Common Uses of Advanced Vocabulary in IELTS

Bhaskar Das

Feb 18, 2022

IELTS vocabulary helps candidates with new words and increases their vocabulary. In the IELTS speaking and writing section, grammar is also examined when the candidate writes or speaks. IELTS Vocabulary must be used with correct grammar to score a high band in the IELTS exam. The IELTS exam tests grammar and vocabulary through all the sections of the IELTS test including the writing and speaking sections.

Any error noticed in IELTS Grammar or repeated usage of the same words can result in a lesser band score. It is important to learn how to use correct and appropriate words as per the scenarios. Candidates who want to score an overall band score of 7, must focus on vocabulary and grammar. This article contains sentences and explanations to help you expand your vocabulary.

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Select the correct answer option (a – d) for each question (1 – 25)

  1. He still___________ for her to this day; it is tragic really, considering she left him all of twenty-eight years ago. He is stuck firmly rooted in his past.
  1. pines
  2. milks
  3. prattles
  4. Endows

Answer: a. pines
Pines means suffering a mental and physical breakdown, especially due to a broken heart. In the above sentence, the girl left the boy 28 years ago and as the boy is firmly rooted to his past, he still pines for her. This means he still suffers from heartbreak.

  1. The government troops were able to___________ the rebellion with little difficulty. It’s leaders were not at all prepared for any form of lengthy engagement.
  1. sully
  2. deride
  3. quell
  4. Falter

Answer: c. quell
Quell means to put an end to something. In the above sentence, the government troops were able to put an end to the rebellion. Hence, quell is the appropriate word.

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  1. All he could do to sustain himself until help arrived was to___________ in the forest for berries and just pray that they were not of the poisonous variety. He was exceptionally fortunate to come out alive.
  1. dally
  2. avert
  3. forage
  4. shun

Answer: c. forage
Forage in this context means to search widely for food. Here, to sustain himself, all he could do was to forage or search for food in the forest. In this case, berries and hope that they were not poisonous.

  1. His reputation has been___________ unfairly by the allegations of corruption, and he will forever be known as the politician accused of paying for favors from visiting state officials with ‘brown envelopes’, despite the fact that he has been completely exonerated of any wrongdoing.
  1. sullied
  2. rued
  3. loped
  4. Impugned

Answer: a. sullied
Sullied means to damage the purity or integrity of something. Here, his reputation was damaged unfairly by the allegations of corruption. Hence, the word sullied is appropriate.

  1. This issue___________ race and may well serve to unite a people that were until this moment bitterly divided and obsessed with skin color to an exceptionally unhealthy degree.
  1. transcends
  2. rekindles
  3. endows
  4. taunts

Answer: a. transcends
Transcends means to surpass or to go beyond the limits. Here, the issue surpasses or transcends race and may well serve to unite a people that were until this moment bitterly divided and obsessed with skin color to an exceptionally unhealthy degree.

  1. He has been___________ in the press for his outdated views on the issue of abortion, which, until now, he had never spoken publicly about. Methinks he probably wishes he had stayed stum, as it were.
  1. gouged
  2. derided
  3. tendered
  4. Undermined

Answer: b. derided
derided means to contempt or make fun of. In the above sentence, the person gave outdated views on abortion and he was derided or expressed contempt for. Hence, the word derided is correct.

  1. As a politician he is highly respected for his moral integrity, but as a speaker, my oh my, he does___________ on rather ponderously; he nearly put me to sleep.
  1. milk
  2. prattle
  3. mince
  4. Transcend

Answer: b. prattle
Prattle means foolish talks which are lengthy. In the above sentence, the person is respected as a politician but as a speaker, he nearly puts me to sleep with his talks. Hence, the word prattle is correct for the situation.

  1. The incumbent president has said that he will not___________ on his promise to pull the troops out of Iraq by the end of the year, despite the fact that conditions on the there ground are worsening by the day.
  1. renege
  2. avert
  3. tender
  4. eschew

Answer: a. renege
Renege means to go back on a promise. Here, the president has said that he will not go back on his promise or renege his promise to pull the troops out of Iraq by the end of the year. Hence, it is the appropriate word choice.

  1. Maxine will___________ you for all your worth in the courts if this ends acrimoniously. It is better to cut your losses and make an out of court settlement.
  1. rue
  2. dally
  3. taunt
  4. milk

Answer: d. milk
Milking someone means to try and get something out as much as possible. Here, Maxine will try to milk you for all your worth in the court. They will try to take out every possible worth you have. Hence, it is good to do out of the court settlement. Thus, milk is the correct word.

  1. You may yet___________ the day that you crossed me; I will not forget this, and will be watching you like a hawk.
  1. rue
  2. tender
  3. lope
  4. milk

Answer: a. rue
Rue means regret heavily or bitterly on something. Here, it is said that you may yet rue or regret the day you crossed me. Hence, it is the appropriate word.

  1. His reputation as a ‘green’ politician was___________ by the news that he owns seven sports cars and a fleet of private jets.
  1. savoured
  2. shunned
  3. taunted
  4. undermined

Answer: d. undermined
To lessen the effectiveness or power or reputation of something or someone is undermining. Here, the reputation of the politician was undermined or reduced by the news that he owns seven sports cars and a fleet of jets. Usually politicians do not have such huge money and hence, his reputation was undermined.

