Coming Into The World Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Jun 13, 2022

Coming Into The World Reading Answers contains 14 questions which need to be answered in 20 minutes. Coming Into The World Reading Answers consists of three types of questions including- Choose the correct letter, Yes/no/Not Given, and complete the summary. Candidates need to skim the passage for keywords, understand the concept and answer based on the given instructions. To complete the passage, candidates must read the IELTS reading passage, identify keywords, and recognize synonyms to answer the question.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Coming Into The World Reading Answers

A little-known island community comes in from the cold.

  1. Back in early 1961, few outside the corridors of dwindling British power had heard of the archipelago centred on the main island of Tristan da Cunha, from which the scattered islands that make up the group took their name. It would take a dramatic volcanic eruption, and an emergency evacuation that would grab the attention of the media, to bring attention to this mysterious outpost of the British Empire. It seemed that the islands, no more than pin-pricks in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, almost equidistant between Buenos Aires in South America and Cape Town in South Africa, preferred not to be found.
  2. The same can be said of the 290 or so residents of Tristan da Cunha at that time. They lived on the remotest island on the entire planet. There was no airport, nor was there space to build one on this mountainous carbuncle projecting from the ocean. The only harbour, impenetrable during rough weather, was 1,500 miles distant from the nearest mainland port. Cape Town. Communications with the outside world relied predominantly on signals to passing fishing boats and the annual visit of the vessel that supplied the islanders with the goods they could not produce themselves.
  3. For this was a self-reliant community, proud of their ability to survive and help each other in times of adversity. Colonized early in the 19th century, until December 1942, money had not been exchanged on the island. However, war-time conditions and new development, in particular a new fishing industry, saw the beginnings of links which meant that the islanders had to accept they were now part of the modern world, however much the older members of the community might resist such change.
  4. The lives of the islanders ticked quietly along, largely ignored as the government of Britain struggled with larger events on the world stage, until the beginning of August 1961. Earth tremors and rockfalls began on the 6th, but by October the situation had got so bad that the island had to be evacuated. The entire population eventually found themselves in England, where they were met with unwanted and unexpected attention from the media. They were housed at a military camp just outside the port of Southampton.
  5. Coming from a sub-tropical island and having had little exposure to the illnesses and chill endured by the natives of the British Isles during winter, several of the elder islanders succumbed. The government did not seem to know what to offer the islanders, there was no news about what was happening to their homeland, and the future looked very bleak. These were people who had built up their own way of life for over one hundred and fifty years. They were a compact community who shared only seven family names between them, and now it seemed that their way of life was to be destroyed.
  6. Fortunately, and despite the islander’s reluctance to have any dealings with the media, who they suspected looked on them as historical curiosities, the attention helped keep their plight in the public eye. Eventually, word came through that the island was again habitable and, despite strong resistance from the British Government, the vast majority of the islanders voted to return, turning their backs on the temptations of the brighter lights of their temporary home in favour of their own.
  7. The last of the returning islanders arrived in November 1963 and, with the rebuilding of the crawfish canning industry and growing demand for the island’s stamps amongst dedicated collectors following the publicity caused by the volcanic eruption, the local economy soon recovered, although communications remained as difficult as they had ever been. Michael Parsons, a young British teacher who was employed on the island, recalls that there was no television and mail from the outside world arrived just eight times a year. ‘I was allowed to send a 100-word telegram home once a month,’ he recalls,’ and getting news from home brought a lump to my throat’
  8. Things have changed with developments in technology, but at the beginning of the present century, the island was again cut off from the rest of the world when, on May 23rd 2001, a hurricane tore through the area. It caused extensive damage, knocking out the radio station and satellite telephone link as well as leaving the islanders without electricity. It would be a week before news of the disaster reached London and several more weeks before a rescue package could be agreed to help the islanders rebuild. Today the island boasts its own internet café. For the first time, people can see what the items they wish to obtain from abroad actually look like before they purchase them – a big bonus in a place where you have to wait many months to receive an order which might prove to be unsuitable for the purpose you had in mind. At last, it seems, Tristan da Cunha has joined the world.

