Collocations for IELTS Word Question

Collegedunia Team

Nov 26, 2021

Collocations are important in the IELTS exam as it not only boosts the overall score of the candidates but also helps in speaking and writing the language as a native English speaker. IELTS applicants can speak and write like native English speakers by using proper collocations. They are important for the IELTS writing section as knowledge of collocations makes the English language sound more idiomatic and gives a natural sound to it. A candidate who uses collocations while responding or writing answers end up scoring high bands in IELTS.

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Collocation for IELTS word- “Question”

The word “Question” as a noun is understood as “a sentence that asks something”. However, it might also mean “to doubt” when used with other words as a verb. In collocations, a word can be understood concerning its all-possible meanings- as an adjective, as a noun, as a verb and with a preposition. The following article will look at the meaning of the word “question” in context to all its potential meaning.

Question as a sentence that asks something:

The word question means to ask something. The usage of question in this respect with relation to different parts of speeches are given below:

  1. Question as an Adjective:
  1. Meaning: pointed, probing, searching

Sentence: She asked her teacher a probing question.

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  1. Meaning: awkward, embarrassing, difficult

Sentence: Kathreen could not answer the difficult questions that her mother asked.

  1. Meaning: personal

Sentence: He was asked personal questions in the courtroom.

  1. Meaning: leading

Sentence: The leading questions were not asked by him.

  1. Meaning: rhetorical, hypothetical, academic

Sentence: The poetry ended with a rhetorical question.

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  1. Meaning: simple

Sentence: His simple questions annoyed his friend.

  1. Meaning: good, pertinent

Sentence: A good question can open the doorway to much new information.

  1. Meaning: silly, stupid

Sentence: He always raises silly questions to waste the time of the classroom.

  1. Meaning: straight, direct

Sentence: Her direct questions made others uncomfortable.

  1. Meaning: multiple-choice, quiz, test

Sentence: The examination had multiple-choice questions which made scoring difficult.

  1. Question as a Verb:
  1. Meaning: ask somebody

Sentence: He asked a probing question to the speaker of the session.

  1. Meaning: have

Sentence: Have you any questions for us?

  1. Meaning: put

Sentence: I would like to put a question in front of everybody to ponder.

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  1. Meaning: frame, phrase

Sentence: She framed an excellent question that impressed every person present at the conference.

  1. Meaning: bombard somebody with

Sentence: He was bombarded with endless questions.

  1. Meaning: faced

Sentence: Once proven guilty, the culprit faced a lot of questions from the media.

  1. Meaning: reply, answer

Sentence: She replied to all the questions calmly.

  1. Meaning: do

Sentence: I couldn’t do the third question in the exam.

  1. Meaning: field

Sentence: The cops fielded important questions to the eyewitnesses.

  1. Meaning: evade

Sentence: The actor successfully evaded personal questions in his interview.

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  1. Question as a Preposition:
  1. Meaning: about

Sentence: The actor refused to answer questions about her personal life.

  1. Meaning: as to

Sentence: We should not be afraid to ask the questions as to why the government passed certain bills in the country.

  1. Meaning: concerning to, relating to

Sentence: The IAS officer was asked questions relating to his involvement in the scam.

Question as an issue:

The word question also means an issue or something that needs a resolution. The collocations for it in this respect will be as follows:

  1. Question as an Adjective:
  1. Meaning: burning, challenging, difficult

Sentence: They raised the burning question of reservation in the country.

  1. Meaning: crucial, fundamental, key

Sentence: The fundamental question is what is the purpose of life?

  1. Meaning: delicate, sensitive

Sentence: It was a delicate question that could not be answered by anyone present there.

  1. Meaning: economic, political

Sentence: The political questions raised by the journalist to the minister gained a lot of attention in the press conference.

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  1. Question as a Verb:
  1. Meaning: bring up, raise

Sentence: He raised a burning question about the role of individuals to save the planet.

  1. Meaning: consider, discuss

Sentence: The employers were considering the questions asked about equal pay for equal work by the employees.

  1. Meaning: face, tackle, deal with, address

Sentence: He tackled the questions about allegations put on him very calmly.

  1. Meaning: answer

Sentence: The minister answered all the questions related to water scarcity in the area.

  1. Meaning: come to

Sentence: They came to a pivotal question in the discussion about work-life balance.

  1. Question as a Preposition:
  1. Meaning: about

Sentence: Many fundamental questions about the nature of humankind were discussed in the seminar.

  1. Meaning: for

Sentence: There were many questions for the speaker to address in the session.

  1. Meaning: of

Sentence: The questions of national security were addressed by the prime minister of the country.

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Question as doubt:

The word question can also mean to doubt. The usage of the word in this respect with relation to different parts of speeches are given below:

  1. Question as a Verb:
  1. Meaning: come into

Sentence: The government's ability to manage national security and maintain peace in the country has come into question after continuous terror attacks.

  1. Meaning: call into

Sentence: Your recent score in the mock exam calls into question whether you will be able to clear the final exam.

  1. Meaning: be open to

Sentence: The state governments ability to handle violent protests remains open to question.

  1. Question as a Preposition:
  1. Meaning: in

Sentence: His honesty is not in question as everyone knows he is a trustworthy person.

  1. Meaning: beyond

Sentence: After working for a decade in the same company, his loyalty is beyond question.

  1. Meaning: without

Sentence: That was the best day of my life without a question.

  1. Meaning: about

Sentence: There is no question about her relocating to a new city if she finds a good job opportunity.

  1. Meaning: as to

Sentence: She had some questions as to his sudden arrival at her home.

The verb form of question means to interrogate or ask something which means the action of asking will occur. This can be understood by looking at the collocation of verb questions with respect to other parts of speeches.

  1. Question as an Adjective:
  1. Meaning: closely, further

Sentence: The thief was closely questioned by the cops.

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  1. Question as a Preposition:
  1. Meaning: on

Sentence: She was questioned on her take about not having a dress code at the workplace.

  1. Meaning: in connection

Sentence: The neighbour was questioned in connection to the murder in the locality.

  1. Meaning: about

Sentence: He was questioned about his likes and dislikes on his first date.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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