Collocation is an integral part of the English language that also plays an important role in the IELTS exam. Awareness and correct use of collocation can help you boost your IELTS score and give you leverage over non-native English users. Overall, accurate use of collocation in the IELTS speaking and writing section can improve your confidence when using the language among native English speakers and help you use less common lexical terms.
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When two or more words or terms are combined in a habitual juxtaposition to form a coherent sentence is called collocation. Collocations bring eloquence and accuracy. For example, a ‘vast’ ocean sounds about right and natural but a ‘big’ ocean sounds unusual and wrong. While ‘make a wish’ sounds accurate and correct; ‘ask for a wish’ sounds awkward and incorrect. For IELTS, collocations can be separated into many categories: Adverb + Adjective, Noun + Noun, Verb + Noun, Adjective or Noun, Verb + Adverb, Noun + Verb, Prep., Phrases.
Collocations for IELTS Word Subject
There are many definitions to the word ‘subject’ but in general, the word can be defined as likely to be affected by something, under the authority of sb/sth, topic or person under consideration, and area of study. For the collocation word ‘subject’, the uses can be classified as adjective and noun, which can further be divided into adjectives, verb + subject, subject + verb, subject + noun, prep., phrases etc.
‘Subject’ as Adjective
The word ‘subject’ can be used as adjectives to mean different things. Given below are some examples for better understanding:
Meaning: Be, show, seem, become
Sentence: The man became subject to the virus after getting exposed to it.
Meaning: Leave sb/sth, make sb/sth
Sentence: His recent divorce left him subject to desolation and depression.
Meaning: Increasingly, still, rather, very
Sentence: These drafted agreements are still subject to change.
Meaning: Be, become, remain, make sb/sth
Sentence: Everyone was becoming subject to the King’s wishes.
Meaning: Entirely, expressly, directly
Sentence: We are going entirely out of the current subject.
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‘Subject’ as Noun
The word ‘subject’ can be used as a noun to give different meanings to sentences. Below are some of the examples provided to comprehend the meaning better:
Meaning: Complex, vast, big
Sentence: Man does not know everything about the universe as it is a complex subject.
Meaning: Fascinating, interesting, good, excellent
Sentence: The subject of constellation fascinates me.
Meaning: Cheerful, pleasant, gloomy
Sentence: Can we talk about a more pleasant subject?
Meaning: Taboo, difficult, closed, delicate
Sentence: Talking about work should be a taboo subject outside of the workspace.
Meaning: Embarrassing
Sentence: The subject of my teenage years is filled with a series of cringy and embarrassing stories.
Meaning: Chosen
Sentence: The subject of the debate is chosen by the authorities.
Meaning: Pet
Sentence: He is private about his pet subject.
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Meaning: Debate, discuss, cover, talk about, touch on
Sentence: Discrimination is a subject I would like to touch on.
Meaning: Have a (fresh) look at, investigate, examine, look into
Sentence: We want to have a fresh look at the subject of bullying.
Meaning: Broach, get onto, bring up, raise, drop, stick to
Sentence: Don’t be afraid to broach sensitive subjects.
Meaning: Wander off, get off
Sentence: I would like to get off the subject now.
Meaning: Return to, get back to, change, avoid
Sentence: Can we return to the subject at hand?
Meaning: Come up, arise
Sentence: The subject of the refugee crisis came up in yesterday’s debate.
Meaning: Matter
Sentence: I am interested in the subject matter of this journal.
Meaning: on a/the
Sentence: While we’re on the subject, have you read the latest book by the same author?
Meaning: A range of subjects
Sentence: The psychologist touched on a wide range of subjects relevant to mental health.
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Meaning: Easy, simple, difficult, hard
Sentence: Her father’s death is a difficult subject to talk about.
Meaning: Core, compulsory, main
Sentence: The main subject for this discussion is prisoner rehabilitation.
Meaning: Optional, additional, subsidiary, special
Sentence: Many Universities offer additional elective subjects.
Meaning: Specialist, arts, science, academic
Sentence: Her academic excellence is not limited to only one subject.
Meaning: Take, offer
Sentence: What subjects are you taking for this semester?
Meaning: Fail (in), pass, drop
Sentence: She failed in one of her four subjects.
Meaning: Area
Sentence: This subject is my area of expertise.
Meaning: in a/the
Sentence: He excelled in every subject.
Meaning: A choice of subject/subjects, a range of subjects > Note at SUBJECT
Sentence: There is only a handful of psychology major electives among the range of subjects available.