A combination of two or more words that move collectively is known as Collocation. Collocations often contain two or more words that go together. IELTS Collocation is a word that stands together. We always use collocation, so learning and using it will make it sound more natural.
What is the use of collocation with “demand”?
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What are the examples of Collocation with the word Demand?
Collocation with the word Demand can be placed as adjective, adverb, verb, noun, phrases, etc. Following are some collocations with the word “Demand”.
Demand as an adjective
Adjective + Demand
Meaning: fewer consumers want to buy/ low willingness to purchase
Sentence: High prices of handicraft items led to low demand for the items.
Sentence: There's a low demand for cars as the price of petrol is skyrocketing.
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Meaning: high willingness to purchase
Sentence: A recent study found out that despite the price, salt is in high demand in Asia.
Sentence: The popularity of Apple products always helps them to achieve high demand among the consumers.
Demand as a Verb
Verb + Demand
Meaning: Attract customers to buy the products
Sentence: The shops are providing discounts to the consumer to generate demand.
Meaning: to predict
Sentence: It is difficult to forecast demand in the food industry, as it fluctuates.
Meaning: To boost
Sentence: Factory workers are working overtime to stimulate demand for the product.
Meaning: to handle
Sentence: Rubber factory faced a huge loss as policies aimed at managing demand were incorrect.
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Meaning: fulfill the want
Sentence: The Corporation enlarged the manufacturing of toys to meet demand in the future.
Demand expression with a preposition
Meaning: Desired
Sentence: Vintage clothes are still in demand in the fashion industry.
Sentence: Winter wear is in demand in the winter season.
Sentence: Electronic toys are in demand among children.
Sentence: Inflation rates have reduced product demand among people.
Sentence: Recent pandemic has increased the demand for wellness products.
Sentence: India is seeing a high demand for hospital beds, due to viral fever.
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Sentence: Eco-friendly products are a common demand from consumers in recent years.
Sentence: Asha always demands from her friend.
Sentence: The clothes section in the mall is in demand by customers.
Sentence: A local plastic factory was shut down on demand by its neighbouring residents.
Demand with an adverb
Meaning: To ask something in a forceful manner
Sentence: Where is the towel?’ he demanded aggressively.
Meaning: To ask something without affection
Sentence: He coldly demanded soup from the restaurant manager.
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Demand as a Phrase
Meaning: To easily accept someone’s order
Sentence: Sheela was a headstrong person and she never used to Bow to someone’s demands.
Meaning: availability and the want of consumers for a product
Sentence: A gap between supply and demand can cause loss for the industry.
Meaning: to put pressure or to expect from someone
Sentence: It is easier to make demands from parents than strangers.