  1. We must not___________ ; after all, the show starts at 2 and it is already getting on for a quarter past one.
  1. pine
  2. lope
  3. eschew
  4. dally

Answer: d. dally
Dally means to act or move slowly. Here, in the above sentence, it is stated that we must not move slowly or dally as the show starts at 2 and it is getting already quarter past one.

  1. The couple tried to _________ their romance but soon they both had to come to terms with the reality that the spark had gone for good.
  1. rekindle
  2. endow
  3. tender
  4. mince

Answer: a. rekindle
Rekindle means to revive something, here in the above sentence, relationship. The couple tried to revive their romance but soon realized that the spark had gone for good.

  1. Crisis was___________ when the Chinese government backed down on its demand to have the island returned to it before the deadline. Its leader saved face by securing a pledge from the Korean government to cede control before the end of 2025.
  1. quelled
  2. averted
  3. savoured
  4. impugned

Answer: b. averted
Averted means turn away or prevented. In the above sentence, the crisis was prevented when the Chinese government backed down on its demand to have the island returned to it before the deadline. Hence, averted is the correct answer.

  1. The hostile crowd in the stadium___________ the footballer, chanting the name of one of the opposing players, Milton Frack, who, it is alleged, is having an affair with his wife of eight years.
  1. taunted
  2. shunned
  3. loped
  4. faltered

Answer: a. taunted
Taunting means to provoke someone or challenge someone with improper remarks. The crowd in the above sentence, provoked the footballer or taunted the footballer by chanting the name of one of the opposing players who is having an affair with his wife of eight years.

  1. He___________ for the position but was overlooked. The fact that the promotion was awarded to his good friend and colleague made it a slightly easier pill to swallow.
  1. endowed
  2. eschewed
  3. tendered
  4. rekindled

Answer: c. tendered
Presenting or offering something formally is called tendered. Here, he tendered or presented for the position but it was overlooked and the promotion was awarded to his good friend and colleague.

  1. He doesn’t believe in___________ his words and tends to tell it how it is no matter what the situation. That’s all well and good, but sometimes a little bit of diplomacy is called for.
  1. mincing
  2. gouging
  3. loping
  4. eschewing

Answer: a. mincing
Mincing is dainty in manner or gait. In the above sentence, the person does not believe in mincing or in other words swallowing his words. He tends to tell it how it is no matter what the situation. Hence, the word mincing is correct.

  1. Unless the rebels lay down their weapons and___________ violence once and for all, we will not engage with them at the negotiating table.
  1. shun
  2. renege
  3. eschew
  4. impugn

Answer: c. eschew
Eschew means to deliberately avoid using something. Here, the rebels should lay down their weapons and stop using violence or eschew violence or else we will not engage with them at the negotiating table. Hence, the word Eschew is appropriate.

  1. By making these libelous allegations against me, you are attempting to___________ my moral integrity. Rest assured that I will first see to it that this remains intact and then take you to the cleaners in the courts.
  1. falter
  2. avert
  3. impugn
  4. prattle

Answer: c. impugn
Impugn means to dispute the truth or honesty. Here, by making the libelous allegations against the person, they are attempting to impugn or dispute his moral integrity.

  1. He is ___________ with a sense of morality that is rare amongst politicians in this country. It is little wonder that he has become the so-called people’s champion.
  1. endowed
  2. quelled
  3. shunned
  4. averted

Answer: a. endowed
Endowed means to provide with a quality or ability. In the above sentence, the person is endowed or blessed with a quality which is a sense of morality that is rare amongst politicians in this country. Hence, the word endowed is correct.

  1. He___________ around the track effortlessly and left the other runners trailing in his wake.
  1. gouged
  2. loped
  3. rued
  4. milked

Answer: b. loped
Loped means to walk or run with a long stride. Here, the sprint or the running of the person is described as loped which left the other runners trailing in his wake. Hence, loped is the correct word.

  1. Her close personal friends never___________ in their belief in her, whatever was written in the press.
  1. derided
  2. taunted
  3. faltered
  4. reneged

Answer: c. faltered
Here, in the sentence, her close friends never lost strength or momentum in their belief in her. The word faltered means to lose strength or momentum. Hence, the word fits the meaning of the sentence.

  1. I shall___________ this moment for as long as I live; the road has been a long and at times difficult one, but winning this award today and getting such an endorsement from my peers in the industry has made it all worthwhile.
  1. dally
  2. rekindle
  3. prattle
  4. savour

Answer: d.savour
Savour means to enjoy something to the fullest. In the above sentence, the person will enjoy the moment for as long as he lives. Hence, savour is the correct word.

  1. As a celebrity he was rather unusual in that he preferred to___________ the limelight in as much as was possible.
  1. gorge
  2. renege
  3. milk
  4. d.shun

Answer: d.shun
Shun means to avoid, ignore or reject something. Here, as a celebrity he was unusual as he preferred to avoid or ignore the limelight. Hence, shun is the appropriate word.

  1. The inebriated driver drove straight into a tree, ___________ a huge hole in the front of her car.
  1. pining
  2. foraging
  3. gouging
  4. Mincing

Answer: c. gouging
Gouging means making a groove or hole. The driver in the above sentence, drove straight into a tree, making a huge hole or gouging a huge hole in the front of the car.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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