Collocation for IELTS is necessary, for the candidates to boost their scores as well as to speak and write like a native ENGLISH speaker. Collocations for IELTS help in developing vocabulary. The usage in writing responses will help in achieving better bands.
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The study of languages states, a collocation means, “series of words or terms that co-occur more than it would be expected by chance”. Moreover, collocations are essential for the candidates which are facing issues in the IELTS writing as well as speaking section.
What are Collocations?
There are mainly 06 types of collocations;
Topic: Collocation for IELTS word - INFORMATION
The word ‘INFORMATION’ means; knowledge or facts about someone or something,
Sentence: To collect information you need to gain data from the internet, newspaper etc.
“Adjectives” used with word INFORMATION-
There are some common adjectives that are frequently used with the word INFORMATION, these are as follows:
More: additional, further, more, new, supplementary: giving further or additional information about something,
Sentence: for further information you can contact our editor.
Meaning: Correct: accurate, correct, precise, reliable: providing evidence related to the information provided,
Sentence: the author is providing evidence information for the facts.
Incorrect: erroneous, false, inaccurate, incorrect, misleading,
Sentence: you must not provide false information to the police.
Also, Check:
Meaning: Recent/not recent: new, out-of-date, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute,
Sentence: this is the out of date information.
Sentence: let me provide you some background information on this case.
Meaning: Useful: pertinent, relevant, valuable,
Sentence: this notice will provide the detailed information about the bus route.
Sentence: this advertisement provides basic information about the product.
Secret: classified, confidential, inside, sensitive,
Sentence: this information is confidential, that’s why it can’t be shared.
Sentence: the available information is not enough.
Sentence: this book is only for factual Information, not for analysis.
Meaning: Detailed: detailed, in-depth,
Sentence: More detailed information can be found on the college’s websites.
Complete or enough/not complete or enough: complete, comprehensive, full, incomplete, insufficient, sufficient,
Sentence: We do not have enough information about the topic yet.
“Verbs” used with word; INFORMATION-
There are some common verbs that are frequently used with the word INFORMATION, these are as follows:
Meaning: Have, possess-
Sentence: the police are appealing for witnesses who may have any INFORMATION in connection with the crime.
Meaning: Need, require-
Sentence: if you require any information regarding, please feel free to contact.
Meaning: Communicate, convey, disclose, divulge, give, provide, supply, transmit-
Sentence: editor will provide information regarding the same.
Meaning: Tell private or secret or leak -
Sentence: the authorities leaked the information.
Meaning: Access, acquire, elicit, extract, find, get, glean, obtain, receive, retrieve-
Sentence: to access further information contact local authority.
Meaning: Appeal for, ask for, request -
Sentence: Click on this link to request information about the courses available.
Meaning: Gather, look for, search for, seek -
Sentence: The researcher moved from place to place, seeking information about the unknown material.
Meaning: Contain-
Sentence: this book contains information about physics.
Meaning: Update-
Sentence: students who registered for essay writing may update information at any time.
Meaning: Process-
Sentence: the internet processes all the information by satellite from all over the world.
Meaning: Analyze, interpret -
Sentence: an interpreter interprets the information for further decisions.
Meaning: Keep, store-
Sentence: the directory stores the private information that isn’t accessible to others.
“Nouns” used before the word; INFORMATION-
There are some common nouns that are frequently used with the word INFORMATION, these are as follows:
Meaning: Piece, snippet-
Sentence: it was an important piece of information, or
Sentence: the interview became more interesting after he discloses snippet information of his personal life.
Meaning: Large amount, wealth-
Sentence: this book gives a wealth of information about babies.
Sentence: this book is the most useful source of information for this project.
Things to remember-
For example-
Sentence: Consumers can find INFORMATIONs about products and services---is wrong.
Sentence: Consumers can find INFORMATION about products and services---is correct.
For example-
Sentence: The website provides an INFORMATION about courses---Is wrong.
Sentence: The website provides a great deal of INFORMATION about courses---is correct.