Learning about collocations can improve your vocabulary and enhance your skills that will prepare you to speak with accuracy in the IELTS test. Collocation can be understood to mean two or more words or phrases used to correspond with one another to form a coherent sentence with proper meaning. For collocation to make sense, it should serve a purpose, and sound just about correct to native English speakers which otherwise usually sound strange and wrong to others. For example, we use a ‘big heart’ and not a ‘large heart’ as it sounds unusual and while the world’s ‘tallest building’ sounds right; the world’s ‘highest building’ sounds unnatural and awkward. For IELTS, collocations are classified into several groups like adverb + adjective, adjective + noun, noun + noun, noun + verb, verb + noun, verb + prep, verb + adverb.
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The word ‘quality’ in general is used to describe how good or bad something is. It is also considered a standard of measurement against things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence and mediocrity. For the collocation word ‘quality’, we will divide the uses of the word into nouns and adjectives, and further subclassify it into verbs + quality, quality + verb, quality + noun, preps., and phrases.
A noun is a word that identifies names, people, places, things; the noun ‘quality’ can be used with adjectives, verbs, prep., phrases etc. To understand the uses more profoundly, below are some of the ways in which the word ‘quality’ can be used:
As an attribute to a noun, the adjective ‘quality’ can be used to convey different meanings. Given below are some examples to highlight the meaning and uses:
Meaning: Excellent, superior, high, top, good
Sentence: The restaurant has excellent quality of cuisine selection.
Meaning: inferior, poor, low
Sentence: The leather is of inferior quality.
Meaning: Service, product
Sentence: The quality of internet service in this resort is terrible.
Meaning: Recording, sound
Sentence: They did a sound quality check before the seminar.
Meaning: Satisfactory, reasonable, sufficient
Sentence: The store offers a reasonable quality of musical instruments in a decent price range.
Meaning: Overall
Sentence: The overall quality of the dress is satisfactory.
Meaning: Air, water
Sentence: The hot humidity is affecting the quality of the air.
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A verb is a word that is used to describe the state, action, or occurrence. The word ‘quality’ can be used as given in the examples below:
Meaning: Maintain, ensure, preserve, assure
Sentence: The government should introduce regulations to maintain the current quality of air.
Meaning: Enhance, improve, raise, increase, promote
Sentence: Spices enhances the quality of the cooked dishes.
Meaning: Affect, impair, reduce, degrade
Sentence: Deforestation affected the quality of soil in the region.
Meaning: Assess, evaluate, monitor, determine, test
Sentence: They evaluate the quality of the products at the end of every month.
Meaning: Achieve, improve, deliver
Sentence: The quality of communication technology improved over time.
Meaning: Suffer, sacrifice, compromise
Sentence: Poor quality production results in the suffering of loss by the company.
Meaning: Control
Sentence: The quality of the product controls the quantity of the sale.
Meaning: Assurance
Sentence: The refrigerator came with a quality assurance card.
Meaning: Standards, assessment
Sentence: There is a certain standard of quality we need to comply with when hiring new employees.
Meaning: of…
Sentence: The quality of the neighbourhood is better than it was in the 90s.
Meaning: Quality of life
Sentence: More students are planning on studying abroad in hopes of a better quality of life.
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Characteristics of a thing or person can be described using adjectives with the word ‘quality’. Below are some examples of ‘quality’ that can be used as adjectives:
Meaning: Admirable, fine, good, desirable, great, valuable, positive
Sentence: Soldiers are men with admirable qualities.
Meaning: Negative, pessimistic
Sentence: Arrogance is a negative quality to possess.
Meaning: Redeeming
Sentence: He is a criminal who showed redeeming qualities after spending five years in prison.
Meaning: Personal, individual, private
Sentence: Respecting people’s personal space is a commendable quality.
Meaning: Inherent, innate, inborn, intrinsic
Sentence: Everyone is born with some kind of innate qualities.
Meaning: Particular, distinctive, unique, special
Sentence: Being ambitious and determined are distinctive qualities one should develop during their 20s.
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Meaning: Rare, elusive, scarce
Sentence: There is an elusive quality in the way she carries herself.
Meaning: Important, Essential
Sentence: Punctuality is an important quality for students and employees alike.
Meaning: Artistic, aesthetic, literary
Sentence: Minimalism is an aesthetic quality that is trending today.
Meaning: Moral
Sentence: Policemen with moral qualities always strive to deliver justice.
Meaning: Psychological, mental, intellectual
Sentence: Serial killers supposedly exhibit peculiar psychological qualities since their early childhood years.
Meaning: Masculine, feminine
Sentence: Sensitivity is assumed to be a feminine quality.
Meaning: Managerial, leadership
Sentence: She exhibited leadership quality through her recent climate change campaign.
Meaning: Medicinal, aphrodisiac
Sentence: The aloe vera plant is reputed to have medicinal qualities.
Meaning: Have
Sentence: I have been spending quality time with my family.
Meaning: Display, show, exhibit
Sentence: Freedom fighters displayed qualities of courage, strength and patriotism.