Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Jan 3, 2023

Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World Reading Answers contains a write up about the left handed population among the right handed. Candidates in this IELTS Section will be shown various question types with clear instructions. Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World Reading Answers contains a total of 7 paragraphs. Related to the paragraphs are 13 questions. To answer the questions provided in the IELTS Reading passage,Applicants must attentively read each passage.

Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World Reading Answers comprises two types of questions: Choose the correct option and True/False and Not Given. The statements from the paragraphs are the basis for the true/false and not given questions. The interpretation of the paragraph must be done carefully within a limited period of time. The paragraphs must be fully interpreted and understood by candidates. To gain proficiency, candidates can practice from IELTS reading practice test.

Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World Reading Answers

  1. The probability that two right-handed people would have a left-handed child is only about 9.5 percent. The chance rises to 19.5 percent if one parent is left-handed and 26 percent if both parents are left-handed. The preference, however, could also stem from an infant’s imitation of his parents. To test genetic influence, starting in the 1970s British biologist Marian Annett of the University of Leicester hypothesized that no single gene determines handedness. Rather, during fetal development, a certain molecular factor helps to strengthen the brain’s left hemisphere, which increases the probability that the right hand will be dominant, because the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa. Among the minority of people who lack this factor, handedness develops entirely by chance. Research conducted on twins complicates the theory, however. One in five sets of identical twins involves one right-handed and one left-handed person, despite the fact that their genetic material is the same. Genes, therefore, are not solely responsible for handedness.
  2. Genetic theory is also undermined by results from Peter Hepper and his team at Queen’s University in Belfast, Ireland. In 2004 the psychologists used ultrasound to show that by the 15th week of pregnancy, fetuses already have a preference as to which thumb they suck. In most cases, the preference continued after birth. At 15 weeks, though, the brain does not yet have control over the body’s limbs. Hepper speculates that fetuses tend to prefer whichever side of the body is developing quicker and that their movements, in turn, influence the brain’s development. Whether this early preference is temporary or holds up throughout development and infancy is unknown. Genetic predetermination is also contradicted by the widespread observation that children do not settle on either their right or left hand until they are two or three years old.
  3. But even if these correlations were true, they did not explain what actually causes left-handedness. Furthermore, specialization on either side of the body is common among animals. Cats will favor one paw over another when fishing toys out from under the couch. Horses stomp more frequently with one hoof than the other. Certain crabs motion predominantly with the left or right claw. In evolutionary terms, focusing power and dexterity in one limb is more efficient than having to train two, four or even eight limbs equally. Yet for most animals, the preference for one side or the other is seemingly random. The overwhelming dominance of the right hand is associated only with humans. That fact directs attention toward the brain’s two hemispheres and perhaps toward language.
  4. Interest in hemispheres dates back to at least 1836. That year, at a medical conference, French physician Marc Dax reported on an unusual commonality among his patients. During his many years as a country doctor, Dax had encountered more than 40 men and women for whom speech was difficult, the result of some kind of brain damage. What was unique was that every individual suffered damage to the left side of the brain. At the conference, Dax elaborated on his theory, stating that each half of the brain was responsible for certain functions and that the left hemisphere controlled speech. Other experts showed little interest in the Frenchman’s ideas. Over time, however, scientists found more and more evidence of people experiencing speech difficulties following injury to the left brain. Patients with damage to the right hemisphere most often displayed disruptions in perception or concentration. Major advancements in understanding the brain’s asymmetry were made in the 1960s as a result of so-called split-brain surgery, developed to help patients with epilepsy. During this operation, doctors severed the corpus callosum—the nerve bundle that connects the two hemispheres. The surgical cut also stopped almost all normal communication between the two hemispheres, which offered researchers the opportunity to investigate each side’s activity.
  5. In 1949 neurosurgeon Juhn Wada devised the first test to provide access to the brain’s functional organization of language. By injecting an anesthetic into the right or left carotid artery, Wada temporarily paralyzed one side of a healthy brain, enabling him to more closely study the other side’s capabilities. Based on this approach, Brenda Milner and the late Theodore Rasmussen of the Montreal Neurological Institute published a major study in 1975 that confirmed the theory that country doctor Dax had formulated nearly 140 years earlier: in 96 percent of right-handed people, language is processed much more intensely in the left hemisphere. The correlation is not as clear in lefties, however. For two-thirds of them, the left hemisphere is still the most active language processor. But for the remaining third, either the right side is dominant or both sides work equally, controlling different language functions. That last statistic has slowed acceptance of the notion that the predominance of right-handedness is driven by left-hemisphere dominance in language processing. It is not at all clear why language control should somehow have dragged the control of body movement with it. Some experts think one reason the left hemisphere reigns over language is because the organs of speech processing—the larynx and tongue—are positioned on the body’s symmetry axis. Because these structures were centered, it may have been unclear, in evolutionary terms, which side of the brain should control them, and it seems unlikely that shared operation would result in smooth motor activity. Language and handedness could have developed preferentially for very different reasons as well. For example, some researchers, including evolutionary psychologist Michael C. Corballis of the University of Auckland in New Zealand, think that the origin of human speech lies in gestures. Gestures predated words and helped language emerge. If the left hemisphere began to dominate speech, it would have dominated gestures, too, and because the left brain controls the right side of the body, the right hand developed more strongly.
  6. Perhaps we will know more soon. In the meantime, we can revel in what, if any, differences handedness brings to our human talents. Popular wisdom says right-handed, left-brained people excel at logical, analytical thinking. Lefthanded, right-brained individuals are thought to possess more creative skills and may be better at combining the functional features emergent in both sides of the brain. Yet some neuroscientists see such claims as pure speculation. Fewer scientists are ready to claim that left-handedness means greater creative potential. Yet lefties are prevalent among artists, composers and the generally acknowledged great political thinkers. Possibly if these individuals are among the lefties whose language abilities are evenly distributed between hemispheres, the intense interplay required could lead to unusual mental capabilities.
  7. Or perhaps some lefties become highly creative simply because they must be more clever to get by in our right-handed world. This battle, which begins during the very early stages of childhood, may lay the groundwork for exceptional achievements.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 14-18

Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

  1. Preference of using one side of the body in animal species.

Answer: C
Supporting Sentence: However, the preference for one side or the other appears random in most species. Only in humans does the right hand have such overwhelming dominance.
Keyword: Preference, one side.
Keyword Location: Paragraph C
Explanation: The preference of using one side of the body has been mentioned in Paragraph C. IT has been clearly stated that in most species and animals the preference of using only one side of the body can be seen. While in humans only the dominance of the right hand is seen. So, the correct answer is C.

  1. How likely one-handedness is born.

Answer: A
Supporting Sentence: For the small percentage of people who lack it, handedness emerges totally by accident. However, twin-related research confounds the theory. Despite having the same genetic makeup, one in five sets of identical twins includes a right-handed and a left-handed individual. Therefore, handedness is not primarily determined by genes.
Keyword: Handedness, genes
Keyword Location: Paragraph A
Explanation: In paragraph A, it has been clearly mentioned the possibility of one handedness born. While study done on five sets of twins identical found that it will include one left handed and one right handed. So, The correct answer is A.

  1. The age when the preference of using one hand is settled.

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence: The common observation that children do not choose their right or left hand until they are two or three years old contradicts genetic predetermination.
Keyword : Observation, predetermination, two or three years.
Keyword Location: Paragraph B
Explanation: In paragraph B, it has been mentioned that a child in embryo starts the preference for one particular side of the body. While in the above lines, it has been stated that after two or three years it is settled as to which hand will be preferred by the kid. So, the correct answer is B.

  1. Occupations are usually found in the left-handed population.

Answer: F
Supporting Sentence: Scientists are less likely to assert that being left-handed translates to greater creative ability. However, liberals are frequently found among musicians, writers, and other well-known political intellectuals.
Keyword : Creative ability, left handed.
Keyword Location: Paragraph F
Explanation: In paragraph F, the different skills and talents of different handed people has been mentioned. It states that the people with left handedness have right brain activation. This means they are good at creative abilities and are artists, and most occupations are founded in them. So, the correct answer is F.

  1. A reference to an early discovery of each hemisphere’s function.

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence: At the conference, Dax expanded on his idea, saying that the left hemisphere was in charge of speech and that the right hemisphere was in charge of other activities.
Keyword : Hemispheres, idea
Keyword Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: In paragraph D, it has been clearly stated that a research was conducted on the hemispheres. Dax conducted and elaborated the discovery and function of each hemispheres. He stated that the left hemisphere was in charge of speech while the right hemisphere controlled other activities. So, the correct answer is D.

Questions 19-22

Look at the following researchers (Questions 19-22) and the list of findings below.
Match each researcher with the correct finding.
Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet.

