Being Late- IELTS Speaking Sample Answer

IELTS Speaking Part 1 gives a general topic on which you are expected to speak eloquently and cover the topic from various angles. This sample article contains relationship questions from Part 1 of the IELTS speaking exam. There is no right or wrong answer. All you need to do is speak on the topic in a holistic way. More such topics are available for candidates in the IELTS speaking practice paper.

Topic: Being Late

  1. Have you ever been late for an appointment?

No, I was never late because being late is really rude and inconsiderate. A job interviewer will likely view you negatively if you arrive more than a few minutes late for it, regardless of how well you did in the interview. There is a chance that your tardiness could affect your chance of getting hired. Consider your performance in competitive ice-skating. It doesn't matter how flawless your skating maybe, if you fall down, it can dilute your chances of victory.

There are those who argue that "better late than never," but I would say if you can arrive 15 minutes late or 30 minutes late or even 60 minutes late, then you can be on time if you decide to be on time, and don't try to be on time. There is no point in trying to do something if you are going to justify yourself by saying you are trying. Even if you are only trying, you should suffer the inconvenience of failing to make a number of scheduled flights, because that is what you deserve.

I lack any sympathy or empathy for those who disrespect other people's time by being late. I have worked as a nurse for many years and was prevented from leaving when my shift ended, numerous times because the next shift nurse was late.

A student who arrives late disrupts the class. These distractions disrupt workflow at the workplace. The time you waste by being late is time not spent on others, and to all those who are chronically late, I want you to know that what you do with your time and what you do that results in you being late is not worth more than what others have to do. Let's be adults, stop making excuses, and stop being tardy. Whoever views me as harsh or politically incorrect should know I am not obliged to consider the feelings of anyone who displays their disrespect by being late. The only person I wait for in my life is the one who is on time.


  • inconsiderate-thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others
  • tardiness- lateness

Also, check:

  1. Is it common in your country to be late?

In our country, being late is not common. Attending meetings, classes, or work on time is a priority for our people. In India, time is highly valued, as once it is gone, it cannot be reclaimed. Usually, people are on time or even a bit earlier. Even if they are late, they will have genuine reasons for being late.

Lateness is actually disrespectful. When someone takes time to be with you, you should respect their time and their appearance by being on time. Whether you mean to be late or not, being late without an explanation can be disrespectful. It is often unavoidable and can be accepted that there are external reasons for lateness. When a problem emerges after a meeting has been set, you should explain the circumstance as soon as possible.

There are also people who are regularly late because it makes them feel important. They seem to believe that having people wait for them gives them an advantage. Beware of such people and avoid meeting them! Relationships should be respected. When someone is disrespectful, they don't consider their feelings, their work, their time. Being late and justifying it as a part of your ‘personality is just a lame excuse.

Keeping formal schedules is a high priority in my country. In addition to showing respect, it also leaves a very positive impression on others. It is considered polite to be punctual, especially when it comes to business meetings, as they always begin on time. It is generally considered rude to arrive early when attending dinner because it implies you are hungry.


  • priority- the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others
  • reclaimed-retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid)
  1. What reasons are acceptable when people are late?

Timely arrival at work is essential to your productivity, and to that of your team and organization. It's possible that various factors may impact your ability to show up on time. As an employee, you can inform your employer by explaining the reason clearly and honestly and working hard to keep their trust. The most acceptable reasons for being late are Weather, Traffic, Family illness, Mass transit.


The weather is a common reason why people are late to work. Winter storms, flooding, and other severe weather events can make driving hazardous, and some events can occur without much warning. If these concerns cause you to be late, let your employer know in advance. Consider telling your manager if you can't make it to work that day or if you'd like to consider working from home if you are unable to drive.


Getting stuck in traffic can also lead to being late. Traffic can slow due to accidents, construction, and other events, which may impair your commute and ability to operate vehicles to get to work on time. If you use this excuse often, it would be best if you would not be habitually late in the future, which would give your employer the confidence that your behavior is not unprofessional.

Family illness

Taking care of a sick or ailing family member is another acceptable excuse for being late. Let your supervisor know as soon as possible if you need to care for someone before heading into the office. In most cases, illness is beyond your control, but you should alert your supervisor if symptoms begin to appear the night before. Nevertheless, some ailments strike quickly, so you may not always have that kind of warning. Professionals who have children may also claim this excuse.

Mass transit

An unexpected delay in mass transit may result in being late to work. It is possible that the bus schedule has changed or that the train is running late. It is a common occurrence that is beyond our control, so it can be used as an excuse for arriving late to work.


  • Mass transit- mass transportation
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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