Best Way to Improve Public Health is by Increasing the Number of Sports Facilities IELTS Writing Task 2

Sayantani Barman

Jul 30, 2022

The Best Way to Improve Public Health is by Increasing the Number of Sports Facilities IELTS Writing Task 2 has three sample answers provided below. It requires candidates to answer a simple question with argumentative statements. The sample answers have an introduction and body. The introduction provides a brief description of the given topic. The body in each sample answer portrays argumentative statements to support the test-taker’s perspectives.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are required. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1

In any society, public health has always been one of the most complex challenges. And over the past few years, governments in various nations have made a lot of efforts to promote public health. However, some think that expanding sports facilities around the nation could have a significant impact on this issue. Others believe that there are other approaches that would be more valued in achieving a healthy society. Thus, this essay has attempted to address both of the above points of view before giving one of the most effective ways to raise health indices.
Sports facilities can make it possible for anyone to exercise anywhere, which unquestionably affects various aspects of a society's public health. To put it another way, folks may now readily discover gyms close to their homes. Additionally, people are not required to spend money or time travelling to particular locations to exercise. As opposed to previous years, folks should make time for the aforementioned purpose. Moreover, individuals frequently avoid exercising because they find it challenging due to the lack of sporting facilities.
However, adding sports facilities to every neighbourhood or street may have a small impact on public health. People cannot be encouraged to workout alone by this. Therefore, in addition to extending resources, public knowledge of the benefits of exercise might be taken into consideration. For instance, media outlets need to care more about public health. And air some appropriate programmes to demonstrate the value of exercise for both physical and mental wellbeing. Additionally, a number of events at colleges and universities have to be held to encourage people to see gyms by outlining their advantages.
To summarise, I believe that if people exercise regularly, they won't have to worry about suffering major illnesses as they age. They'd be enthusiastic about using athletic facilities. However, sufficient sports facilities should be built in all areas of towns and cities.

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Model Answer 2

The government has a stake in the psychological and physical health of its people. Government spending on enhancing sports facilities has expanded recently in an effort to motivate citizens to maintain their health. However, it can be claimed that simply having sporting facilities won't be enough to inspire individuals to maintain their fitness. Additional incentives are needed. This essay examines the advantages of government initiatives to advance public health. And it will also offer suggestions for additional approaches that could be used to enhance them.
First, participating in sports has positive effects on the physical and mental health of the body. Regular practice of sports like badminton and basketball raises heart rate and burns fat that has been stored in the body. It can improve people's health. Additionally, playing games can help with concentration and reduce stress in the office. Sports-related activities assist individuals in living healthy lifestyles.
The government's main task is to raise people's consciousness of their health and pique their enthusiasm for participating in sports-related activities. The public may not be very interested in using sports facilities that have been built in various locations around cities. To encourage the use of the sporting facilities and raise public awareness of their advantages, awareness programmes must be developed. Campaigns to raise awareness of it and special incentives for good attendance are two ways to do it.
In summary, the government should work to create a healthy society by building sports facilities and encouraging people to use them. I firmly believe that if governments take the above-mentioned necessary steps, a healthy society will be formed. However, it is important that as residents, we work together and support the efforts of our local authorities to improve public health.

Model Answer 3

People think there are numerous ways to enhance overall public health and wellbeing. They are organised into groups based on the policies they support. Some claim that an increase in sports facilities leads to better public health. Additionally, they claim that this method is the greatest. Others contend, however, that the expansion of sports facilities has a less significant impact on public health than other, more crucial factors. My viewpoint is that the former group's point of view is more reasonable and deserving of belief, not the latter.
Starting with the former, they decided that expanding the number of sports facilities is the greatest way to raise the level of health. Making a lot of sports facilities is not enough to inspire people to participate in sport, even though it is an excellent way to keep fit. For instance, there are many sporting facilities throughout the city that charge an annual fee and are available until midnight. But not enough regular members. Most of the members began each activity with great excitement, but they were unable to follow through on their promises because of financial constraints. Actually, there are a variety of causes for why this situation occurs. But the key one is that having just sports facilities is insufficient to inspire people to exercise and keep up their health.
The latter, more pragmatic viewpoint maintains that other, more crucial measures, not just the sports facility, are needed to improve public health. In our lifetimes, we have made significant lifestyle changes. In particular, people now prioritise their health differently than they did in the past. These practices can primarily be divided into three categories, including dietary routines, work preferences, and living arrangements. First, people consume considerably more junk food than they did in the past, which is detrimental to their health. Then, working circumstances deteriorate further, affecting healthiness levels negatively. Last but not least, living conditions nowadays are not clean enough to be safe. As a result, sports facilities must come last when it comes to prioritising those three measures that will improve human health.
In conclusion, various individuals may have diverse ideas on how to improve public health. Some of them insist that building more sports facilities is the greatest solution, but others disagree. Even if engaging in sports is good for your health, it won't help much on its own.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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