As is evident from the word itself collocation is - Co means together and location means whereabouts, this means Collocation is about a group of words that are located together. The collocation of a word in the English language refers to its grouping with other words(s) which when read/spoken together sound just right to native English speakers. In the IELTS assessment, collocation is employed in both task 2 and task 7. For example, long-range planning refers to a plan for a long period of time and the phrase long-time planning to convey the same is incorrect.
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Generally, there is no rationale behind collocation but it helps with fluency in English. It’s to be noted that Strong Collocation are those words which will go together in almost every case and not using such collocations will end up making your sentence funny and non-comprehensible to native English speakers.
Truth as a word can denote two possible meanings – ‘what is true’ and ‘a fact that is true’.
The word Truth can be used to refer to ‘what is true’ and the following examples contain the word ‘Truth’ as an indicator of ‘What is true’ –
Truth as an Adjective
Here, the word ‘Truth’ is qualified by such adjectives as are indicative of ‘What is true’ –
Meaning: absolute, gospel
Sentence: People must know the absolute truth of the matter.
Meaning: honest
Sentence: The Honest truth might sound bitter to some people.
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Meaning: real
Sentence: Investigation will help real truth come to light.
Meaning: full, whole
Sentence: The teacher demanded to know the whole truth.
Meaning: underlying
Sentence: The underlying truth of societal ethics is difficult to comprehend.
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Meaning: exact, literal
Sentence: What I am giving you is the literal truth.
Meaning: divine
Sentence: The divine truth is often revealed in scriptures.
Meaning: naked, plain, simple
Sentence: All they wanted was the simple truth.
Meaning: awful, bitter, cruel, dreadful, hard, harsh, horrible, horrid, painful, sad, shocking, terrible, unpalatable, unpleasant, unwelcome
Sentence: Disinhibition is the shocking truth of our society.
Meaning: empirical, historical, moral, poetic, psychological, religious, scientific, spiritual
Sentence: Climate Change is a scientific truth that needs urgent attention.
Truth as a Verb
Truth is used with the verbs in either of these two forms –
Meaning: admit, speak, tell [subject]
Sentence: It is difficult to tell him the truth.
Meaning: guess
Sentence: Can you guess the truth?
Meaning: know
Sentence: Don’t worry, I know the truth.
Meaning: conceal, cover up, hide, suppress
Sentence: Accomplices of the convict were able to hide the truth.
Meaning: establish, discover, find out, get at, learn, reveal, uncover
Sentence: It takes years to establish the truth in Judiciary.
Meaning: doubt
Sentence: Do you doubt the truth of this matter?
Meaning: accept, acknowledge, face (up to)
Sentence: I am glad you acknowledged the truth.
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Meaning: be, lie
Sentence: The truth of this belief lies in its philosophy.
Meaning: dawn on [subject]
Sentence: The truth of his bad grades is yet to dawn on him.
Meaning: come out, emerge
Sentence: The truth will come out sooner or later.
Truth as a Quant.
Meaning: element, grain
Sentence: There is no element of truth in what she has said so far.
Truth as Preposition
The word Truth is used with following four prepositions –
Meaning: about
Sentence: The truth about her was severely distorted.
Meaning: in
Sentence: There is no truth in this argument.
Meaning: behind
Sentence: The truth behind this scandal is not known to anyone.
Meaning: in –
Sentence: Fashion industry is lucrative but is, in truth, highly exploitative.
Truth as a Phrase
there are four ways in which the word ‘truth’ can be used within a Phrase and they are -
Meaning: be economical with the truth, couldn’t be further from the truth [i.e., not telling the whole truth]
Sentence: This biography couldn’t be further from the truth.
Meaning: the truth will out
Sentence: Let the investigations go on, the truth will out.
Meaning: the seeker after Truth
Sentence: Mahatma Gandhi was the seeker after truth.
Meaning: the truth of the matter
Sentence: we don’t know the truth of the matter yet.
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Truth as “a fact that is true”
Truth as an Adjective
The word ‘Truth’ is qualified by following adjectives when it conveys a fact that is true –
Meaning: basic, central, common, essential, eternal, fundamental, general, great, important, profound, simple, ultimate, universal
Sentence: Spirituality is the fundamental truth of life.
Meaning: harsh, home, painful, unpalatable, unpleasant, unwelcome
Sentence: she needs to confront the painful truths of her past.
Meaning: ancient
Sentence: In these ruins lies the ancient truth of Mayan civilization.
Meaning: underlying
Sentence: Some underlying truth should never be discovered.
Meaning: obvious, self-evident, undeniable
Sentence: Shamim finally saw the undeniable truth in front of him.
Meaning: half, partial
Sentence: The politician’s speech was a mix of partial truths and empty promises.
Meaning: necessary
Sentence: There is no such thing as a necessary truth.
Meaning: moral, philosophical, scientific, spiritual
Sentence: Meditation is the way to spiritual truth.
Meaning: divine
Sentence: Holy scriptures reveal divine truth.
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Truth with a Verb
Truth is used along with a verb that refers to a fact that is true in the form where the word truth is preceded by the Verb –
Meaning: tell [subject]
Sentence: Roy prompted Nilesh to tell him the truth.
Meaning: establish, reveal, uncover
Sentence: Paul will be able to reveal the truth.
Meaning: accept, acknowledge, face (up to)
Sentence: Karunesh was not able to accept the truth.
Truth as a Preposition
The word truth where it conveys a fact that is true, is used with only preposition –
Meaning: about
Sentence: The truth about history is known to few.