Being a Celebrity such as Famous Film Star brings Problems as Well as Benefits IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 20, 2022

Being a celebrity such as a famous film star or sports personality brings problems as well as benefits IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to  support the test-taker's perspective.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics. 

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Topic: Being a celebrity such as a famous film star or sports personality brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?

Model Answer 1

There is no doubting that being a celebrity is extremely gratifying. You may be a crowd favorite, make a lot of money, and live a lavish lifestyle. It does, however, have a number of drawbacks. This article will explain the many aspects of being a superstar, as well as why I believe there are more benefits than drawbacks.

Aside from the ones described in a summary, there are several advantages of becoming a celebrity. For example, a celebrity's followers adore him to the point where legions of them queue for hours outside his home to catch a sight of him! Furthermore, a celebrity can gain money and fame in the same way that anybody else can.

The lavish lifestyle of a superstar includes signing multi-million dollar agreements, performing in events and concerts, and strolling the red carpet as the world appreciates what you wear.

You may also host a variety of reality programmes to boost your reputation. You may also identify young talents and provide them with a platform to develop their abilities and realize their full potential. Being a powerful figure is about more than just getting money and being the paparazzi's favorite. If one embraces the job with uttermost responsibility, one may transform lives for the better.

However, the disadvantages are frequently downplayed, sometimes deliberately. To begin with, being a celebrity entails being a role model, which places an unfair load on one's shoulders — to lead by example. Second, you cannot reveal weakness, grief, or even the tiniest sign of anguish, since when people come to see you, they expect enjoyment and amusement. Then there's the ongoing invasion of privacy. The "paparazzi" don't waste any time in capturing your image or covering your tale. When this happens on a regular basis, it may be uncomfortable and bothersome. When a person achieves fame, however, they accept that life with all of its benefits and drawbacks in mind.

Being a celebrity, in my opinion, is a high-risk, high-reward bet. The lifestyle has such severe contradictions that it is impossible to comprehend in this writing. The highs are high, the lows are exceedingly low, and you can't go back once you've started down this road. Being a celebrity is, without a doubt, both lucrative and perilous!


  • Gratifying

Definition: provision of pleasure or satisfaction
Eg.: It is gratifying to note that much has already been achieved.

  • Lavish

Definition: sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious
Eg.: This is a lavish banquet to organize the themed party.

  • Drawbacks

Definition: a feature that renders something less acceptable; a disadvantage or problem
Eg.: There are a number of drawbacks associated with the venture.

  • Adore

Definition: to regard with loving admiration and devotion
Eg.: He is highly adored by his grandparents.

  • Legions

Definition: a vast number of people or things
Eg.: The celebrities are surrounded by legions of photographers and TV cameras.

  • Deliberately

Definition: consciously and intentionally; on purpose
Eg.: The accident was caused deliberately.

  • Contradictions

Definition: a combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another
Eg.: This proposed system suffers from a set of contradictions.

  • Exceedingly

Definition: upto a great extent
Eg.: The team has put efforts exceedingly in winning the game.

  • Lucrative

Definition: yielding or producing a great deal or profit
Eg.: I think stand-up comedy is a lucrative career.

  • Perilous

Definition: filled with danger or risks
Eg.: Climbing the mountains has been a perilous journey.

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Model Answer 2

Almost every day of the week, there are articles about the numerous benefits that come with being well-known. In reality, some media outlets have propagated the concept that fame relieves people of their worries; others, on the other hand, believe it leads to a lack of personal space. Being a star, in my opinion, comes with stratospheric pay; yet, their private life will be invaded by the paparazzi. As a result, there are benefits and drawbacks to becoming a public figure, which will be described in the following paragraphs.

As a result, the fundamental benefit of being well-known is that it improves one's lifestyle in a variety of ways. In terms of gaining access to money.

As a result of admirers mimicking, a plethora of firms would ask them to endorse in their advertising contracts, causing them to become affluent in a short period of time. As a result of their opulent lifestyle, they are surrounded by a team of experts who do everyday activities such as cooking, driving, and caring for children that ordinary people would undertake on their own. As a result, they are more efficient and productive. For example, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has stated that he attends numerous key meetings in his car since he has hired a driver.

On the other hand, celebrities are constantly scrutinized by the media, who are privy to every detail of their personal lives. As a result, they must use utmost caution at all times. People leaped to the conclusion that they had not handled themselves flawlessly or had indicated discomfort, which may be damaging to a celebrity's life. According to a recent study done by Amsterdam University, 90 percent of well-known Dutch individuals are at risk of developing a dangerously harmful condition, particularly OCD. As a result, they must always present themselves as a flawless individual in front of the public, and they must occasionally compromise their own interests. They will develop OCD if they pay too much attention.


  • Propagated

Definition: spread and promote
Eg.: The idea was propagated within the group of youngsters.

  • Relieves

Definition: to become less severe or serious
Eg.: The drug was used to promote sleep and to relieve pain

  • Stratospheric

Definition: extremely high
Eg.: Stratospheric salaries and bonuses.

  • Mimicking

Definition: imitate (someone or their actions or words), especially in order to entertain or ridicule
Eg.: That guy was a good mimicking artist.

  • Invaded

Definition: Entering a space in order to occupy or to subjugate
Eg.: During the Second World War the island was invaded by the Axis powers.

  • Affluent

Definition: having a great deal of money
Eg.: They belong to the affluent societies of the western world.

  • Privy

Definition: sharing in the knowledge of something or someone
Eg.: He was no longer privy to her innermost thoughts.

  • Flawless

Definition: without any imperfections or defects
Eg.: That woman was flawless with her performance.

Model Answer 3

We read more and more tales about renowned people on a regular basis, in which we learn about their everyday lives. Being a super star, on the other hand, means living a life of luxury and traveling all over the world, but it also means having no privacy in life, which may be stressful. The pros and disadvantages will be examined in greater depth in this article.

Having a well-known person has numerous advantages, including the ability to live a healthy and affluent lifestyle in which the person can buy anything he wants with luxury things. Furthermore, a well-known individual is capable of accomplishing anything.

If a person is performing, he becomes very well-known as a result of his acting since everyone in the country is watching him. Wherever he goes, people recognise him, appreciate him, and ask for autographs; all of these things make the celebrity happy. Furthermore, a celebrity's life is grand; they may go anywhere in the world whenever they want.

However, there are several disadvantages to having a well-known personality. In today's world, the media is so powerful that they get all of their news from someplace, which infringes on the private lives of famous individuals, since everyone has privacy, whether they are ordinary citizens or celebrities. As a result, they are unable to enjoy life as a regular person, which leaves them fatigued at times.

In conclusion, renowned people had numerous advantages since they were able to enjoy their lives in a variety of ways; nevertheless, living without isolation, when a person needs their own time away from large displays, causes a great deal of disruption.


  • Renowned

Definition: known or talked about by many people
Eg.: The person is renowned for his cooking styles.

  • Luxury

Definition: a state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense
Eg.: To live a life filled with luxury, one needs to invest.

  • Accomplishing

Definition: achieve or complete successfully
Eg.: Steps are required to be taken in order to accomplish this venture.

  • Fatigued

Definition: feeling of being exhausted
Eg.: The level of fatigueness increased after the activity.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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