Australia and the Great War Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Feb 20, 2023

Australia and the Great War Reading Answers contains a write up about the Australian war. Australia and the Great War Reading Answers contains a total of 10 paragraphs. Related to the paragraphs are 12 questions. Candidates in this IELTS Section will be shown various question types with clear instructions. The paragraphs contain information about the great war and the Australian war which happened during 1914 to 1918. The effects and the consequences of the war have also been mentioned. Along with this, the forces of different nations joined and their role has also been stated.

Australia and the Great War Reading Answers is an IELTS Reading passage which comprises two types of questions: Complete the sentences and Yes/No and not given. Candidates must carefully and properly read each paragraph. It is necessary to interpret each text. In order to respond to the questions, you must identify the paragraph's main idea. It's vital to keep in mind the crucial facts. It is necessary to interpret and comprehend each text. The answer of the question must not exceed more than two or three words. To gain proficiency, candidates can practice from IELTS reading practice test.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

Australia and the Great War Reading Answers

  1. Australia's role in the First World War, or the Great War as it was known until 1939, is central to the development of modern Australia's vision of itself in the world. In many ways, it has served to create what is in some ways a second founding of the nation in the Gallipoli campaign and on the battlefields of France and Belgium. The influence of the war experience in the First, and Second, World War is evident in the way in which ANZAC day is, perhaps even more than Australia day, the country's national day.
  2. When the war broke out in 1914, it was a certainty that, because of long standing economic, family and defense ties, Australia, along with New Zealand, would stand alongside Britain. The then Prime Minister Andrew Fisher was quick to pledge the country's support to "the last man, the last shilling". This was no idle promise and Australia paid a high price for their loyalty to their colonizers. From a pre-war population of 5m, 417,000 enlisted in the armed forces, of which 324,000 served abroad. By the end of the war, Australia had lost 60,000 dead and 155,000 men had been wounded. The economic price was also high. The national debt, which had stood at £6m in 1914, was £325m by the end of the war.
  3. It is possible that the first shot of the war was fired in Australia, when a shot was fired across the bow of the German merchant ship Pfalz as it tried to escape from Port Arthur only a few hours after the declaration of war. In late 1914 the light cruiser HMAS Sydney sank the German warship Emden off the west coast of the country. Also early in the war, Australian troops captured the German radio transmitters in Rabaul and Nauru and conquered all of German New Guinea.
  4. At first the Australian forces were intended only to defend Australia, but in 1915 the Australia New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) departed for Europe. Their first stop was Egypt and it was because they were so close that they were chosen to take part in the campaign to capture the Gallipoli peninsula, the key to shipping into the Black Sea, from the Turks. The plan was for British, French and Anzac forces to land on the peninsula at night at weak points in the Turkish defense. However, strong winds blew the troops off course to better-defended spots and the advantage was lost. What followed was months of bitter fighting in which 20,000 British and 7,000 ANZAC soldiers were killed and which ended in a successful withdrawal, but no gain for the Allies. It was at this moment of history that Australia was propelled into the world stage. From this moment onward Australia began to think of itself as a country in its own right; as being separate to Britain and no longer a colony.
  5. Most of the ANZAC force was sent to Europe, but the Australian Light Horse remained to fight Turkish forces in Palestine and Syria. They defended the Suez Canal and advanced through Palestine and Syria. They also took part in what was one of the world's last great cavalry charges at Beersheba.
  6. The main ANZAC force arrived in Europe in 1916. The ANZAC experience was similar to that of the other participants in the war; a high death toll and little gain to be shown for it. Australian forces were present at all the major battles of the war and sustained some terrible casualties. For example, in 24 hours near Pozieres the 5th Division suffered 5,000 casualties. At the battle of Bullecourt, of the 3,000 men who advanced, 2339 were killed, wounded or captured.
  7. By 1917 most of the officers were not professional soldiers. The most prominent example was General Sir John Monash, who was an engineer by training. He commanded the allied forces at the battle of Hamel so well that the general staff published the battle reports as a model. In August 1918, he commanded 200,000 troops on what was called "Ludendorff's black day", a turning point in the war. Monash was probably Australia's greatest military figure.
  8. Unlike in other armies in the war, the Australian soldiers were all volunteers. They were also more individualistic and showed less respect for the rulebook than other soldiers. The relationship between ranks was more democratic and officers had to win the respect of their troops. All in all, they paid a high price for fighting in the war. Of the 324,000 soldiers who served overseas in the war, 215,000 were killed or wounded. This was the highest proportion of any of the countries in the war and was probably due to the Australians fighting qualities, which meant that they were often used on the frontline of the fighting.
  9. At home, the war had a significant effect on the economy. Negative effects included the end of British investment, the closure of many shipping lanes and the stockpiling of Australia's main export, wool. However, the isolation that resulted from the war meant that Australia had to make some things that had previously been imported. This led to the development of new industries. In addition, the BHP smelting company, which is now a major Australian company, saw a great increase in demand for iron and steel. The needs of the war were a stimulus for the beginning of full industrialization in Australia.
  10. At the signing of the treaty of Versailles, which marked the end of the war, Australia signed as a separate country. This reflected the fact that, at the cost of 60,000 dead, Australia had finally emerged from the shadow of Britain. The Great War was, perhaps, the beginning of modernism. Australian history.

