Collocation of IELTS Word- Result

Collegedunia Team

Nov 12, 2021

In the academic spectrum of IELTS, collocations are described as words that may carry their own weights and meanings individually but when taken in a bundle they pass over a better sense of meaning and understanding like just for a case, we say, ‘it was a great pleasure meeting you” but not “it was a big pleasure meeting you” as it might sound obnoxious.

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Talking about IELTS the collocations are widely densely branched into many of its categories and sub-categories which include, adverb+adjective, adjective + noun, noun + noun, and more. Collocations play an important role in IELTS writing. Let us dive deep into the collocations of the word “result”. The various collocations are broadly categorized over the meaning they hold and what kind of sense they will produce in their phrase. Similarly, we will be looking over the collocations of the word “result” over its meanings which are as followed below.

Collocation of IELTS Word- Result.


The word chance have mainly two meanings one as something caused by something else or as the information gathered after performing a certain set of procedures or activities.


Here we take the first meaning as mentioned above of the word chance that is ‘after effects’

Meaning: Positive affirmations/good- Excellent, awesome, mind-blowing, satisfactory, in favor, positive, to the mark, and many more.


1) Principal sir is impressed by the mind-blowing results of you guys in the football match last evening.
2) You guys are so fabulous we got such a satisfactory result in the semester-ending project markings.
3) All the hard work you guys have put into this will only result in favorable results for our company.

Meaning: Negative affirmations/bad- Negative, disastrous, catastrophic, disappointing, and many more.


1) By taking into consideration the current form of our cricket team, the end results look really disappointing.
2) As the pattern of weather and the demand in the market is growing exponentially I fear the results will be catastrophic.
3) The growing corruption and fraud in our country will give us nothing except disastrous results for our country’s economy.

Meaning: Final output/endpoints- Overall, end, final tip, end, overall, and others


1) After checking all that we made the overall results are not that up to the mark.


Meaning: Tangible, crystal clear, blurred, contrasted, complicated-


1) These reports show that you have some complicated and pretty tangible results in your overall academic progress.

Also, Check:


Here we will be looking into the collocations of the word “result” through its aisle meaning that is the obtained resources and information we got to capture after some certain set of activities.

  • RESULT as an adjective-

Meaning: Useful/beneficial- Encouraging, pleasing, soothing, peaceful, blissful, beneficial-


1) After all the sleepless nights, we finally received a soothing result.
2) Nothing can cater to the success hunger more than an encouraging result itself.

Meaning: Not good/bad- Disappointing, poor, unsatisfactory, not good enough, inconclusive


1) Due to disappointing results of the previous semester and year-end we have to stop this process with immediate effects.
2) The unsatisfactory results have not only defrosted our plans but also have shaken our minds.

Meaning: Surprising/not expected- Startling, not expected


1) They not only outshined everyone else but also produced some unreal and startling results.
2) No one would believe such out-of-the-box ideas could produce such unexpected results.

Meaning: Not complete/within the process- Initial, interim, preliminary


1) Making any statement on such interim results won’t do justice.
2) Preliminary results can’t guarantee you anything for the upcoming future.

  • RESULT use as a verb-

VERBS that are used adjacent word “Result”

Meaning: Showcase result/publish outcome- Announce, give, present, disseminate, publish, release, report, and show\


1) The school authorities have published the results on the center announcement board.
2) We are supposed to present the whole term achievements and failures report by the end of today.

Meaning: To analyze the result and outcomes- Evaluate, collate, discuss, assess, review, interpret


1) By going through the trend of recent activities performed by the audit officer, I think they are very keen on interpreting a negative report.
2) We have to evaluate all the research papers and results and have to come up with the best possible solution to increase the profits.

Meaning: To produce results- Produce, yield, outcast, generate, return, give


1) Going out local and finding projects that proudly go hand in hand with making in projects can yield us better results.
2) To generate outstanding results that can stand strong and tall, firm will with a lot of hard work is all that is required.

Meaning: Obtain results- Get, see obtain


1) I would like to give all credits to the new interns that we are boosting and getting such profound results in so little time.
2) As we have seen the growth graph of our company is going downwards and to get what we deserve and obtain our results, we have to give our all.

VERBS that are used as follow of the world result-

Meaning: Indicate,demonstrate,highlights,imply,reflect,improve,confirm,show,

suggest, reveal, imply, confirm, relate, report, prove,


1) The results or the ongoing research clearly show that different minds have a huge amount of variations in their functions and working procedures.
2) The exit poll results clearly demonstrate that the chances of us winning the elections this session is very slight, not only this but also highlights our faults.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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