Children Learn Best By Observing The Behavior Of Adults And Copying It IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Sep 13, 2022

Children Learn Best By Observing The Behavior Of Adults And Copying It IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: It is often said that children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Band 7 IELTS Essay

Children's minds are known to be malleable and very respectful. Young children, in my opinion, are constantly influenced by those around them and watch their every move. They consistently act in the same manner because they unconsciously recall. No matter what they are learning—a new language, song, dance, or habit—they pick it up incredibly rapidly. I believe that kids observe their parents and other adults and unconsciously imitate their habits. In this essay, I'll support my position.

First off, it is frequently seen that parents would work extremely hard to rectify their children's bad habits. By teaching a lesson and also by showing them how to behave positively without working too hard. However, they typically act in contradiction to how their parents have taught them to act. They subconsciously remembered everything in their minds and how they behaved the same as their family members. As they went about their regular lives and observed them. They can only mimic the family members because they lack the ability to understand what they are doing or whether it is good or bad. For instance, when parents quarrel, their children will often watch and act in the same way, which is bad for them.

Additionally, it has an impact on their minds. Children occasionally see only terrible things, and that is when it affects their behavior. They occasionally struggle with depression, which negatively affects their mental health. Additionally, their inability to focus on their studies has an effect on their future. For instance, if someone in the family has a terrible condition or behaves erratically, they may not be aware that their children are affected. Other nearby kids have imitated their parents.

To sum up, kids learn a lot from watching the people around them. Thus it's parents' responsibility to watch out for them and act appropriately while kids are around. The parents have that responsibility.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

Children naturally have minds that are as blank as a paper. Both their parents and instructors work hard to instill manners and other values in them. Children do, however, also pick up a lot from their parents, friends, and environment. They are constantly impacted by others. A counter argument has been made, claiming that children learn best by imitating the actions of adults. My opinion is. This claim is not supported by any evidence.

Numerous factors make me doubt that kids learn the most effectively by imitating the actions of adults. First and foremost, kids pick up a lot of undesirable habits from adults and imitate them. Because kids occasionally follow in the footsteps of grownups. However, a kid is unable to distinguish between good and wrong. For instance, some children start smoking when they are teenagers. mostly because kids are influenced by the habits and activities of adults. Second, if kids watch how adults behave, it could be bad for them. Because children may think when they are young. They own the power of freedom.

They have no idea of good or wrong when they are young. As kids grow older, they become aware of these. Children see, for instance, their relatives and siblings pleading with their parents for gifts before receiving them. For instance, if we look at the history of many notable criminals, it is easy to observe that they had turbulent upbringings.

Contrarily though, Some contend that imitation of adult behavior is the most effective method of learning. Since childhood is the beginning of life, Adults and their surroundings influence them. They also pick up decent manners and other things, and they take in a lot of wisdom and experience.

In conclusion, after mulling over a lot of ideas and consulting with myself I've reached the point that we cannot both support and oppose it. It is our obligation to show excellent manners. Adults teach children valuable lessons that can be advantageous to them. They ought to watch. Better than alone, as someone eloquently put it, is company.

Band 9 IELTS Essay

It is not difficult to notice that children raised by law-abiding, god-fearing parents exhibit positive character qualities if we simply look around. They are delightful to be with and beneficial to society. On the other hand, children who spend their formative years with nasty people nearly inevitably develop negative tendencies. They eventually become well-known criminals. Therefore, I concur with the claim that kids pick up knowledge through watching and imitating others.

Young children's minds are very impressionable. They have no concept of good or wrong when they first enter this world. They can only learn by watching others and imitating their behavior. A young child who acts badly may not fully understand why his actions are bothersome. Instead, he is simply modeling the behavior he observes in those around him. Children frequently struggle to do as they are told since they are young. Parents instruct their children on appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Although it is for their advantage, they don't entirely understand it. On the other hand, youngsters automatically imitate their older siblings.

They pick up harmful habits from seniors as well. When they are young, they have no concept of right or wrong. They become aware of these as they reach adulthood. Children witness their relatives and siblings, for instance, pleading for toys and then receiving them from their parents.

For instance, it is simple to see that many notorious criminals had a tumultuous upbringing if we look at their histories. The majority of the time, they come from dysfunctional homes with no one to impart morality upon them. They simply mimicked the actions of those around them and finally became criminals. In contrast, it is quite challenging for kids reared in excellent homes to pick up undesirable habits. When a youngster meets undesirable individuals outside of their household, it only rarely results in this.

In conclusion, it is clear that kids pick up a lot from the way the people around them behave. Therefore, it is essential for parents who want to raise excellent kids to set a good example.

Check- IELTS Writing Samples

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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