Section 2

Solution with Explanation

Questions 1-7

Complete the sentences below (1-7) with words taken from the passage.

Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer

  1. According to the passage, Australia's view of itself is directly related to its involvement in ..............

Answer: The great war
Supporting statement: Australia's role in the First World War, or the Great War ………. France and Belgium.
Keywords: Australia's role, Australia's vision
Keyword Location: Paragraph 1
Explanation: As per paragraph 1, it has been clearly mentioned that The First World War, or the Great War as it was known until 1939. It had a significant part in shaping how modern Australia sees itself in the world. In many ways, the Gallipoli campaign and the battlefields of France and Belgium have helped to build what is in some ways a second founding of the nation. So, the correct answer is 'the great war' as per the explanation provided and the information given in paragraph 1.

  1. Soon after the war had begun, Australia's Prime Minister offered………….

Answer: the country's support
Supporting statement: When the war broke out in 1914…………. paid a high price for their loyalty to their colonizers.
Keywords: 1914, Australia
Keyword Location: Paragraph 2
Explanation: As per paragraph 2, it has been clearly mentioned that due to long-standing family, commercial, and military links. In addition, Australia and New Zealand were bound to support Britain when World War I broke out in 1914. The nation's support for "the last man, the last shilling" was quickly promised by the nation's then-Prime Minister Andrew Fisher. Australia paid a heavy price for their fidelity to their conquerors since this was no empty pledge. So, the correct answer is 'country's support' as per the explanation provided and the information given in paragraph 2.

  1. Australia had an early involvement in the war and it is even possible that they were responsible for……………

Answer: the first shot
Supporting statement: It is possible that the ………. Emden off the west coast of the country.
Keywords: Australia, German merchant
Keyword Location: Paragraph 3’
Explanation: As per paragraph 3, it has been clearly mentioned that it's probable that Australia fired the first shot of the war. It was when a German commercial ship, the Pfalz, was blasted across the bow as it attempted to leave Port Arthur just a few hours after war was declared. German destroyer Emden was sunk by the light cruiser HMAS Sydney in late 1914 off the nation's west coast. So, the correct answer is 'the first shot' as per the explanation provided and the information given in paragraph 3.

  1. When combating the Turkish defense, the British, French and Anzac forces ended up attacking stronger points than they had originally intended because of………….

Answer: strong winds
Supporting statement: The plan was for British, ……. ended in a successful withdrawal, but no gain for the Allies.
Keywords: Turkish, troops
Keyword Location: Paragraph 4
Explanation: As per paragraph 4, it has been clearly mentioned that the British, French, and Anzac soldiers were supposed to land on the peninsula. They were to land at night at vulnerable Turkish defense sites. However, the forces were diverted by strong winds to better-defended areas, and the advantage was lost. The Allies eventually withdrew after months of ferocious warfare during which 20,000 British and 7,000 ANZAC men lost their lives, yet there was no benefit for them. So, the correct answer is 'strong winds' as per the explanation provided and the information given in paragraph 4.

  1. The outcome of the bitter fight with the Turks was significant for Australia because it enabled them to take their place on……………

Answer: the world stage
Supporting statement: It was at this moment of history that ………. as being separate to Britain and no longer a colony.
Keywords: Britain, Australia
Keyword Location: Paragraph 4
Explanation: As per paragraph 4, it has been clearly mentioned that Australia was thrust onto the global stage at this point in history. From that point on, Australia started to view itself as a sovereign nation, independent of Britain and no longer a colony. So, the correct answer is 'the world stage' as per the explanation provided and the information given in paragraph 4.

