Collocation For IELTS Word Impression

In the IELTS writing section, there are several skills that are required to be mastered by an individual to write appropriate native English. One of the major skills in this activity accounts for usage of appropriate collocations for boosting their score. Using proper collocation in sentences can add impressive IELTS writing skills and can add weightage to an individual paper. We can understand the concept of collocation by taking an example of the word Impression.

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Collocation For Ielts Word Impression

The first meaning of the word impression is an idea, feeling, or opinion towards someone or something. These opinions are formed without conscious thought or on the basis of small evidence. The meaning of the word impression has several uses. To understand the use of the word Impression with its implied meaning, it is important to dwell deep and have an Insight into the usage.

The first usage of the above-mentioned word Impression is with a verb.

Verb + Impression

Choose the correct verb in each sentence:

  1. When I was introduced to Jill, I did my best to be friendly, but I _______________ the impression that she just wanted to be left alone. (got / gave)

Answer: got
The above-mentioned sentence is trying to convey that an individual has a framed impression about something. Thus, got is the appropriate answer. 

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  1. It’s important to _____________ a good impression when you meet a new customer. (get / create)

Answer: create

Explanation: The above-mentioned sentence is trying to convey that there is a necessity to build or establish a well-behaved impression. Thus, create is the appropriate word.

  1. During the interview, I watched and listened to the candidate and I ____________ the impression that she didn’t really want the job. (formed / faced)

Answer: formed

Explanation: The above-mentioned sentence is trying to convey that an interviewer by the body language of an interviewee established an expression of her not being interested in the job. Thus, formed is the appropriate word to complete the sentence. 

  1. Don’t get me wrong, but I ____________ the impression that you’re finding the class a bit easy. (have / feel)

Answer: have

Explanation: The above-mentioned statement is trying to convey that an individual is well-introduced to a particular class or session. 

  1. Remember that it ____________ a bad impression if you’re late for an interview. (makes / gets)

Answer: makes

Explanation: The above-mentioned sentence is trying to convey that being late for an interview is key to the establishment of a bad impression. Thus, makes is the appropriate answer. 

  1. We had a lovely meal with the Blairs, but we both ____________ the impression that all was not well with their relationship. (gave away / came away with)

Answer: came away with

Explanation: The above-mentioned sentence is trying to convey that there was something wrong with the relationship that has been noticed by a group of people. Thus, came away with what is appropriate to complete the sentence.

  1. You’re____________ the impression that you don’t really like being here. (getting / giving)

Answer: giving
The above sentence is trying to convey that an individual is emitting the impression of being unlikely to be present in a given situation. Thus, giving is the appropriate word to complete the sentence. 

  1. I really want to____________ the right impression when I meet your aunt. What shall I wear? (get / convey)

Answer: convey

Explanation: The above sentence is trying to address that clothes play a key role in establishing the impression of an individual. Thus, convey is the appropriate word. 

Adjective + Impression
Use the correct adjective in these sentences:

distinct favorable
general         initial
lasting          strong
wrong           right

  1. My first impression of Istanbul was very ____________. I took an instant liking to it.

Answer: favorable

Explanation: The above sentence is trying to convey that the first impression that was drawn by an individual for Istaanbul was suitable for him. Thus, favourable is the appropriate word to complete the sentence. 

  1. The best school teachers usually make a ____________ impression on their students, who remember them all their lives.

Answer: strong

Explanation: The above-mentioned sentence is trying to convey that there is a long-lasting impact of appropriate teaching on the students. Thus, strong is appropriate. 

  1. Look, you really must get your haircut. You don’t want to give the ____________ impression on your first day in the new job, do you?

Answer: wrong
The above sentence is to establish that an individual is portraying a wrong impression of himself due to an inappropriate haircut. Thus, wrong is the appropriate word to complete the sentence.

  1. What were your first impressions of the school? My ____________ impressions were very positive.

Answer: initial
The above-mentioned sentence is trying to convey that the first impression of a school to an individual was good. Thus, the initial is the correct answer. 

  1. In job interviews, successful candidates tend to be the people who know exactly how to make the ____________ impression very quickly.

Answer: right
The above sentence is trying to convey that while appearing for a job interview, one must know how to convey the appropriate impression. Right is the correct word to complete the sentence. 

  1. Traveling through the Amazon rainforests made a deep impression on me. It also made a ____________ impression on my wife.

Answer: lasting
The above sentence is trying to address that a destination visit had made a positive and long-term impact on an individual. Thus, lasting is the appropriate answer.  

  1. As I walked along the dark lane, I couldn’t see anybody, but I had the ____________ impression I was being watched.

Answer: distinct
The sentence mentioned above is trying to address that a person was suspicious of them being watched while they were walking. Thus, distinct is the appropriate word to complete the sentence. 

  1. The ____________ or overall impression she gave was one of kindness and generosity.

Answer: general
The above sentence is trying to convey that an impression was established by an individual of being kind and generous. Thus, general is the appropriate answer. 

Positive and Negative Impressions
Match the two halves of the sentences.
Negative impressions:

  1. Don’t take your visitors anywhere where there are beggars. You don’t want to give them

Answer: a false impression of the city.
The above sentence is trying to convey that visitors are required to be kept away from beggars as this will give a wrong impression. 

  1. The way they are always laughing gives

Answer: a misleading impression of their relationship. They’re actually a very unhappy couple.
The above sentence addresses that the joyful nature of a couple misleads the spectators as they are an unhappy pair. 

  1. If you only visit the university, you’ll get

Answer: a wrong impression. The town isn’t really very nice.
The sentence is trying to convey that visiting only the university will give them a wrong impression. 

  1. So they’re only friends! I was under

Answer: the mistaken impression that they were married.
The above-mentioned sentence is trying to convey that an individual had a wrong impression of two individuals.

  1. The film gave the very misleading impression

Answer: that Glasgow is a very violent city.
The sentence above is trying to address that a misleading concept was established with respect to a city. 

  1. the mistaken impression that they were married.
  2. a wrong impression. The town isn’t really very nice.
  3. a misleading impression of their relationship. They’re actually a very unhappy couple.
  4. that Glasgow is a very violent city.
  5. a false impression of the city.

Positive impressions:

  1. The kids’ performance gave an excellent impression

Answer: of the youth of today.
The above sentence is trying to address that an event accommodated a performance that embarked on the mentality of the youth of today. 

  1. Monet’s paintings give a tremendous impression

Answer: of light and sky.
The above sentence is trying to convey that an artist’s painting gives a beautiful impression of the light and sky. 

  1. Meeting the President made a great impression

Answer: on me.
The above-mentioned statement conveys that meeting the president was a good move towards establishing a great impression. 

  1. of the youth of today.
  2. on me.
  3. of light and sky.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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