Better Driver Education for Better Driving Habits is More Effective Than Heavier Punishments For Driving Offences IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body of the essay has three paragraphs that discuss the topic further with legitimate arguments.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.
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Topic: Better Driver Education for Better Driving Habits is More Effective Than Heavier Punishments For Driving Offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Model Answer 1
In today’s modern era, people have become more conscious of road safety. The increase in the number of automobiles has increased the digit of accident cases. People argue that drivers should be educated and trained wisely, while others believe that heavier punishments for driving offenses can lessen the accident cases. In my opinion, the government should initiate and implement laws and punishments to improve driving habits. It is true that this is a technologically advanced era, wherein we have automated cars and seat belts, airbags, and more. But still, the number of road accidents hasn't lessened. With the implementation of certain and strict punishment can definitely stop people from driving recklessly. The government can also initiate some serious penalties and punishments such as fines for rash driving, license suspension, overspeeding, or prison for breaking driving rules. This would help and encourage people to drive safely and carefully. These punishments led by the government for fierce drivers would bring a stop to the careless drivers and their reckless drivings. This results in a very disciplined and alert driving amongst the 2 wheelers as well as the 4 wheelers.
Further, the drivers would follow the road safety limitations and constraints to avoid bearing hefty charges as penalties. This is true that every individual must know and learn vehicle driving following the ascribed speed limits. Driving on the speed limit on the different roads and national highways would help to avoid any sorts of minor and major accidents. Although educational institutions can supervise and encourage the student’s driving skills at an early age, there are severe penalties and strict driving laws introduced by the government. These would surely prevent reckless driving to some extent. Lastly, to conclude, I truly believe that strict punishments and severe penalties are far more likely to avoid disastrous accidents when compared to better driving education. Therefore, the government should commence strict road rules and limitations and severe sentences for being impetuous on roads.
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Model Answer 2
Road safety is a major concern and is becoming a relevant issue in our society. An improved road security system can lead to the reduction of fatal road accidents. Better and improved driving preparation, specifically for the younger generation can be set up for stronger sanctions. People argue that drivers should be educated and trained wisely, while others believe that heavier punishments for driving offenses can lessen the accident cases. In my opinion, driver education would have a positive approach and would reduce the number of accidents. Study has shown that people from various fields have a specific human pattern which is neglecting the positive approach. It is seen that the sanctions of hefty penalties have made people more conscious about driving well rather than asking them to follow the rules and driving restrictions. Furthermore, talking about an example would clear up the idea. A child at school would learn faster with both positive and negative inputs rather than imposing punishments on doing anything wrong. On the other hand, some people do believe that wrong doings aren’t intentional. They supposedly don't break the traffic rules. Hence, for this reason, I profoundly believe that we need a more serious sensibility from drivers, and the only method to improve driving habits is to give a more complete driver education to people getting a driving license. On the other hand, hard punishments would necessarily cause a financial burden to many. So sanctions may not be that useful like other ways out. More strict driving rules would prevent accidents and oblige people to follow the necessary traffic rules. Lastly, I would like to conclude by saying that I believe that people with more driver education, especially at a young age, would get a driver's license, which would contribute to improving driving habits and reducing car accidents. Punishment is necessary for stronger and heavier conduct for wrong doings, but they do not completely contribute to prevention.
Model Answer 3
In the modern times, we see a lot of developments and advancements in the transportation system. Due to this, the transportation system has made the road busier. The number of traffic on the roads has increased. This increased number of traffic has escalated the accident cases. People argue that drivers should be educated and trained wisely, while others believe that heavier punishments for driving offenses can lessen the accident cases. Education in driving is better than punishment, in my opinion, this is unreasonable. I have explanations for my opinion in this essay. We all know that vehicle accidents are happening all over the globe, wherever humans exist. These accidents sometimes risk human lives. Hence, heavy serious penalties would reduce the increased rash driving and the causing accidents. For instance, in developed countries, we can see the traffic rules are severely strict. In case the drivers violate any traffic rules, besides settlement for damage, they can lose their job, and even go to jail. So, it is necessary to educate drivers carefully before granting driving licenses for people such as increasing the predicament in handling the actual situation. Although better driving education is needed at an early level that would minimize the number of people getting injured in the transportation. These driving lessons would also help the driver to no longer fear the hefty fines and accidents that can occur at any time. Additionally, learning primarily depends on the human factor, so it will not be objective. For example, when an individual may obtain an excellent driver's license, but being preoccupied with work can cause trouble. So, besides increasing the level of sanction, we also improve the quality of training to ensure safety for participants.
Lastly, to conclude, I truly believe that strict punishments and severe penalties are far more likely to avoid disastrous accidents when compared to better driving education. Therefore, I think that sanctions are still one of the most effective solutions to reduce traffic accidents.