  1. John Monash commanded the battle of Hamel so well that reports of the battle were published in order to be used……………

Answer: as a model
Supporting statement: By 1917 most of the officers were not ………. published the battle reports as a model.
Keywords: prominent, John Monash
Keyword Location: Paragraph 7
Explanation: As per paragraph 7, it has been clearly mentioned that by 1917, the majority of the officers were not trained military personnel. The most notable case in point was General Sir John Monash, an engineer by profession. At the battle of Hamel, he led the combined forces so expertly that the general staff used the battle reports as a template. So, the correct answer is ' as a model' as per the explanation provided and the information given in paragraph 7.

  1. The Great War marked the beginning of modern Australia. They had emerged as a separate country and would no longer have to live under the................

Answer: shadow of Britain
Supporting statement: At the signing of the treaty of Versailles…… shadow of Britain.
Keywords: treaty of Versailles
Keyword Location: Paragraph 10
Explanation: As per paragraph 10, it has been clearly mentioned that Australia signed the treaty of Versailles, which put an end to the war, as a distinct nation. This was a shadow of Australia's eventual departure from Britain at a cost of 60,000 lives. So, the correct answer is 'shadow of Britain's as per the explanation provided and the information given in paragraph 10.

Questions 8-12

Classify the following statements as representing

Yes Opinions the writer would agree with
No Statements the writer would disagree with
Not Given Facts not reported in the passage

Write the appropriate letters in boxes 8-12 on your answer sheet.

  1. Australia's national debt increased greatly as a result of the Great War.

Answer: yes
Supporting statement: Australia paid a high price for their loyalty………….. £6m in 1914, was £325m by the end of the war.
Keywords: Australia, colonizers
Keyword Location: Paragraph 2
Explanation: As per paragraph 2, it has been clearly mentioned that Australia paid a steep price for remaining obedient to its colonists. From a pre-war population of 5 million, 417,000 joined the military, 324,000 of whom served abroad. The financial cost was likewise high. By the end of the war, the national debt, which had been £6 million in 1914, had grown to £325 million. So, the correct answer is yes because the question statement is right as per the information provided.

  1. Australia made a great contribution to the successful outcome of the First World War.

Answer: not given
Explanation: There has been no relevant information provided in the paragraphs associated with the question statement. Thus, the correct answer is Not Given.

  1. The British forces suffered a greater number of casualties than the Anzac forces during the months of fighting with the Turkish.

Answer: yes
Supporting statement: followed months of bitter ……… propelled into the world stage.
Keywords: ANZAC, British
Keyword Location: Paragraph 4
Explanation: As per paragraph 4, it has been clearly mentioned that months of ferocious battle that resulted in the deaths of 20,000 British and 7,000 ANZAC soldiers. It concluded in a successful withdrawal without any gains for the Allies then followed. Australia was thrust onto the global stage at this point in history. So, the correct answer is yes because the question statement is right as per the information provided.

  1. Overall, the British had a higher proportion of soldiers killed or injured than Australia.

Answer: no
Supporting statement: Of the 324,000 soldiers who served overseas in the war, 215,000 …….. often used on the frontline of the fighting.
Keywords: Australians, killed
Keyword Location: Paragraph 8
Explanation: As per paragraph 8, it has been clearly mentioned that 215,000 of the 324,000 soldiers who served in the war overseas were killed or injured. Due to the Australians' combat prowess and frequent deployment on the battlefield front lines, they likely contributed the most of any nation during the conflict. So, the question statement is contrary to the actual information provided in the paragraph. Thus, the correct answer is No as per the explanation provided.

  1. Australian soldiers were disrespectful to their superiors.

Answer: no
Supporting statement: Unlike in other armies in the war……………… had to win the respect of their troops.
Keywords: Australian soldiers
Keyword Location: Paragraph 8
Explanation: As per paragraph 8, it has been clearly mentioned that the Australian soldiers in the conflict were all volunteers, unlike other militaries. They also showed less respect for the rules and were more individualistic than other soldiers. The hierarchy was more democratic, and officers had to earn the trust of their soldiers. So, the question statement is contrary to the actual information provided in the paragraph. Thus, the correct answer is No as per the explanation provided.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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