Collocations refer to two or three words that are commonly placed together. There may not always be grammatical reasons for it. The usage of these words might have become acceptable due to long term usage.
Collocations are important for boosting scores in IELTS. The examiner judges the candidate’s language efficiency through the usage of collocations. It helps the candidate speak or write like a native English speaker. It is the most essential in the IELTS speaking section. Correct usage of collocations by the candidate in the writing section would help them achieve better bands.
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Collocations for IELTS Word - Time
Collocations for IELTS are divided into many categories based on the parts of speech like adverb+adjective, adjective+noun, noun+noun, etc. Below, we would be exploring the collocations for the word ‘Time’.
The word ‘Time’ can be both understood as a noun or as a verb. When noun, the word ‘Time’ means the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. When verbs, the word ‘Time’ means a future plan or a schedule. The meaning of the word might change slightly from context to context. For example, the word when used in the context of medicine, it means a period of menstruation or pregnancy. If the word is used in the context of sports, it means a break within a game or a time when the game stops momentarily.
Time (Noun) : What is measured in minutes, hours or days, etc.
Time + Verb
Meaning: Elapse, go by, pass
Sentence: As time elapsed, so did the memory of the accident
Meaning: Fly
Sentence: Aunt Lily exclaimed as she saw her nephew getting married at the altar, “Time flies!”
Meaning: Drag
Sentence: Every student feels the time to be dragging during the exam season
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Meaning: Heal
Sentence: There is no deeper wound that time cannot heal.
‘Time’ as Preposition
Meaning: In
Sentence: Little did the troop know that the truth about Marshall would be revealed in time.
Meaning: Over
Sentence: Over time, the small restaurant became the talk of the town.
Meaning: Through
Sentence: Walking into the Empire State Building is a travel through time.
‘Time’ in Phrases
Meaning: The mists of time
Sentence: The secrets of the chamber were lost in the mists of time.
Time (Noun) : Time shown on a clock
‘Time’ as Adjective
Meaning: Good, Perfect
Sentence: Samantha realized that it was the perfect time to place her bets for the house.
Meaning: Local
Sentence: The board members were informed that the meeting would take place at 8 am local time.
Meaning: British Summer, Greenwich mean, etc.
Sentence: During the British Summer time, the mornings have one hour less daylight and the evenings one hour more.
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Verb + Time
Meaning: Tell
Sentence: Would you please tell me what time it is?
Meaning: Have
Sentence: Have you got some time to discuss the incident yesterday?
Meaning: Make
Sentence: Aldrin was instructed to make time for Betty’s training as a violinist.
Meaning: Look at
Sentence: Would you look at the time?!
Meaning: Keep
Sentence: The coach instructed the boy to keep time David took to complete his 100m sprint.
‘Time’ as Preposition
Meaning: Ahead of, behind
Sentence: The construction project was two months behind the schedule.
‘Time’ in Phrases
Meaning: This time tomorrow
Sentence: Adam realized that this time tomorrow he would be heading down to the east coast.
Meaning: Time in/of
Sentence: The winters are considered to be the best time of the year in the Aldrin family.
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Time (Noun) : Time when something happens or should happen
‘Time’ as Adjective
Meaning: Peak
Sentence: It was the peak time to invest in stocks.
Meaning: Closing, Opening
Sentence: The guests were escorted out as it was the closing time of the store.
Meaning: Arrival, departure
Sentence: The arrival time for the flight was at 10 PM.
Verb + Time
Meaning: Fix, set
Sentence: The meeting was fixed at 12:30 PM.
Time + Verb
Meaning: Come
Sentence: Almost every couple changes their mind about children when the time comes.
‘Time’ as Preposition
Meaning: Ahead of
Sentence: The film produced was well ahead of its time.
Meaning: Behind
Sentence: Jordan was behind time in making progress in his project
Meaning: By the
Sentence: By the time the family decided to change their order, the food was served.
Meaning: In
Sentence: The students reached the corridor in time to witness the fight.
Meaning: On
Sentence: The file was submitted on time.
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Time (Noun) : Amount of time
‘Time’ as Adjective
Meaning: Considerable, long
Sentence: After the incident, for a long time Peppy did not leave her room.
Meaning: Little, short
Sentence: Though it lasted for a short time, the relationship that they shared was beautiful.
Meaning: Reasonable
Sentence: Nora waited for a reasonable amount of time to reel back from her business failure.
Meaning: Precious
Sentence: One should not waste the precious time of life.
Meaning: Idle, free, leisure, spare
Sentence: In her leisure time, Daisy was known to knit sweaters for her pet cat.
Meaning: Journey, travel, traveling
Sentence: It is not the destination that one enjoys, it is the time spent on the journey that matters.
Meaning: Lead, waiting
Sentence: Long lead time is what kills the customer base of a business.
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Verb + Time
Meaning: Have
Sentence: I have got no time to hear any nonsense anymore.
Meaning: Give
Sentence: Give me some time to fix the problem.
Meaning: Take
Sentence: Mrs. Sen was advised to take some time off her hectic work schedule.
Meaning: Spend
Sentence: Parents always yearn to spend more time with their children.
Meaning: Kill, pass, while away, fritter away, idle away
Sentence: The group played scrabbles to kill time at hand.
Meaning: Devote, put
Sentence: The team decided to devote their entire time into the project.
Meaning: Allow
Sentence: The panel did not allow time to the team to explain the making of the product.
Meaning: Find, make
Sentence: One should make more time to pursue their hobby.
Meaning: Wait
Sentence: The wait time for the train was 10 minutes.
Meaning: Gain, save
Sentence: Frida advised that taking the subway would help save the travel time.
Meaning: Waste, lose, run out of
Sentence: The teacher in the class barked at her students to not waste anymore time and complete the assignment.
Meaning: Be pressed of, shot of, be out of, play for
Sentence: The bakers were pressed for time as the orders for wedding cakes came pouring in.
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Time + Verb
Meaning: Be up, run out
Sentence: Randall ran out of time before he could touch the end point.
Time + Noun
Meaning: Period, scale, span, limit, lag
Sentence: The time limit given was less than what was required.
Time as Verb
‘Time’ as Adjective
Meaning: Beautifully, conveniently, well
Sentence: The campaign launch was well timed according to the social situation.
Meaning: Perfectly, to perfection
Sentence: The end of the dance recital was perfectly timed to match the sunset.
Meaning: Badly, carefully
Sentence: The schedule for the program was carefully timed to meet the guest needs.
‘Time’ as Preposition
Meaning: For
Sentence: For the time being, it was decided to put the issue on the back burner.
‘Time’ in Phrases
Meaning: Be timed to coincide with
Sentence: The movie is timed to coincide with the wedding of the lead actors.