Caves Reading Answers

Caves Reading Answers is a topic about different caves and how it was made. The given IELTS topic has been originated from the book called “The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS Student's Book with Answers with DVD-ROM”. The topic named Caves Reading Answers comes with 13 sets of questions. The topic has been enclosed with four different segements of questions, like, complete the summary, complete the flowchart, choose the correct letter, and True/False/Not Given. The candidates should read thoroughly the IELTS reading passage in order to recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords and for answering the questions below. Similar kinds of topics like Caves Reading Answers are included in the IELTS reading practice papers, which the candidates can take into their consideration for performing a good score in this section.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Caves Reading Answers

  1. Caves are natural underground spaces commonly those into which man can enter. There are three major types: the most widespread and extensive are those developed in soluble rocks, usually limestone or marble, by underground movement of water; on the coast are those formed in cliffs generally by the concentrated pounding of waves along joints and zones of crushed rock; and a few caves are formed in lava flows, where the solidified outer crust is left after the molten core has drained away to form rough tunnels, like those on the small basalt volcanoes of Auckland.
  2. Limestone of all ages, ranging from geologically recent times to more than 450 million years ago, is found in many parts of New Zealand, although it is not all cavernous. Many caves have been discovered, but hundreds remain to be explored. The most notable limestone areas for caves are the many hundreds of square kilometres of Te Kuiti Group (Oligocene) rocks from Port Waikato south to Mokau and from the coast inland to the Waipa Valley – especially in the Waitomo district; and the Mount Arthur Marble (Upper Ordovician) of the mountains of northwest Nelson (fringed by thin bands of Oligocene limestone in the valleys and near the coast).
  3. Sedimentary rocks (including limestone) are usually laid down in almost horizontal layers or beds which may be of any thickness, but most commonly of 5-7.5 cm. These beds may accumulate to a total thickness of about a hundred meters. Pure limestone is brittle, and folding due to earth movements causes cracks along the partings, and joints at angles to them. Rainwater percolates down through the soil and the fractures in the underlying rocks to the water table, below which all cavities and pores are filled with water. This usually acidic water dissolves the limestone along the joints and, once a passage is opened, it is enlarged by the abrasive action of sand and pebbles carried by streams. The extensive solution takes place between the seasonal limits of the water table. Erosion may continue to cut down into the floor, or silt and pebbles may build up floors and divert stream courses. Most caves still carry the stream that formed them.
  4. Caves in the softer, well-bedded Oligocene limestones are typically horizontal in development, often with passages on several levels, and frequently of considerable length. Gardner’s Gut, Waitomo, has two main levels and more than seven kilometres of passages. Plans of caves show prominent features, such as long, narrow, straight passages following joint patterns as in Ruakuri, Waitomo, or a number of parallel straights oriented in one or more directions like Te Anaroa, Rockville. Vertical cross-sections of cave passages may be tall and narrow following joints, as in Burr Cave, Waitomo; large and ragged in collapse chambers, like Hollow Hill, Waitomo (233m long, 59.4m wide, and 30.48m high); low and wide along bedding planes, as in Luckie Strike, Waitomo; or high vertical water-worn shafts, like Rangitaawa Shaft (91 m). Waitomo Caves in the harder, massive Mount Arthur Marble (a metamorphosed limestone) are mainly vertical in development, many reaching several hundred meters, the deepest known being Harwood Hole, Takaka (370m).
  5. The unique beauty of caves lies in the variety of mineral encrustations which are found sometimes completely covering walls, ceilings, and floors. Stalactites (Gk. stalagmites, dripping) is pendent growths of crystalline calcium carbonate (calcite) formed from solution by the deposition of minute quantities of calcite from percolating groundwater. They are usually white to yellow, but occasionally are brown or red. Where water evaporates faster than it drips, long thin straws are formed which may reach the floor or thicken into columns. If the source of water moves across the ceiling, a thin drape, very like a stage curtain, is formed. Helictites are stalactites that branch or curl. Stalagmites (Gk. stalagmites, that which dripped) are conical or gnarled floor growths formed by splashing if the water drips faster than it evaporates. These may grow toward the ceiling to form columns of massive proportions. Where calcite is deposited by water spreading thinly over the walls or floor, flowstone is formed and pools of water may build up their edges to form narrow walls of brimstone. Gypsum (calcium sulfate) is a white cave deposit of many crystal habits which are probably dependent on humidity. The most beautiful form is the gypsum flower which extrudes from a point on the cave wall in curling and diverging bundles of fibres like a lily or orchid.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Questions 1-3
Complete the summary.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

There are several 1…………….of caves with the most common and largest being located in limestone or marble. Coastal caves are created in cliffs usually by waves. In lava flows, the solidified outer crusts that remain once the molten core has drained away also form 2………………… Limestone is to be found all over New Zealand, but not all of it contains caves. While many caves are known, there are large numbers that have yet to be uncovered. The main 3…………………for limestone caves are Te Kuiti Group rocks.


Answer: Types
Supporting Sentence
There are three major types: the most widespread and extensive are those developed in soluble rocks, usually limestone or marble, by underground movement of water; on the coast are those formed in cliffs generally by the concentrated pounding of waves along joints and zones of crushed rock; and a few caves are formed in lava flows, where the solidified outer crust is left after the molten core has drained away to form rough tunnels, like those on the small basalt volcanoes of Auckland.
several, caves, common, largest, located, limestone, marble
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, 1st line
Line 1 of paragraph A states that caves are regarded as one of the underground spaces for dwelling. The caves has been distinguished in three major types and usually made up of limestone and marble.