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Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Questions 27-28

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D and write them next to 27 and 28 on your answer sheet.

  1. The writer describes the islands of Tristan da Cunha as
  1. difficult to find in an emergency.
  2. a place the media didn’t understand.
  3. somewhere different countries claimed to own.
  4. is unknown to most members of the public.
  1. What does the writer say about the islanders?
  1. They could go for years with no contact with outsiders.
  2. They had no means of leaving the island to speak to others.
  3. They exchanged messages with boats that went past them.
  4. They travelled to the mainland on the supply ship.

Question 27:

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence
: “Back in early 1961, few outside the corridors of dwindling British power had heard of the archipelago centred on the main island of Tristan da Cunha, from which the scattered islands that make up the group took their name.”
: few, had heard, the island of Tristan da Cunha
Keyword location
: Paragraph A, 1st and 2nd line
: the passage highlights that not many people had heard about the island of Tristan da Cunha. It is a little unknown to the public, so option D is correct.

Question 28:

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence
: “Communications with the outside world relied predominantly on signals to passing fishing boats and the annual visit of the vessel that supplied the islanders with the goods they could not produce themselves.”
: communication, fishing boats, signals
Keyword Locations
: Paragraph B, 5th line
: Islanders exchanged signals and information through fishing boats that went past them. The evidence about verifying the other options is not provided in the passage. So, option C is correct.

Questions 29-34:

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3? Write

YES, if the statement agrees with the writer’s views
NO, if the statement contradicts the writer’s views
NOT GIVEN, if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

29 People living on Tristan da Cunha are self-sufficient.
30 The islanders often get ill.
31 Some islanders were reluctant to return after the volcanic eruption.
32 The selling of postage stamps has generated revenue for the islanders.
33 There is no television service on Tristan da Cunha.
34 Communications with the island are often interrupted.

Question 29:

Answer: NO
Supporting Sentence
: “the annual visit of the vessel that supplied the islanders with the goods they could not produce themselves.”
: annual visit, could not produce, themselves
Keyword Location
: Paragraph B, 5th line
: It is clear that people living on Tristan da Cunha were not self-sufficient entirely as the boats supplied them with necessary goods annually which they could not produce themselves. The usage of the word totally is wrong in the question.

Question 30:

Answer: Not given
Supporting Sentence: Coming from a sub-tropical island and having had little exposure to the illnesses and chill endured by the natives of the British Isles during winter, several of the elder islanders succumbed.
Keyword: illness
Keyword Location: Paragraph E, 1st line
Explanation: It is mentioned in the passage that the islanders have little exposure to illness and hence, several islanders succumbed. However, there is no confirmation that they often get ill. Hence, Not Given is the correct answer.

Question 31:

Answer: Yes
Supporting Sentence
: “Eventually, word came through that the island was again habitable and, despite strong resistance from the British Government, the vast majority of the islanders voted to return, turning their backs on the temptations of the brighter lights of their temporary home in favour of their own.”
: vast majority, voted to return
Keyword Location
: Paragraph F, 4th line
: the passage highlights that a majority of the islanders were happy to return but apart from them, certain or some parts of the population were not in favour of returning. Hence, yes is the correct answer.

Question 32:

Answer: Yes
Supporting Sentence
: “The last of the returning islanders arrived in November 1963 and, with the rebuilding of the crawfish canning industry and growing demand for the island’s stamps amongst dedicated collectors following the publicity caused by the volcanic eruption, the local economy soon recovered, although communications remained as difficult as they had ever been.”
: island’s stamps, local economy, recovered
Keyword Location
: Paragraph G, 3rd line
: the passage clearly states that the local economy was recovering from the revenue that was generated by selling stamps on the island. Hence, yes is the correct answer.

