ significantly in some significant ways.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

If you adore animals, you won't pass up the opportunity to own a dog or a cat. They are two well-liked creatures who get along well with people. They do, however, also have some notable differences. The first visual distinction between a dog and a cat. Because of their robust and sturdy bodies, dogs may run around and be hyperactive all the time. Of course, a dog cannot be left inside the house by himself all day. Dogs dislike being left alone at home and get happy when their owners return.

The cat's body is covered in silky, velvety fur, unlike dogs. Instead of racing outside, they prefer to unwind on the couch and fall asleep. Cats prefer spending time by themselves and are content even when their owners are away. Additionally, one feature that separates cats and dogs as pets is their personalities. Dogs appreciate being a part of their owners' lives. They enjoy running, chasing, and other forms of play with their owners as well as playing with things. You must devote extra time to caring for dogs because they require a lot of attention from their owners. In comparison, cats are autonomous, which means they don't require as much attention from their owners. In fact, cats don't even need to be let outdoors to go for a walk. They will be okay if you are busy and have a long commute to work. The diets of dogs and cats are different, which brings us to our final point. Dogs consume a lot of food, and they will consume the entire meal that you feed them. Additionally, due to their excessive activity, they frequently get dirty, therefore you will need to assist them in washing. Otherwise, because they are such finicky creatures and only eat fish and other things, cats consume less than dogs. As a result, they won't need to take regular baths because they can take care of themselves. In conclusion, there are a few key differences between cats and dogs that are kept as pets, as was already indicated. They all have appealing qualities of their own. Despite being completely different from one another, they are still adored by everyone due to their sweetness.

Band 8.5 IELTS Essay

Cat and Dog are two entirely different species. This essay will compare and contrast dogs and cats as pets and discuss the challenges associated with feeding, caring for, and grooming them. I'd want to discuss the benefits of owning either cats or dogs in this essay, as well as how to choose a pet that complements your personality.

Let's first analyse some similarities between dogs and cats to start my essay on the subject. Because both cats and dogs have fur, you must regularly brush and wash them if you don't want fleas in your home. Both dogs and cats sweat, so cleaning out their hackles will undoubtedly be a challenge. They were both domesticated hundreds of years ago, and as a result, they were accustomed to living in captivity. The fact that both cats and dogs nurse their pups without much assistance from humans is crucial for the breeder. Dogs and cats may both be trained. Last but not least, they both make people feel loved and cared for, enjoy spending time with their owners and are said to help with health issues. Because they were pack animals in the wild, dogs need to be with their pack in captivity, therefore they see you and your family as their offspring. In the wild, dogs hunt in packs of their own species and enjoy outnumbering their victims. Dogs are frequently quite lively and seek out tasks to complete. Dogs can spend hours on your lap and like being handled. Dogs sleep at night and are active throughout the day. Dogs are quite "communicative," and they may communicate their emotions through their body language and barking. Cats, on the other hand, typically hunt alone and don't require any assistance. They don't have to live with one another or with anybody else, but they can live together. Most cats do not like to sit next to you, and some do not like to be held. While they can sleep all day, cats are most active at night. Although cats may meow, they are not nearly as loud or as expressive in their body language as dogs. Finally, despite their differences, both of these animals are adorable. They may quickly brighten the mood and ambiance in your house. Both of them can make wonderful pets.

Check- IELTS Writing Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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