Borrowing - IELTS Speaking Sample Answer

Collegedunia Team

Sep 20, 2021

IELTS Speaking section contains three parts. Candidates need to provide responses to three parts of IELTS speaking in 11 to 14 minutes. This topic - Borrowing is an IELTS speaking part 1 topic. Here, the candidates are asked generic questions like if they have borrowed books from others, if it is good to borrow money from friends, and more. Candidates can develop their listening skills by practicing IELTS speaking practice papers.

  1. Have you borrowed books from others?

Answer 1: Books are integral to a student’s life. So, as a student, books are essential to me. Often at times, books are unavailable, or they are available at a later date. In those cases, borrowing books from friends and classmates is the only way to stay updated with academic life.


  • Integral – Necessary or important.
  • Academic – Relating to educational institution or environment.

Answer 2: I have had a very unpleasant experience when it comes to both lending and borrowing books. I used to lend books to my friends, and most of the time, they forgot to return and sometimes even damaged the books. However, if I borrowed books, they would pester me to return them within a few days. Truth be told, the entire process is a recipe for inconvenience.


  • Unpleasant – Causing anxiety, discomfort or tension.
  • Lending – Allowing someone to take something on the understanding that it will be returned.
  • Truth be told – (An expression) when someone reveals a fact or opinion, they might otherwise hold back or lie about.

Also check:

  1. Is it good to borrow money from friends?

Answer 1: A true friend is a friend in need. The world of finance is uncertain, and in such a scenario, a friend can come to the rescue. However, there should be conditions attached. One must return the money borrowed within the agreed time. Otherwise, it will again create financial barriers for the lender, who is also a friend. In that case, it can turn the friendship sour.


  • Uncertain – not able to be relied on.
  • Scenario – environment or a setting in which activities or events takes place.
  • Sour – feeling or expressing resentment, disappointment, or anger.

Answer 2: I have seen friends borrowing money incessantly from each other. I consider it a terrible practice since lending is a professional thing and one needs to cancel out all emotions. When the process takes place between friends, there are emotions attached, leading to unnecessary delays while paying back.


  • Professional – relating or belonging to a profession.
  • Delay – postpone or defer.
  • Emotions – a strong feeling because of one’s circumstances or relationship with others.
  1. Do you like lending things to others?

Answer 1: Whether I like it or not depends entirely on the person and the kind of relationship I share with them. If they are from the family or among my close circle of friends, I would be definitely happy to help them by lending my things in their time of need. On the other hand, if it is someone who is not close to me, then I would be extremely hesitant to lend them my things.


  • Hesitant – unsure, uncertain.

Answer 2: Firstly, let me tell you that I am possessive about my belongings. Even when it comes to my sister, I do not lend her my things because I am fearful that they might damage it or, in the worst case, lose them. I am neither a fan of lending nor borrowing.


  • Possessive – showing or unwillingness to share one’s possessions or belongings.
  • Fearful – Feeling or showing fear or anxiety./ Being afraid of something that might happen in the future.
  1. How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?

Answer 1: To be entirely truthful here, let me say it loud that I absolutely detest it when people don’t return things borrowed from you. Firstly, borrowing is a thing that is based on an agreement. However, some people are out there who take advantage of the kind of relationship you share with them and push you to extreme limits by altering the timeline of returning things.


  • Truthful – telling or expressing the truth; being honest.
  • Detest – dislike intensely.
  • Agreement – a negotiated and binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action. Sometimes agreements can be legal ones too.
  • Altering – change in character or composition in a small but significant way.
  • Timeline – a schedule for when a process or procedure will be carried out.

Answer 2: Well, at the onset, I try to be reasonable and understanding. I know my friends and family, and I have put a high degree of trust in them because they deserve it. It can be the case that they missed the deadline of returning a certain thing because they are busy or are facing any mental health issues. They can be also be dealing with some kind of emergency. The best thing that they should do in that case informs me as to why they are late.


  • Onset – The beginning of something, especially something unpleasant.
  1. Have you ever borrowed money from your friends?

Answer 1: Never. I do not particularly appreciate borrowing money, especially from friends. What if I miss the deadline for returning the same because of some unforeseen circumstances? If that is the case, I risk losing my friendships, which eventually took years to build. I prefer banks and other financial institutions when I need some immediate financial assistance.


  • Unforeseen – not anticipated or predicted.
  • Circumstances – a fact or condition connected with or relevant to some event that is typically unpleasant.

Answer 2: I have borrowed money frequently during my college years, but I always made sure that I never missed the repayment deadline. I think this has helped me enormously to build trust among my friends.


  • Frequent – occurring or done many times, often within a short period.
  • Repayment – the action of paying back a loan.
  • Enormously - very large in extent.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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