Learning collocations for IELTS is necessary for candidates to boost their scores. The usage of proper collocations in IELTS helps candidates speak and write like a native English speaker. Examiners often look for collocations in IELTS when marking the answers. Good collocations for IELTS help candidates develop vocabulary. Collocations are most essential in the IELTS speaking section. Examiners look for collocations in the speaking responses. One of the marking criteria of IELTS is ‘lexical resource’. The usage of collocations in IELTS writing responses will help candidates achieve better bands.
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From the academic collocation list IELTS, it can be understood that collocations are two or three connected words that sound meaningful together. For example, we can describe a party as ‘great fun’ but not ‘big fun’ as it will sound wrong. Collocations for IELTS are divided into many categories based on the parts of speech like - adverb + adjective, adjective + noun, noun + noun, and more. Let us study the list of important collocations for IELTS of the word ‘chance’ below.
The word ‘chance’ as an adjective can be understood in two ways: as a possibility and as an opportunity. The word has been described in connection to all meanings - possibility, risk, and opportunity.
The word ‘chance’ has three meanings: possibility, opportunity, and risk. The following provides the usage of the word in relation to different parts of speech. The following contains the word ‘chance’ as a possibility.
Here, the word ‘chance’ is described as a possibility.
i) Meaning: Good, high, strong, fair, excellent, sporting, realistic, fighting
Sentence: The teacher told that there is a fair chance of rain during the match.
ii) Meaning: The merest, little, million-to-one, minimal, outside, slender, slim
Sentence: There was a million-to-one chance of the mishap taking place. As long as there is an outside chance, we will make the step.
iii) Meaning: fifty -fifty, one-in-three, -four, etc., 10, 20, etc. per cent
Sentence: The coach told that there was a 90 percent chance for the opponent team to win.
iv) Meaning: Survival
Sentence: The family members asked about the survival chance of the patient.
Collocations for IELTS word ‘chance’ have different forms when used as a verb as described below.
i) Meaning: Give
Sentence: The doctors gave the patient a little chance of surviving the night.
ii) Meaning: Be in with, stand, have
Sentence: After being defeated, the team came in with a high chance of defeating their opponent.
iii) Meaning: Assess, rate
Sentence: How would your rate your chances of winning the game?
iv) Meaning: Fancy
Sentence: The woman didn’t fancy the chances of her friend reaching on time.
There are two ways of using the word ‘chance’ as a preposition.
i) Meaning: By any
Sentence: Are you by any chance Peter?
ii) Meaning: -of
Sentence: The missing person’s chance of survival is negligible.
The list of important collocations for IELTS shows that there are four ways of using the word ‘chance’ as a preposition.
i) Meaning: Fat chance
Sentence: There is a very fat chance of the boy returning back.
ii) Meaning: Have every chance
Sentence: The student has every chance of achieving a good score if he works hard.
iii) Meaning: No chance
Sentence: There is no chance of him lending us the car.
iv) Meaning: On the off chance
Sentence: My friend called the company just on the off chance that they might have an opening.
The word chance also means an opportunity. The following contains different sentences where ‘chance’ is used as an opportunity. The following contains the list of important collocations for IELTs.
The word ‘chance’ also means an opportunity. The following adjectives are described with reference to ‘opportunity’.
i) Meaning: Great, good, wonderful, fair, ideal
Sentence: The player played left-handed to give his opponent a fair chance in the game. This was the ideal time for the opponent to show his talent.
ii) Meaning: Big
Sentence: This was a very big chance for the girl.
iii) Meaning: Once-in-a-lifetime, second, last
Sentence: The teacher gave the boy the last chance of passing the exam. He won’t get any second chance for the same.
iv) Meaning: Educational, life
Sentence: The new school is aimed at improving the literacy rate chances of the rural area.
i) Meaning: Buying a used car always has an element of chance.
In these collocations for IELTS, the word ‘chance’ is used as a synonym of opportunity. The following ways that ‘chance’ can be used an opportunity are:
i) Meaning: Get, have
Sentence: The girl finally had the chance to meet her favorite footballer.
ii) Meaning: Deserve
Sentence: The prisoner deserved a chance to tell his part of the story.
iii) Meaning: Welcome
Sentence: The woman welcomed the chance of providing her opinion.
iv) Meaning: Give somebody, provide somebody, offer somebody, deny somebody
Sentence: No child should be denied the chance to be nurtured in a family.
v) Meaning: Wait for, create, make
Sentence: The team made many chances to win but still failed.
vi) Meaning: Spot
Sentence: The man saw his chance of winning the argument.
vii) Meaning: Grab, grasp, seize, take, jump at
Sentence: The thieves saw the door open, and grabbed the chance of entering the house.
viii) Meaning: Blow, miss, pass up, throw away, squander
Sentence: The team completely blew the chance of playing the tournament again.
ix) Meaning: Come up, arise, come your way
Sentence: When she received the chance of visiting Paris, she immediately took it.
The word ‘chance’ can be used in many phrases like:
i) Meaning: Given the chance
Sentence: Given the chance, I would have stopped working from that point.
ii) Meaning: Half a chance
Sentence: The cat instantly runs away whenever she gets half a chance
iii) Meaning: Let a chance slip (by)
Sentence: If the man lets this chance slip, he would regret it for the rest of his life.
The word ‘chance’ also means risk. Therefore, the following are some good collocations for IELTS that can be used in the exams when using the word ‘chance’ instead of risk.
As a verb, the word chance can be used in the following ways as given below:
i) Meaning: take
Sentence: The guidebook had no mention of the homestay, but we still decided to take chance.
i) Meaning: -on
Sentence: The coach took a chance on the new joiner.
ii) Meaning: -with
Sentence: The police didn’t take any chance with the protestors.
The word ‘chance’ also means luck or fortune. Therefore, the following collocations for IELTS can be used to boost the score.
i) Meaning: pure, sheer, lucky, happy
Sentence: By a happy chance, she bumped into an old acquaintance on the train.
i)Meaning: leave to
Sentence: The girl left nothing to chance, and delivered the documents herself.
i) Meaning: by -
Sentence: The police opened the back door completely by chance.
ii) Meaning: due to -
Sentence: The results are mostly due to chance.
iii) Meaning: through -
Sentence: Most of my answers were correct right through sheer chance.
i) Meaning: a game of chance
Sentence: Chess cannot be called a game of chance.
ii) Meaning: take your chances
Sentence: The girl took her chances and jumped into the water.