The IELTS Speaking test measures how well you can use idiomatic language. IELTS Idioms help the candidate to build vocabulary and help to improve the score. In order to answer IELTS speaking and reading sections, the candidates must learn different types of idioms used in IELTS. This particular idiom will help you understand its literal meaning and how you can use it in IELTS speaking.
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The IELTS speaking section can be well prepared with the help of different kinds of idioms. This particular IELTS speaking idiom ‘A Gift Horse In The Mouth’ consists of exercises that will help the candidates to understand the correct usage of this idiom in a conversation.
Common Idioms for IELTS Topic Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth
Meaning: This idiom means to not be critical of a gift you receive or do not refuse something good that is offered
Choose the suitable idiom to complete the sentence below.
Answer: B
Explanation: The idiom used in the above sentence indicates that one must not refuse something good that is offered. If the job is not your dream job but it pays good money you should be appreciative of that.
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Read More IELTS Idioms Samples
– When it happened
– Who gave you this present
– What the gift was
And explain why you like or dislike this gift
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Answer: My sister came to visit me, she lives in London with her husband. We haven’t seen each other in a really long time. She brought me very expensive perfume. I was very excited about it but as soon as I smell it, I did not like the fragrance of it. I asked my sister to keep it for herself because the fragrance is not for me. So my mother yelled at me saying “stop looking for a gift horse in the mouth”. I was so embarrassed so I kept it and apologized to her as well.
Another Similar Idiom for IELTS Speaking
Meaning: The idiom refers to involve more to something than there appears to be at first, hidden motives, meaning, or facts
Choose the suitable idiom to complete the sentence below.
Answer: D
Explanation: The idiom used in the above sentence means to have a hidden significance or something not as simple as it looks in the first appearance.
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When it happened
– What kind of sport was
– How it played
And explain why you liked or disliked it
Answer: I love playing indoor sports and table tennis is my favorite sport. First I started playing it in the club and then I got so obsessed that asked my dad to install the set in our backyard too. I invited my friends over to have a match with them. One of my friends told me that how table tennis increases concentration power and has various other benefits too. I did not know then that this game has so much more than meets the eyes. I enjoyed playing table tennis more now knowing that it is benefitting me.
Meaning: This idiom means to have an opinion different than others and is unpopular
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Choose the suitable idiom to complete the sentence below.
Answer: A
Explanation: In the above sentence the idiom used - Out on a limb indicates doing or saying something that is different from most other people
– When it happened
– What the chance was
– What risk you have to face
And explain what did you learn from this chance
Answer: Taking risks is frightening, but without taking risks we cannot change ourselves. When I traveled alone for the first time at the age of 15. Everyone told me that I am going out on a limb but I really wanted to do this. I went on a solo trip and honestly, I did not face anything horrifying. It was a great trip.