Question 33:

Answer: Not given
Supporting Sentence: Michael Parsons, a young British teacher who was employed on the island, recalls that there was no television and mail from the outside world arrived just eight times a year.
Keyword: television
Keyword LocationParagraph G, 2nd line
ExplanationIt is mentioned in the passage that there was no television previously when the speaker was employed. However, it is not mentioned if it is not available now also.

Question 34:

Answer: Not given
Supporting SentenceThe last of the returning islanders arrived in November 1963 and, with the rebuilding of the crawfish canning industry and growing demand for the island’s stamps amongst dedicated collectors following the publicity caused by the volcanic eruption, the local economy soon recovered, although communications remained as difficult as they had ever been
Keyword: communication
Keyword LocationParagraph G, 1st line
ExplanationIt is mentioned in the passage that communication was difficult. However, it is not mentioned if it was often interrupted. Hence, the answer is not given.

Questions 35-40:

Complete the summary.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

First colonised in the early part of the 19th century, Tristan da Cunha remained unknown to many people in the rest of the world until a 35_______________ forced the small population of this remote island to evacuate their homes and brought their existence to the attention of 36________________. After spending two years as refugees in

37_________________ , the British Government reluctantly allowed them to return to the island once it had been established that the danger had passed. The

38___________________ of the island improved when rebuilding work had been completed, partly because of a new interest in the 39_________________Disaster was to strike the island again nearly forty years later when a 40_________________ destroyed many buildings on the island.

Question 35:

Answer: volcanic eruption
Supporting Sentence
: “It would take a dramatic volcanic eruption, and an emergency evacuation that would grab the attention of the media, to bring attention to this mysterious outpost of the British Empire.”
: dramatic, volcanic eruption, grab, media, attention
Keyword Location
: Paragraph A, 3rd line
: A volcanic eruption that caught the media’s attention brought the island into view.

Question 36:

Answer: the media
Supporting Sentence
: “It would take a dramatic volcanic eruption, and an emergency evacuation that would grab the attention of the media, to bring attention to this mysterious outpost of the British Empire.”
: grab, media, attention
Keyword Location
: Paragraph A, 3rd line
: A volcanic eruption that caught the media’s attention brought the island into view.

Question 37:

Answer: England
Supporting Sentence
: “The entire population eventually found themselves in England, where they were met with unwanted and unexpected attention from the media. They were housed at a military camp just outside the port of Southampton.”
: population, found, housed
Keyword Location
: Paragraph D, 4th line
: the population had to be evacuated and now took shelter in England as refugees.

Question 38:

Answer: (local) economy
Supporting Sentence
: “with the rebuilding of the crawfish canning industry and growing demand for the island’s stamps amongst dedicated collectors following the publicity caused by the volcanic eruption, the local economy soon recovered,”
: rebuilding, growing demand, recovered, local economy
Keyword Location
: Paragraph C, 3rd line
: the economy of the island improved or recovered with the increasing demand for stamps on the island.

Question 39:

Answer: island’s stamps
Supporting Sentence
: “The last of the returning islanders arrived in November 1963 and, with the rebuilding of the crawfish canning industry and growing demand for the island’s stamps amongst dedicated collectors following the publicity caused by the volcanic eruption, the local economy soon recovered, although communications remained as difficult as they had ever been.”
: growing demand, dedicated
Keyword Location
: Paragraph G, 2nd line
: the escalating demand for island stamps resulted in dedicated collectors and new interest.

Question 40:

Answer: hurricane
Supporting Sentence
: “Things have changed with developments in technology, but at the beginning of the present century, the island was again cut off from the rest of the world when, on May 23rd, 2001, a hurricane tore through the area.”
: tore, hurricane
Keyword Location
: Paragraph H, 2nd line
: the disaster that struck the area was a hurricane that caused extensive damage.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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