Collocations for IELTS Word A Sign Of

Bhaskar Das

Apr 4, 2022

Learning new words as part of collocation is far more successful than learning single words on their own in terms of expanding our IELTS vocabulary. Collocations are an important aspect of enhancing English level and IELTS score. Collocations help candidates write and talk more like a native speaker. Examiners check the IELTS vocabulary and IELTS grammar in the IELTS test.

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Collocations for IELTS A Sign Of
Verb+Sign of

  1. Use the correct form of these verbs:
find see show
  1. The tyres on my car are beginning to______signs of wear. I’ll need to replace them soon.

Answer: show
Showing signs of something means that there is an indication of something that exists or will happen.In the above sentence, the tyres on the car are beginning to show signals or signs of wear. Hence, show is the correct answer.

  1. We must stick to our original plan. Any change of policy will be______as a sign of weakness.

Answer: see(seen)
In the above sentence, the person says that they must stick to their original plan because any policy change will be considered/ looked or seen as a sign of weakness. Hence, seen is the correct answer.

  1. The detectives searched the house from top to bottom, but they______no sign of the stolen goods.

Answer: find(found)
Found or find means to discover something. In the above sentence, the detectives searched the house but could not find any signs of stolen goods. Hence, found is the correct answer.

(Be) a sign of

  1. Match the two halves of these sentences:
1. A fall in unemployment is one sign of a. rain
2. Spelling words incorrectly is a common sign of b. strength, not weakness
3. A heavy, dark sky is a sign of c. a growing economy
4. Admitting you’ve made a mistake is a sign of d. dyslexia
5. Sore muscles and a headache are usually the first signs of e. a misspent youth!
6. People say that being a good pool player is usually a sign of f. the flu
  1. A fall in unemployment is one sign of

Answer: c. a growing economy
As per the above statement, the fall of unemployment is the symbol or indication or sign of a growing economy. As unemployment falls, it means more people are getting jobs, which in turn grows the economy. Hence, it is the correct answer.

  1. Spelling words incorrectly is a common sign of

Answer: d. dyslexia
Dyslexia is a learning disorder which involves difficulty in spelling words. Hence, spelling words incorrectly is a common symptom or sign of dyslexia.

Read More IELTS Collocation Related Articles

  1. A heavy, dark sky is a sign of

Answer: a.rain
We all know that before rain comes, there are always dark and heavy clouds. Hence, as per the sentence, a heavy and dark sky is a sign of or an indication of rain.

  1. Admitting you’ve made a mistake is a sign of

Answer: b. strength, not weakness
It is believed that one should own up to their mistakes. As per the above sentence, admitting that someone has made a mistake is a sign of strength, not weakness. Hence, this is the correct answer.

  1. Sore muscles and a headache are usually the first signs of

Answer: f. the flu
In the above sentence, it is stated that sore muscles and headache are few symptoms of or first signs of flu or fever. Sore muscles or headache occurs before flu. Hence, it is the correct answer.

  1. People say that being a good pool player is usually a sign of

Answer: e. a misspent youth!
Misspent means foolishly, wrongfully spending time and money. In other words, it can also be called wasting time and money. As per the above sentence, being a good pool player is usually when youth spend money and time but that does not come to use. Hence, it is a sign of misspent youth.

Sign of+Noun

  1. Complete the sentences with these words:
having improvement trouble
times giving in emotion
  1. She’s such a cold fish. I have rarely seen her display any sign of______.

Answer: emotion
Cold fish means a person who stays aloof from others and does not show much emotion or interest. In the above statement, the person is a cold fish as she was rarely seen displaying signs of emotion. The word cold fish and emotion always go together. Hence, it is the correct answer.

  1. At last, her work is showing some signs of______.

Answer: improvement
Improvement means to be a better version. In the above sentence, her work will show either signs or indications of improvement or failure. As per the choice of words, improvement fits the statement, making it the correct answer.

  1. The police have shown no signs of______to the kidnappers’ demands.

Answer: giving in
Giving in means to surrender. In the above sentence, the police did not show signs of submitting in front of the demands of the kidnapper. Hence, giving in is the correct answer.

  1. I’m afraid she’s showing the first signs of______the disease. We’ll need to start treatment.

Answer: having
In the above sentence, the person in discussion is showing signs or indications that she has the disease. This is the reason treatment should start. Hence, having the disease is the correct answer.

  1. Make sure you call the police at the first sign of______.

Answer: trouble
Trouble means danger or something dangerous that is about to happen. Hence, as per the above sentence, police should be called when we sense some danger or trouble.

  1. Rising crime is just a sign of the______!

Answer: times
As per the above sentence, the rise in crime is a symbol or sign of the time. As per the choice of word, time here means the time that we are living in and hence, makes time the most suitable answer.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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