Collocations for IELTS Word Detail

Collegedunia Team

Dec 21, 2021

Collocation efficiency is the most significant component of vocabulary for IELTS students. Collocations help you sound more like a native speaker. Collocation is used in both task 2 and task 7 of the IELTS exam.

In English, a word can be used for different parts of speech in combination with other words to form collocations. The word ‘detail’ can be used as a noun.

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The structures formed in collocations are

  • Adjective + detail
  • Quantitative determiner + detail
  • verb + detail
  • preposition + detail
  • Phrases

Collocations for IELTS Word Detail

Meaning: any particular fact or information

Sentence: Further details of this project will be provided by the Manager.

Adjective + detail

The following table shows (adjective + detail) collocations, meaning and example sentences.

Adjective + detail Meaning Example Sentence
Little detail A small detail of something Only a little detail is available regarding the primitive people of that remote jungle.
Minor detail Detail of less importance Don’t worry much about minor details.
Small detail Trivial detail You should include even the small details in your report.
Tiny detail Very small detail Scientists have explored even the tiny details about the virus to prepare vaccines.
Considerable detail Detail which is of much importance We just want considerable details of the highway project to plant avenue trees all along.
Fine detail Detail of good quality No need to go into finer details of the incident.
Great detail Detail of eminence Explain your problem in greater detail.
Meticulous detail Very careful showing detail As a scientist, he wants meticulous details about whatever has happened in that area.
Exact detail Not approximate detail She wants the exact detail of the marriage proposal.
Precise detail Not approximate detail What is the precise detail of the plane crash?
Colourful detail Excited detail in form of drawings and colours The student has drawn a colourful detail about the working of heart.
Vivid details Detail illustrated through colourful paintings The book contains vivid details concerning the geography of the world.
Graphic detail The detail in form of a drawing or picture Show the process in graphic detail.
Sordid detail Detail about an immoral person I want the sordid details of that extremely immoral rascal.
Intimate detail Detail through a close relationship She only knows the intimate details of her husband.
Complete detail Full detail This brochure contains complete details of admission into that college.
Full detail Detail from A to Z Please give me the full details of yesterday’s event.
Bare detail Basic detail What are the barest details of your plans?
Brief detail Concise detail Give brief details of electromagnets.
Sketchy detail Not thorough or detailed They give us the sketchy details of the murder, but we want the total scene.
Essential detail Most important detail This is an essential detail made out of extensive research.
Practical detail Real detail as per the situation May I know the practical details of the research work?
Complex detail Detail connected with many different parts Don’t involve yourself in finding out complex details of the sad incident.
Intricate detail Complicated detail The intricate details of different kinds of diamonds can be studied through an electronic microscope.
Final detail End detail When will you give me the final details of your new venture?
Factual detail Detail full of facts Don’t tell lies. I want factual details of the project.
Historical detail Past recorded detail Historical details of the American and French Revolutions are very interesting.
Technical detail Detail of technical description and issues Technical details of robotics can be understood only if you know much about electronics.
Concrete detail Detail of a particular person or thin in physical form Are there any concrete details concerning her complaint?

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Quantitative determiners + detail

The following table shows (quantitative determiners + detail) collocations, meaning and example sentences.

Quant + detail Meaning Example Sentence
Point of detail Particular detail Some points of detail are missing in your report.
Wealth of detail Valuable information This book has wealth of details about American history.
Level of detail Substantial detail I don’t think that your illustrations have a sufficient level of detail.

Verb + detail

The following table shows (verb + detail) collocations, meaning and example sentences.

Verb + detail Meaning Example Sentence
Give detail Tell or write detail Don’t give technical details to the client.
Go into detail Dig into detail I don’t want to go into details at this juncture.
Provide detail Give detailed information Details of preparing the document are set out hereunder.
Send detail Pass on detail Please send details about yourself in the mail.
Supply detail Pass on detail Along with your products, please supply details on how to operate them.
Layout detail Plan in detail The scholar has laid out details of the science behind the magic tricks.
Lay something out in detail Plan in detail I have laid the report out in detail within a few hours of work.
Set out detail Fix something in detail Set out details concerning the booklet.
Set something out in detail Fix something in detail They have set the programme out in detail.
Spell out detail Disclose detail Don’t hesitate. Please spell out details.
Spell something out in detail Disclose detail She has spelt the event out in detail with a lot of patience.
Establish detail Confirm details Your work will establish details on the disease.
Finalise detail Conclude details We have to finalise the details in today’s meeting.
Work out detail Solve something in detail Please work out the details of the project at least by tomorrow evening.
Work something out in detail Solve something in detail In the seminar, we have to work the procedure out in detail.
Disclose detail Reveal detail Don’t disclose the details of our secret plans before anyone.
Pass on detail Supply detail As much as possible, please pass on details to every member of the association.
Release detail Publish detail When will you release details about the programme?
Find out detail Research to know the detail I would like to find out the details of the menu.
Enter detail Fill in detail You have entered all your details in the application form, before pressing the submit button.
Show detail Disclose detail The bill shows the details of the items purchased for the garden work.
Take detail Enter or record detail She has taken all the details of my work experience.
Check detail Verify detail Check the details of the scheme before you put money in it.
Record detail Take detail The traffic cameras record every minute detail of the traffic movement on the road.
Be lacking in detail Without detail The speech of the political leader is exhorting, but lacking in detail.
Lack detail Without detail The entire report lacks details.

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Preposition + detail

The following table shows (preposition + detail) collocations, meaning and example sentences.

Preposition + detail Meaning Example Sentence
For details Place of detail For further details, contact through our email address.
In detail About detail They have not studied the crash in detail yet.
Over the detail On certain issue He is arguing over the details of the hidden agenda.
Detail about Concerning detail I would like to disclose details about the attack in the morning hours.
Detail on Detail about topic For more detail on how to apply for the job, please turn over this leaf.

Phrases with detail

The following table shows (Phrases with detail) collocations, meaning and example sentences.

Phrases Meaning Example Sentence
Attention to detail Keep concentration on detail Your project report will be accepted if there is attention to detail.
Down to the last detail Showing care to detail The probe on the mars has been launched to explore down to the last detail.
Every last detail Discussing all things in a group We can remember every last detail of yesterday’s incident.
An eye for detail Good noticing everything Our past writers had an excellent eye for detail.
Full of detail Including all details The content is full of detail and diagrams.
A lack of detail Without detail The thesis has been rejected for its lack of details.
Discuss detail Thoroughly talking about details I cannot discuss the details of the secret contract.
Negotiate detail Discuss fully to solve an issue They were negotiating the details of the project to stop losses.
Fill somebody in on the detail To give information about a particular topic I shall fill you in on the details about the water supply tomorrow.
Spare somebody detail Don’t tell any more I am very much vexed. Please spare me the details.
Contain details Possess details The article contains the full details of the massive plantation.
Have details Contain details The editorials have full details of the scam.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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