Big Salary is More Important than Job Satisfaction IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Dec 20, 2022

Big Salary is More Important than Job Satisfaction IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answers have been provided in this article. Candidates are required to share their opinion on whether they think that salary is important or job satisfaction. Candidates can use examples to support their argument they believe in. Candidates can also enlist the positive and negative aspects of having a big salary. They can either write in favour of the statement or against the statement. Thus, a brief conclusion is also necessary to be provided in this aspect. Three samples are provided for the students so that they can select from a range of answers. In the body of the answer, the views regarding both sides are explained. The concluding part of the answers leaves the candidate to decide which is more important.Candidates’ knowledge and views are evaluated based on the views they express in IELTS Writing Task 2.
The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. Band scores are marked on the basis of IELTS writing score. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to practice on different topics to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Big Salary is More Important than Job Satisfaction.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

It is arguable whether wealth is more important than job satisfaction. High salaries are frequently cited as being far more important than the sense of career fulfilment that comes with the work. I vehemently disagree with the assertion, and I'll go into more depth about why later in the post. Earning a large salary may first appear pleasant, but there is a chance that you won't feel fulfilled by it. People who chose their profession out of interest are more likely to work hard and provide superior results. No well compensated employment can offer the sense of fulfilment that this gives. For instance, scientists who begin their research on a shoestring budget and salary work nonstop to make a discovery in their field. Because of this, they enjoy working in their area of interest because it allows them to contribute to society. Additionally, those who choose a high-paying job only for the financial rewards frequently struggle to stay motivated and advance in their careers. In contrast to those who choose contentment above a great wage, they push themselves to go to work every day without motivation. They would put in extra work and put in the hours necessary to get the results if they choose to do so in order to get the desired results. Because of this, people succeed in their lives and develop their careers, achieving fame and fortune. For instance, many people nowadays are giving up their desk jobs that paid millions of dollars and starting to work on turning their hobbies into professions. To sum up, I personally think that job pleasure is much more fundamental to an individual's ability to flourish. Yet the necessity of money for human survival cannot be disputed. After careful consideration, it is clear that the role's fulfilment has shown to be of the utmost importance when contrasted to the financial rewards.

Band 7.5 IELTS Essay

It has been a highly debated topic that high remuneration is likely to have more importance than the sense of having job satisfaction. However, I strongly disagree with this view, as lack of job satisfaction leads to a number of challenges within the lives of individuals. Lack of job satisfaction can lead to loss of jobs and further harmful health complexities. In this essay, I would like to cover this topic in a broader way. First and foremost, it is needless to mention that the lack of job satisfaction for an employee at a given workplace might face several issues thus leading to loss of job. The reason for this occurrence can be highlighted as lack of appropriate work culture, poor workplace attitude, reduced productivity and dedication towards work and several other relevant reasons. For example, according to a report published by the Nigerian Sociology Association, it has been identified that job dissatisfaction has acted as a major element for disengagements of employees from work across the concerned nation. Thus, regardless of provision of a huge amount of lucrative salary packages, individuals have experienced loss of productivity and were forced to leave their job on the same conditions. In addition to that, job satisfaction is directly proportional to a healthy and balance, thus, lack of job satisfaction will result in depression and anxiety and lead to increased suicide rates. Thus, lack of job satisfaction will lead to several challenges for the individuals and the organizations as well. In conclusion, I would like to mention that I completely disagree with the statement that getting paid higher is better than job satisfaction. Lack of job satisfaction leads to a number of challenges such as mental disorders and other deteriorating health issues.

Band 8 IELTS Essay

High salary scale is of key importance when one applies for a job as money is necessary in order to fulfill one’s daily needs and lead a good life. However, job satisfaction on the other hand leads to increased amount of productivity and helps in ensuring a healthy lifestyle. Thus, I would like to mention that a big salary is not as important as job satisfaction. It is a saying that “money is the root cause of all evil.” With increased pay scales, comes more responsibility and there are necessary targets that are required to be achieved by individuals at the workplace. Thus, this leads to an increased amount of work pressure and this might require employees to give extra time to their organizations, such as working late night shifts. This leads to disruptions in the lifestyle balance of individuals leading to lack of appropriate family interaction. Increased workload will lead to building of stress and further will make individuals physically and mentally weak. There might be an increased amount in one’s bank balance, but there will be no time to spend money that one earns. Thus, it is needless to mention that job satisfaction plays a crucial role in an individual’s life. It ensures their productivity, efficiency at the workplace and further their happiness scale. Moreover, this also leads to promoting a positive work environment as well as leads to increase the success rate within an organization. This also helps with nurturing good and healthy relationships with friends and colleagues. I would like to conclude this essay by saying that money is not everything in one’s life. It is a necessity that fulfills the materialistic needs of life, however, one should always seek for satisfactory approaches in their lives.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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