Common Idioms for IELTS Speaking

Collegedunia Team

Nov 11, 2021

It is essential to develop a better understanding of common idioms to score well in the IELTS examination. Idioms glorify the meaning of our thoughts and to achieve a better score one has to use uncommon vocabulary. This means using words that are used less but might not be a part of advanced English. This idiom is focused on the IELTS Speaking section. Candidates will find different types of questions as they do in the IELTS speaking section.

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For IELTS Speaking Part 4 and 5

  1. A Penny for Your Thoughts

Meaning: used to ask someone what they are pondering about.

Sentence: Hey Reema, so this is your new teacher, do you know anything about him, penny for your thoughts.

Also, Check:

  1. Against the clock

Meaning: before an appropriate time, or within the allotted time

Sentence: Siyara was racing against the clock, but she completed the test just before the gong.

  1. Lend an ear

Meaning: to hear to someone with understanding

Sentence: Ram is always one to lend an ear if anyone has problems.

  1. on cloud nine

Meaning: to be extremely happy and enthusiastic about something

Sentence: Was Karishma pleased about receiving this job?" "Pleased? She was on cloud nine!

  1. Bushed

Meaning: Very tired; exhausted

Sentence: I harvested the garden this morningtide, and now I’m bushed.

  1. hard feelings

Meaning: resentment towards someone that you have argued with

Sentence: So we're buddies again, are we? No hard feelings?

  1. hit the hay

Meaning: to go to bed in order to rest; wanting to rest

Sentence: I’ve got a hectic day tomorrow, so I think I’ll hit the hay.

  1. be sick to death of something/doing something

Meaning: to have had enough of something; to not be able to endure anymore; unwell; nauseatic; tiring

Sentence: I am sick to death and drained of hearing your complaints.

  1. (come) rain or shine

Meaning: something always happens or someone always appears doing something in spite of bad weather or difficult conditions.

Sentence: She runs six miles every morning, rain or shine.

  1. be all ears

Meaning: ready and eager to listen.

Sentence: If someone states that they are all ears, they determine that they are ready and eager to listen.

  1. in the nick of time

Meaning: Just on time

Sentence: The ambulance arrived in the nick of time.

  1. fresh/cleanout of something

Meaning: to eliminate unwanted things

Sentence: We spent the weekend cleaning out the garage.

  1. have/get mixed feelings about something

Meaning: feeling both pleased and not pleased about something at the same time

Sentence: I had mixed feelings about seeing him after 3 years.

  1. Give it one’s best shot

Meaning: Try or attempt

Sentence: I don't think it will run, but I guess you could give it a shot.

  1. In deep water

Meaning: In difficult situations or trouble

Sentence: I was starting to feel that I was getting into deep water.

  1. next to nothing

Meaning: A very small amount, barely more than nothing at all.

Sentence: Rajni ate next to nothing.

  1. To be up in arms about something

Meaning: to an armed rebellion

Sentence: In the town, the arms over the state's plan to allow business flights at the airbase.

  1. Put yourself in somebody’s shoes

Meaning: to understand from another's point of view

Sentence: How would understand, if you were standing in my shoes?

  1. At all costs

Meaning: despite the price to be given or the work needed.

Sentence: The Indian Govt. was anxious to avoid war at all costs.

  1. Explore all avenues

Meaning: find an answer to a given problem

Sentence: Explore all avenues to find a solution to a given problem or to achieve the desired outcome.

  1. On the ball

Meaning: responsive and reacts very quickly to a particular situation

Sentence: My assistant is really on the ball when it comes to responding to emails.

  1. Throw in the towel

Meaning: quit in defeat

Sentence: After losing the vote, he threw in the towel on his political career.

  1. Down to earth

Meaning: Grounded; sympathetic

Sentence: An example of down to earth is a person who thinks of the others before themselves.

  1. Full of beans

Meaning: lively; highly energetic

Sentence: The horses were young and full of beans.

  1. Get a head start

Meaning: To get an advantage

Sentence: If we start early, we can get a head start on the weekend traffic.

For IELTS Speaking Part 3

  1. up-market

Meaning: Comparatively expensive and meant to attract rich and prosperous customers
Sentence: An upmarket bar/restaurant that is completely pricey but also quite good in quality.

  1. cram

Meaning: trying to accomplish and got it a lot quicker than everyone else thought you would
: The scholars are all cramming to get enthusiastic for the tests.

  1. in high spirits

Meaning: very happy and joyful
: People had two drinks and were in high spirits.

  1. keep one’s chin up

Meaning: be brave and ready for everything
: Keep your chin up and tackle the problem that is coming towards you.
Sentence: Keep your chin up until things get better.

  1. read my/your/his mind

Meaning: guess what someone is contemplating
: I was astonished she knew what I was preparing like she could read my mind.

  1. get the ball rolling

Meaning: start preparing for something big
Sentence: Tina decided to set the ball rolling and got up to give the presentation.
Sentence: Yamin should get the ball rolling as soon as possible for the IELTS test.

  1. for ages

Meaning: a very long period
Sentence: I waited for ages but he never took me seriously.

  1. fill in for someone

Meaning: do someone’s job while he is gone; substitute for
Sentence: Billo is going to be filling in for me while I’m in the hospital.

  1. antsy

Meaning: getting restless
Sentence: The lads are getting antsy, we need to go someplace else before they get too boisterous.

  1. (as) easy as pie

Meaning: very simple
Sentence: For Thomas, getting a computer certificate was easy as pie, as he has a natural talent for it.

  1. under the weather

Meaning: sick; not well
Sentence: I marked that the dog was seeming a little under the weather.

  1. fingers-crossed

Meaning: to wish for luck for someone

Sentence: fingers crossed for your entrance exam.
Sentence: Riya was keeping her fingers crossed that she will be healthy again very soon.

  1. have a chin-wag

Meaning: having a long conversation
Sentence: We had a good chinwag over a cup of tea.

  1. chicken scratch (n)

Meaning: bad handwriting; handwriting which is crammed and unreadable
Sentence: The doctor’s prescription is an idiosyncratic chicken scratch.

  1. the wee hours

Meaning: after midnight
Sentence: Reta was up until the wee hours trying to finish his syllabus before the exam day.

  1. a blessing in a disguise

Meaning: something good happening to someone, after being suffered for long
Sentence: Losing him was a blessing in disguise really.

  1. all in the same boat

Meaning: in a difficult situation like others
Sentence: None of us is getting a well-paid job, so we’re all in the same boat.

  1. beating around the bush

Meaning: avoid the main topic and talking in a roundabout matter
Sentence: Stop beating about the bush and tell what actually happened.

  1. early bird

Meaning: anyone who gets up early in the morning
Sentence: I never miss the sunrise as I’m an early bird.

  1. a breath of fresh air

Meaning: new and refreshing
Sentence: Priyanka is a talented and beautiful singer, a breath of fresh air in an industry full of people trying to pull her down.

  1. keep an eye on

Meaning: to observe a situation
Sentence: Keep an eye on the milk, as it might get the boil anytime.

  1. keep your nose to the grindstone

Meaning: continuing with a good effort
Sentence: If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you will get a good score in your final results of the M.B.B.S exam.

  1. know something [it, this] inside out

Meaning: extremely familiar with
Sentence: I know him inside out, as he is my childhood friend.

  1. leave well enough alone

Meaning: to not try to replace something that is stable
Sentence: This replacement is not accurate, but let’s leave well enough alone.

  1. now and then

Meaning: on an irregular basis
Sentence: Every now and then I’m having an immeasurable plan of doing something.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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