Case Study in Flexible Working: Frank Russell Company Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Feb 7, 2024

Case Study in Flexible Working: Frank Russell Company Reading Answers is an academic reading topic. Case Study in Flexible Working: Frank Russell Company Reading Answers have a total of 14 IELTS questions in total. The specified topic generates 1 question type: choose the correct course according to job role. Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly in order to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS reading practice papers, which feature topics such as Case Study in Flexible Working: Frank Russell Company Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Below Passage to Answer the Questions

Case Study in Flexible Working: Frank Russell Company

A. Two phrases that Frank Russell Company uses to identify itself also suggest why flexible work options are a perfect fit for this American financial services firm. 'The sun never sets in Russell' means this 24-hour, multi-country organizations' flexible work hours are essential to conducting its business. 'Employees first, clients second' expresses the bottom line worth that management sees in employee satisfaction and creating an excellent work environment that includes opportunities to work from home.

Telework, (i.e. working away from the traditional office) compressed work weeks and flexitime serve Russell both as strategic business tools and valued employee benefits. ' Of we have happy staff first, we will have happy client, says Mike Phillips, the company's chief executive.

B. Flexible work options are offered in all departments, but the level and type of use vary widely among the 970 employees based at the company's headquaters in Tacoma, Washington State. In the early 1990s, several work groups pioneered various forms of flexible working, including telework. As the programs spread, management discovered one size does not fit all. Rather than attempt to cover every possibility, Russell now

provides general guidelines under which departments customize plans to accommodate individuals' personal circumstances.

C. Implementing telework becomes less of a leap when a company's staff and clients are already scattered around the world. Pam Johnson, Manager of International Assignments, works in Tacoma but reports to a supervisor based in London. She is responsible for transfers of staff from one country to another, including negotiating the terms, shipping belongings and obtaining work permits. She works from home several times a month.

Johnson says, 'I take homework that involves reading, writing, creating spreadsheets and answer emails. Johnson says she is a more loyal employee because of the combination of benefits, flexibility and trust her employer offers. I've been here 11 years. Once in a while I wonder if I should look elsewhere, but the opportunity to flex my hours and work at home are part of the formula that always ends up on the Russell side.'

D. Email and technology such as remote network access not only transformed the office environment and the communication abilities between branch offices, they supported the growth of telework. Mike Phillips is as reliant on email and remote access as anyone, regardless of whether he is working in Singapore, Tacoma or from home. 'Email is our primary means of communication, Phillips says. 'I can get up two hours early Singapore and respond to 20 emails from associates around the world or send a company-wide memo from home.'

E. The ability to vary start times or work the longer days of a compressed workweek are a way of doing business at Russell. An earlier start or a longer day increases telephone communication with international staff. In addition, since the New York Exchange opens at 9 a.m, traders on the West Coast need to start by 6 a.m local time. Another group, which provides desktop computer support, finds four 10-hour days make it easier to accomplish some tasks before or after employees need to use their computers.

F. The larger consulting department offers compressed workweeks to administrative staff. Administrative Assistant Jean Boelk works different proportions of alternate weeks in order to receive one extra day off eve other week. She is part of team of four administrative staff who jointly support a work group of four executives. People are more willing to help each other because we're dependent on each other on our days off, Boelk says. Increasing the hours of coverage, plus the idea of cross-training and shared work, results in less overtime. So long as coverage is adequate, staff can change days off from one pay period to the next.

G. What motivates teleworkers is usually a combination of work and personal needs. Senior Technical Analyst Scott Boyd, who is in the Computer Operation section, works at home twice a month. Boyd's job involves responding to telephone requests, and in the office it's hard to work longer than 10 minutes without getting interrupted by the phone. It's an incredible relief to be so productive for one day at home, he says.

H. A number of managers also find that working at home improves their overall performance. Sales and Marketing Services Manager Tricia O'Connell works at home approximately two days a month. She gives staff her home telephone number and advance notice of her plans, then checks voice mail every half hour and email every hour from home. In addition, she schedules weekly meetings in her office with each of eight members of her team to discuss challenges and encourage top performance. 'This means I am more able to focus on staff when it counts, she says. IELTS

I. In the end, management asks two questions when making decisions about work option requests: 1) Will it improve overall employee satisfaction or job performance? and 2) Will it hurt performance of duties in some way that it not acceptable or is not offset by other improvements? For Frank Russell Company, the answers these questions show that flexible working is highly satisfactory for business.

Section 2

Answer and Explanation

Questions 27 - 34

Reading Passage 3 has nine paragraphs, A-1. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-D and F-I from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 27-34 on your answer sheet. List of Headings

  1. Flexible working meets differing business needs
  2. The disadvantages of flexible working
  3. The process of organizing flexible working has changed
  4. Involving clients in deciding how best to serve them
  5. Technical developments have facilitated flexible working
  6. The cost/benefit analysis of flexible working
  7. Flexible working increases cooperation among staff
  8. Flexible working encourages commitment to the company
  9. The workforce is the company's top priority
  10. It's easier to get on with the work at home

27. Paragraph A

Answer: X
Supporting statement: “.......The sun never sets in Russell' means this 24-hour, multi-country organizations' flexible work hours are essential to conducting its business........”
Keywords: flexible, essential
Keyword Location: para A, line 2
Explanation: It is given that there is a sense of priority given to the customer service and increasing working hours to improve the business. It can be deduced that the workforce is company’s priority.