List of Findings

  1. Early language evolution is correlated to body movement and thus affecting the preference of use of one hand.
  2. No single biological component determines the handedness of a child.
  3. Each hemisphere of the brain is in charge of different body functions.
  4. Language process is mainly centered in the left-hemisphere of the brain.
  5. Speech difficulties are often caused by brain damage.
  6. The rate of development of one side of the body has an influence on hemisphere preference in the fetus.
  7. Brain function already matures by the end of the fetal stage.
  1. Marian Annett

Answer: B
Supporting Sentence To test genetic influence, starting in the 1970s British biologist Marian Annett of the University of Leicester hypothesized that no single gene determines handedness.
Keyword : Genetic influence, single gene
Keyword Location: Paragraph A
Explanation: In paragraph A, It has been clearly stated that a research done by Marian Annett stated that no particular gene was responsible for the handedness. She stated that handedness very likely depends upon the gene but mostly depends upon one’s voluntary preference. So, the correct answer is B as per the explanation provided for the same.

  1. Peter Hepper

Answer: F
Supporting Sentence: The predilection typically persisted after birth. But at 15 weeks, the body's limbs are not yet under the direction of the brain. Hepper hypothesizes that fetuses favor the side of the body that is growing more quickly and that this preference affects their motions, which in turn affect how the brain develops.
Keyword : fetuses favor. Brain develops.
Keyword Location: Paragraph B
Explanation: In the above given lines of paragraph B, Hepper conducted a study about hemisphere preference. He concluded that the child starts preferring one side of the body while in embryo in the form of fuses. This also influences the development of hemispheres in the child. So, the correct answer is F.

  1. Brenda Milner & Theodore Rasmussen

Answer: D
Supporting Sentence: Based on this methodology, Brenda Milner and the late Theodore Rasmussen of the Montreal Neurological Institute published a significant study in 1975 that supported the theory that country doctor Dax had developed nearly 140 years earlier: language is processed much more intensely in the left hemisphere in 96% of right-handed people.
Keyword : Significant study, left hemisphere.
Keyword Location: Paragraph E
Explanation: In paragraph E, the study of Brenda and Theodore has been mentioned. They concluded in the study that language is mainly concerned with the left hemisphere. The percentage is 96% in right handed people. Whiler any injury to the left hemisphere can cause their language disturbance. So, the correct answer is D.

  1. Michael Corballis

Answer: A
Supporting Sentence: Some scientists believe that gestures are where human speech first evolved, notably evolutionary psychologist Michael C. Corballis of the University of Auckland in New Zealand. Earlier than words, gestures aided the development of language. Given that the left brain controls the right side of the body, the right hand developed more firmly if the left hemisphere had started to predominate speaking.
Keyword : Development of language.
Keyword Location: Paragraph E
Explanation: In the above lines of paragraph E, Corballis stated the preference in development of language. He mentioned that left handed people get language controlled by the right hemisphere. While the right handed people are more intensely related to left hemisphere innn terms of language. So, the correct answer is A.

Questions 23-26

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 259?

In boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet write:

YES if the statement agrees with the information.
NO if the statement contradicts the information.
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this.

  1. The study of twins shows that genetic determination is not the only factor for left-handedness.

Answer: Yes
Supporting Sentence: For the small percentage of people who lack it, handedness emerges totally by accident. However, twin-related research confounds the theory. Despite having the same genetic makeup, one in five sets of identical twins includes a right-handed and a left-handed individual. Therefore, handedness is not primarily determined by genes.
Keyword : not primarily determined, twin related study.
Keyword Location: Paragraph A
Explanation: In paragraph A, a study on identical twins has been mentioned. It states that genetic determination is not entirely related to left handedness. While other factors like voluntary preference are also important. So, left handedness cannot entirely be considered due to genes. So, the correct answer is Yes.

  1. Marc Dax’s report was widely accepted in his time.

Answer: No
Supporting Sentence: At the conference, Dax expanded on his idea, saying that the left hemisphere was in charge of speech and that the right hemisphere was in charge of other activities. The Frenchman's theories received little attention from other experts.
Keyword : little interest
Keyword Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: In paragraph D, it has been clearly stated that Dax’s research was not accepted at that time. Many scientists showed no or little interest in his studies and findings. So. The statement is contradictory to the actual information. So, the answer is NO.

  1. Juhn Wada based his findings on his research of people with language problems.

Answer: Not Given
Explanation: No relevant information has been provided in the paragraphs related to the question statement. So, the answer is Not Given.

  1. There tend to be more men with left-handedness than women.

Answer: Not Given
Explanation: No relevant information has been provided in the paragraphs related to the question statement. So, the answer is Not Given.

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