Answer: Tunnels
Supporting Sentence
and a few caves are formed in lava flows, where the solidified outer crust is left after the molten core has drained away to form rough tunnels, like those on the small basalt volcanoes of Auckland.
lava flows, solidified, outer crusts, molten core, drained away
Keyword Location
Paragraph A, 3rd line
The third line of paragraph A suggests that during the outbust of lava or volcanic eruption, the solidified exterior part is left and the melted core develops into roygh tunnels alike small volcanoes of Auckland region.


Answer: Areas
Supporting Sentence
The most notable limestone areas for caves are the many hundreds of square kilometres of Te Kuiti Group (Oligocene) rocks from Port Waikato south to Mokau and from the coast inland to the Waipa Valley – especially in the Waitomo district; and the Mount Arthur Marble (Upper Ordovician) of the mountains of northwest Nelson (fringed by thin bands of Oligocene limestone in the valleys and near the coast).
uncovered, limestone caves, Te Kuiti Group rocks
Keyword Location
Paragraph B, 3rd line
 The third portion of paragraph B states that Te Kuiti Group(Oligoscene) rocks are the one of the primary areas where limestone can be found.

Questions 4-8
Complete the flowchart.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.



Answer: Cracks
Supporting Sentence
Pure limestone is brittle, and folding due to earth movements causes cracks along the partings, and joints at angles to them.
Limestone, form, thick layers, Earth, moving, creating, partings
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, 3rd line
 The third line of paragraph C suggests that the pure limestone is basically fragile or breakable for the cracks along the partings and joints at angles due to the movement in the Earth’s crust.


Answer: Fractures
Supporting Sentence
Rainwater percolates down through the soil and the fractures in the underlying rocks to the water table, below which all cavities and pores are filled with water.
Rainwater, trickling, soil, rocks
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, 4th line
 Line 4 of paragraph C implies that the rainwater flows down the soil creating fractures or cracks in the rocks beneath the water table. Under these water table, various cavities and pores are emerged in water.


Answer: Passage

Supporting Sentence: This usually acidic water dissolves the limestone along the joints and, once a passage is opened, it is enlarged by the abrasive action of sand and pebbles carried by streams.
opened, limestone, dissolves, streams
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, 5th line
Line 5 of paragraph C explains that the acidic or poisonous water causes the erosion to the limestone and it becomes widened after the corrosive response of sand and pebbles after the passage opens.


Answer: Streams
Supporting Sentence
it is enlarged by the abrasive action of sand and pebbles carried by streams.
extended, sand, pebbles
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, 5th line
The fifth line of paragraph C suggests that once a channel has been opened, it is widened by the abrasive action of sand and stones brought by streams. This typically acidic water dissolves the limestone along the joints.


Answer: Erosion
Supporting Sentence
Erosion may continue to cut down into the floor, or silt and pebbles may build up floors and divert stream courses. 
extended, sand, pebbles, divert, stream
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, last line
The ending part of paragraph C explains that sandy soil and stones may accumulate on floors and alter stream channels, or erosion may continue to erode into the ground.

Questions 9 and 10
Choose TWO letters A-E.
Which TWO of the following features of caves in the softer limestones are mentioned in the text?

  1. they are often long
  2. they are all at least 7.2km long
  3. most of them are vertical
  4. they only ever have one passage
  5. they are characteristically horizontal


Answer: A
Supporting Sentence
Sedimentary rocks (including limestone) are usually laid down in almost horizontal layers or beds which may be of any thickness, but most commonly of 5-7.5 cm.
softer, long, limestone
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, 1st line
 Line 1 of paragraph C suggests that sedimentary rocks which includes limestone are generally located in horizontal beds having thickness of 5-7.5 cm long. Therefore, it is one of the features of the caves in the soft limestones.


Answer: E
Supporting Sentence
Sedimentary rocks (including limestone) are usually laid down in almost horizontal layers or beds which may be of any thickness, but most commonly of 5-7.5 cm.
softer, long, limestone, horizontal
Keyword Location
Paragraph C, 1st line
According to line 1 of paragraph C, horizontal beds with a thickness of 5 to 7.5 cm are the typical location for sedimentary rocks, which include limestone. 

Questions 11-13
Do the following statements agree with the information in Reading Passage I? Write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information about the statement

  1. The limestone found in New Zealand is more than 450 million years old.

Answer: True
Supporting Sentence
Limestone of all ages, ranging from geologically recent times to more than 450 million years ago, is found in many parts of New Zealand, although it is not all cavernous.
limestone, found, New Zealand, 450 million years, old
Keyword Location
Paragraph B, 1st line
The beginning line of paragraph B suggests that in many regions of New Zealand, limestones of different ages, ranging from recent times to more than 450 milliom years prior. Thus, it is a Trus statement.

  1. Stalactites are more often white to yellow than brown or red.

Answer: True
Supporting Sentence
They are usually white to yellow, but occasionally are brown or red.
Stalactites, white, yellow, brown, red
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, 2nd line
Line 2-3 of paragraph E impies that Stalactites comes with vareity of color combinations, like, white to yellow , although generally they comes with brown or red colored. Thus, the assertion is True.

  1. Stalagmites never grow very large.

Answer: False
Supporting Sentence
Stalagmites (Gk. stalagmites, that which dripped) are conical or gnarled floor growths formed by splashing if the water drips faster than it evaporates.
Stalagmites, never, grow, large
Keyword Location
Paragraph E, 7th line
Line 7 of paragraph E describes that Stalagmities are usually conical shaped or curved growth type created by splattering if the water pours faster than it evaporates. So, it is a False option.  

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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