28. Paragraph B

Answer: III
Supporting statement: “.......As the programs spread, management discovered one size does not fit all. Rather than attempt to cover every possibility, Russell now provides general guidelines under which departments customize.......”
Keywords: management, guidelines
Keyword Location: para B, line 4
Explanation: It is given in the passage that the programs are spread on the way of organizing flexible work. But the group size that they used to make was not suitable at all.

29. Paragraph C

Answer: IX
Supporting statement: “........Johnson says she is a more loyal employee because of the combination of benefits, flexibility and trust her employer offers.......”
Keywords: combination, employer
Keyword Location: para C, line 8
Explanation: It is given that the employees are more loyal to the company because of the benefits and flexibility they gain from the company.

30. Paragraph D

Answer: V
Supporting statement: “........ Email and technology such as remote network access not only transformed the office environment and the communication abilities between branch offices, they supported the growth of telework........”
Keywords: communication, growth
Keyword Location: para D, line 1
Explanation: It is given that the remote network access has helped it to make work from home easy. People can work from anywhere in the world.

31. Paragraph F

Answer: VII
Supporting statement: “......People are more willing to help each other because we're dependent on each other on our days off, Boelk says.........”
Keywords: help, dependent
Keyword Location: para F, line 5
Explanation: It is given that the people are more willing to support each other because people become dependent on each other when they need off from work.

32. Paragraph G

Answer: XI
Supporting statement: “ the office it's hard to work longer than 10 minutes without getting interrupted by the phone. It's an incredible relief to be so productive for one day at home, he says......…
Keywords: relief, productive
Keyword Location: para G,line 4
Explanation: It is given that it is difficult to work in an office without being interrupted every 10 mins. Hence it turns out that it is easier to be more productive at home than being at the office.

33. Paragraph H

Answer: VIII
Supporting statement: “......In addition, she schedules weekly meetings in her office with each of eight members of her team to discuss challenges and encourage top performance.......”
Keywords: weekly, performance
Keyword Location: para H, line 5
Explanation: It is given that the people are encouraged by their colleagues while working at home and they are in good cooperation among themselves.

34. Paragraph I

Answer: VI
Supporting statement: “......For Frank Russell Company, the answers to these questions show that flexible working is highly satisfactory for business..........”
Keywords: flexible, satisfactory
Keyword Location: para I, line 4
Explanation: It is given that the questions that are needed to be answered before allowing for remote work show that if it will be profitable for business or not.

Questions 35-37

Look at the following descriptions (Questions 35-37) and the list of staff below. Match each description with the correct person, A-E. Write the correct letter. A-E in boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet.

List of Staff

  1. Mike Phillips
  2. Pam Johnson
  3. Jean Boelk
  4. Scott Boyd
  5. Tricia O'Connell
  6. provides contact details when working out of the office

Answer: E
Supporting statement: “.....She gives staff her home telephone number and advance notice of her plans..........”
Keywords: staff, advance
Keyword Location: para H, line 3
Explanation: it is given that Tricia gives her staff her number so that they can call of any urgent work comes up.

G. is convinced that staff feelings have an impact on company

Answer: D
Supporting statement: “......What motivates teleworkers is usually a combination of work and personal needs. Senior Technical Analyst Scott Boyd.........”
Keywords: personal, analyst
Keyword Location: para G, line 1
Explanation: It is given that the analyst named Scott believes that the emotions of staff are an important factor in deciding the growth of the company.

H. performance has responsibilities which are shared with certain Colleagues

Answer: C
Supporting statement: “........She is part of team of four administrative staff who jointly support a work group of four executives........”
Keywords: support, group
Keyword Location: para F, line 4
Explanation: It is given that the work load is shared among 4 staff. They all work as a group and share the responsibilities.

Questions 38-40

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

38. The Frank Russell Company aims to ensure that staff gain a sense of __ from their work.

Supporting statement: “.......expresses the bottom line worth that management sees in employee satisfaction and creating an excellent work environment........”
Keywords: satisfaction, creating
Keyword Location: para A, line 5
Explanation: It is given that the company of Frank russell has made sure that the employees feel satisfied with the benefits they get from the company.

39. Mike Phillip mostly uses____ to contact staff.

Answer: EMAIL
Supporting statement: “.......Mike Phillips is as reliant on email and remote access as anyone, regardless of whether he is working in Singapore,........”
Keywords: regardless, work
Keyword Location: para D, line 3
Explanation: It is given that Mr. Phillips uses email for communication with the staff.

40. In the consulting department flexible working reduces the amount of______done by staff.

Supporting statement: “......Boelk says. Increasing the hours of coverage, plus the idea of cross-training and shared work, results in less overtime..........”
Keywords: cross, overtime
Keyword Location: para F, line 9
Explanation: It is given that the remote work culture has lead in the reduction of people doing overtime because of more hours of coverage in the home.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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