Common Idioms for Food IELTS Reading

Sayantani Barman

Aug 4, 2022

Common Idioms for Food IELTS Reading contains idioms to describe food. The exercise includes 20 different idioms for which meaning examples have been provided. Candidates need to learn these idioms that would help them expand their knowledge in vocabulary and types of idioms.
Common Idioms For Food IELTS Reading assesses candidates on their reading abilities in English language. Candidates willing to achieve a high IELTS Score need to be proficient in vocabulary and use of idioms. In order to excel in IELTS Reading section candidates need to enhance their knowledge in the use of idioms. Candidates need to undertake effective preparation in learning idioms for IELTS to improve their English language skills

Topic: Food

Common idioms used for IELTS topic food

  1. A big cheese

Explanation: a prominent individual or body
Mr. Harshad Mehta is the big cheese of the Bombay stock exchange.

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  1. Chalk and Cheese

Explanation: completely contrary objects
The two sons are like chalk and cheese when it comes to playing sports.

  1. Cheese and kisses

Explanation: beloved wife
Mr. Graf bought a gold necklace for his cheese and kisses.

  1. One’s cup of tea

Explanation: under one’s ability
Playing chess is not Ram’s cup of tea.

  1. A storm in a teapot

Explanation: An exaggerated reaction over a very insignificant event
Andy’s scream to the cat spilling the milk was a storm in a teapot.

  1. Tea Party

Explanation: a fun event; an easy task
Today’s maths exam was a tea party for Sam.

  1. One-banana problem

Explanation: a task that needs no complex solution or extensive research
Calculus is definitely not a one banana problem for teenagers.

  1. Going bananas

Explanation: Hyperactive, out of one’s own senses
Last night, the crowd was going bananas at the singer’s concert.

  1. A banana skin

Explanation: a move or statement that is humiliating
The politician misstating the facts proved to be a banana skin for his party.

  1. The apple of one’s eye

Explanation: the dear one
All grandchildren are the apple of their grandparents’ eye.

  1. Apples and Oranges

Explanation: strikingly different, to have nothing in common
The differences in the service of private and government banks are like apples and oranges.

  1. Upset the apple cart

Explanation: to devastate or ruin
he promised me not to upset the apple cart by spilling the secrets.

  1. Rotten apple

Explanation: the wrong one amongst the good
I do not want to keep a rotten apple in my friend circle.

  1. Put in apple-pie order

Explanation: to stack or organize appropriately
This weekend, I will put my room in apple-pie order.

  1. Eat humble pie

Explanation: to accept insult, say sorry, or be apologetic
the thief agreed to eat humble pie if the police could prove him guilty.

  1. Piece of the pie

Explanation: To be a stakeholder of; share
The boss bought the employees stocks in the organization and gave them a piece of the pie

  1. Easy as pie

Explanation: exceptionally easy
Maths is as easy as pie for Mr. Venkateshwara

  1. Pie in the sky

Explanation: an unachievable dream or thought
The homeless man and his desire for a branded car are like a pie in the sky.

  1. Full of beans

Explanation: excited; active; bubbly
the kindergarten children were full of beans to play in the sand.

  1. Spill the beans

Explanation: disclose a confidential statement
The greedy manager had spilled the beans to the rival organization for money.

  1. In a nutshell

Explanation: in summary; briefly
The class teacher put the entire chapter in a nutshell for the absentees.

  1. Walking on eggshells

Explanation: extremely cautious
The employees have been walking on eggshells as soon as the boss threatened to fire them.

  1. Put all your eggs in one basket

Explanation: to collect or put everything in one place; have immense faith
The investor advised me to never put all my eggs in one basket

  1. Egg someone on

Explanation: to pursue or convince someone for a certain task
the wife tried to egg her husband into buying her the new gold necklace.

  1. Butter somebody up

Explanation: to give a sweet talk; flattering
The girl was buttering her friends for a free car ride to her home.

  1. A hair in the butter

Explanation: a difficult task; problematic
The UPSE examination is like a hair in the butter for the aspirants.

  1. Bread and butter

Explanation: basic; fundamental
Listening to the citizens’ complaints is bread and butter for the government.

  1. A piece of cake

Explanation: exceptionally easy
to cook three dishes at a single time is like a piece of cake for the chef.

  1. The icing on the cake

Explanation: an added wellness; good thing after another good thing
The arrival of the elder sister from the USA for Ram’s birthday was like icing on the cake for him.

  1. Sell like hot cakes

Explanation: great sales; being bought or used by a majority
The new album of Drake is selling like hotcakes amongst the teenage fan base.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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