Collocation refers to a combination of words that are likely to go together. For example ‘light sleeper’ or ‘early riser’ are both affiliated with each other. Collocation helps to reduce the overusing of terms like ‘very’ or ‘nice’.For IELTS, collocation is divided into categories like – adverb + adjective, noun + adjective, etc. Given below are the collocations for the word “date”. Developing a better understanding of the Collocations will help the candidates in IELTS writing and earn better bands in the IELTS examination.
The word “date” can be defined as an indicator of a specific day, month or year. ‘Date’ can have 2 meanings. Let’s see the connection of the word to its meaning like- a scheduled social or romantic outing or engagement or as an indicator of a specific day, month or year
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Collocation For IELTS Word Date
Verb + date
Use the correct form of these verbs:
bring forward confirm delay
fix change make
Answer: fix
Explanation: here the discussion is being carried upon deciding a date that is mutually agreed by everyone involved.
Answer: confirm
Explanation: Here a date is being referred to as a day. The sentence aims at finalising a day for some event to be organised.
Answer: brought forward
Explanation: Here the date is being referred to as a time of the year when something is necessary to be done.
Answer: delayed
Explanation: The word date here is being conveyed in an upsetting manner highlighting few unwanted consequences.
Answer: change
Explanation: The date here is being conveyed in terms of regret.
Answer: make
Explanation: Here, date is being referred to as an event where a certain decision is to be made.
Complete the sentences below with the following:
completion earliest possible
expiry later
particular sell-by
closing firm
Answer: earliest possible
Explanation: The situation here highlights rescheduling a certain event in terms of date.
Answer: expiry
Explanation: a situation of alert is being conveyed with the help of date as a prime role.
Answer: later
Explanation: The importance of receipt is being conveyed in relation to a certain date or upcoming event.
Answer: completion
Explanation: A critical situation of penalising authorities is beig conveyed. It is in relation to a certain date.
Answer: closing
Explanation: An alarming state of situation is being conveyed with the help of dates.
Answer: sell-by date
Explanation: An establishment of sensible situation is being highlighted in the above statement with the help of dates.
Answer: firm
Explanation: A situation of complexities is being conveyed in this above mentioned sentence.
Answer: particular
Explanation: The situation mentioned above portrays an emotion of grief.
Complete the sentences with these nouns:
applications birth general election
manufacture meeting wedding
Answer: birth
Explanation: here a candidature is being referred to in terms of date.
Answer: general election
Explanation: The date here is being referred to as the approach towards organising an event.
Answer: wedding
Explanation: The date here is being referred to as the approach towards organising an event.
Answer: applications
Explanation: The date here is being referred to as the approach towards organising an event.
Answer: meeting
Explanation: The date here is being referred to as the approach towards organising an event.
Answer: manufacture
Explanation: The word date here is being referred to as a certain trademark against an object.
Check- IELTS Collocation Samples