The IELTS Speaking test measures how well you can use idiomatic language. Idioms help the candidate to build vocabulary and help to improve the score. In order to answer IELTS speaking and reading sections, the candidates must learn different types of idioms. This particular idiom will help you understand its literal meaning and how you can use it in IELTS speaking.
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Topic: Common Idioms for IELTS Speaking Topic - Forty Winks
Origin: In 1821, this idiom was first used by Dr. William Kitchiner. He was an optician and telescope inventor who used this idiom in his self-guide named The art of invigorating and prolonging life – “A forty winks nap in a horizontal posture is the best preparative for any extraordinary exertion of either.”
Also, in an article published on March 15, 1924, the main lead of the article Roger Halsey said to his wife, Gretchen, “just take forty winks, and when you wake up everything will be fine.”
Since then it has been used over and over on various occasions.
Meaning: A nap, Sleep for a short duration, mostly during the day, a short slumber.
This idiom is generally used to indicate taking short naps, particularly during the day or before an event.
Give the meaning and examples of the following idioms.
Meaning: not attentive, not paying attention
Also, check:
Meaning: short sleep during the day, sleep lightly, doze
Meaning: to go to sleep, to go to bed
Meaning: to stay in bed for a longer time especially in the morning
Example: 1. Tomorrow Sarah doesn’t have school so she will probably lie in.
Meaning: asleep, unconscious