Collocation For IELTS Word Way

Collocations are an important aspect of enhancing your English level and increasing your IELTS score. Collocations help you write and talk more like a native speaker, and they're one of the things examiners check for when grading your tests. Learning new words as part of collocation is far more successful than learning single words on their own in terms of expanding our IELTS vocabulary.

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Collocation For IELTS Word Way

  1. Verb + way

Use the correct form of these verbs:

admire change criticise look at see
develop keep out of make lose push
  1. The committee is always ____________ new ways to improve the services the club provides.

Answer: looking at
Here looked at refers to glance, stare. The committee looked for new ways to enhance the services.

  1. I wasn’t pleased when she ____________ the way I ran the office. I felt her comments were so unfair.

Answer: criticised
Here criticised refers to finding a fault. The speaker was not pleased with the way services were run in the office.

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  1. The internet has ____________ the way we do business. In fact, it has revolutionized it.

Answer: changed
Changed here means altered, modified. Internet services have brought a revolution in the business.

  1. This job has to be completed today, but I can’t ____________ any way of finishing it before five.

Answer: see
See here refers to looking into something. The task was concluded, still, the speaker was not looking to finish before five.

  1. I ____________ the way she carried on when she had no chance of winning the race.

Answer: admired
Here admired means applauded, praised. In the above sentence, the speaker talks about how she praised the participants of the race, who had no chance to win.

  1. We’re trying to ____________ new ways of treating people for depression without the use of drugs.

Answer: develop
Here develop means to create or produce something. The speaker was trying to create new ways to cure people with drug depression.

  1. If you ____________ your way, just use your mobile.

Answer: lose
Here lose refers to fail or denounce. The speakers suggest using the map on the phone while losing the way

  1. I think it’s best if you ____________ Rachel’s way for a while. She’s fairly annoyed with you.

Answer: keep out of
Here keep out refers to resist, keep away, keep off. The above sentence states that Rachel was requested by the speaker to keep away for a while.

  1. After driving through miles of forest, we ____________ our way past some incredibly beautiful lakes.

Answer: made
Here made means created, constructed. The above sentence states that driving miles through the forest a lake has been constructed. Hence made is the correct answer.

  1. Just ____________ your way to the front of the queue!

Answer: push
Push refers to force, compel. Here the sentence refers to forcing the queue to move.

Go back and underline all the verb collocations.

  1. Common adjective collocations

Use these adjectives in the sentences:

efficient hard novel
proper one sure various
  1. Why do you insist on doing things the ____________ way? Life is difficult enough!

Answer: hard
Hard means difficult, painful. The above sentence, the speaker is asking someone why he chooses difficult ways in life.

  1. We looked at ____________ ways of solving the problem, but they were all unsatisfactory.

Answer: various
Here various means miscellaneous, different. In the above sentence, the speaker said that they looked at the ways of solving the problems.

  1. E-mail provides an ____________ way of communicating with people that’s fast and cheap.

Answer: efficient
Here efficient means well-organized, methodological. The sentence states that e-mail has made communication easier.

  1. Keeping a cow in the garden is certainly a ____________ way of keeping the grass short!

Answer: novel
Novel means holy. Here keeping a cow is considered novel.

  1. There is only ____________ way of getting him to tidy his room and that is to pay him to do it!

Answer: one sure
One sure here means certainly. As per the above sentence, the only way or the one sure way of getting him to tidy the room is to pay for it.

  1. The ____________ way to lay the table is something you learn from your parents. I can’t understand why some people don’t have a clue how to do it!

Answer: proper
Proper in the above context means valid or correct. Here, the correct/ proper way to lay a table is learned from parents. Since parents have the experience, children can learn the correct ways from them.

Go back and underline all the collocations above.

  1. Way ( manner of doing something)

Use these adjectives in the sentences:

disgusting leisurely meaningful
great possible shoddy
  1. When you tell Philip that you don’t want to go out with him, please try to do it in the nicest ____________ way. You don’t want to hurt him.

Answer: possible
Here possible refers to potential, probable. The above sentence states that Philip has the potential to be the nicest one.

  1. Did you see the ____________ way she ate her food? Some people have no table manners!

Answer: disgusting
Here gross, awful is the meaning of the word. She ate in a very awful manner.

  1. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow in a ____________ way, but I’m not sure what he was trying to say to me.

Answer: meaningful
Here meaningful, noteworthy, significant. He raised eyebrows to take notice of a noteworthy thing.

  1. There was no rush, so we walked through the park in a____________ way.

Answer: leisurely
Here leisurely means unhurried, relaxed. In the above sentence, it states that the park is open for a walk and there is no rush.

  1. They didn’t even explain why they were sacking her after 40 years working for them! In my opinion, that’s a pretty ____________ way to treat an employee.

Answer: shoddy
Here the word shoddy refers to poor quality, inferior. In the above sentence, it is stated that people were sacked after 40 years without an explanation, and this is poor quality treatment towards them.

  1. We went on this fantastic trip to Lake Victoria. It was a ____________ way to end our holiday.

Answer: great
Here the word great means generous, plentiful. The sentence above states that the trip to Lake Victoria was a generous experience for the speaker. Hence great is the correct answer.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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