Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS

Collegedunia Team

Feb 18, 2022

The speaking test is the toughest section of the IELTS exam. This article throws light on the word vocabulary used in the IELTS speaking section. There are a variety of words and phrases that you should start using in daily life to practice effectively for the IELTS speaking test.

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Select the correct answer option (a – d) for each question (1 – 20)

1. a. futile b. brazen c. aqueous d. dubious
2. a. docile b. gratuitous c. dormant d. arduous
3. a. eminent b. convivial c. extraneous d. homogenous
4. a. imminent b. eminent c. frugal d. culpable
5. a. doleful b. esoteric c. lithe d. intrepid
6. a. brazen b. inherent c. ponderous d. lurid
7. a. prudent b. reclusive c. precipitous d. mendacious
8. a. oblique b. miniscule c. inherent d. prolific
9. a. prolific b. plethora c. nominal d. frugal
10. a. laconic b. frugal c. congenial d. apprehensive
11. a. prodigious b. coherent c. eminent d. flagrant
12. a. prolific b. brazen c. indulgent d. innate
13. a. contiguous b. munificent c. gregarious d. noxious
14. a. gaudy b. lustrous c. munificent d. cryptic
15. a. latent b. dubious c. laconic d. lucrative
16. a. latent b. lucrative c. flagrant d. miniscule
17. a. flimsy b. lustrous c. intrepid d. haughty
18. a. prudent b. reclusive c. doleful d. officious
19. a. reticent b. ponderous c. esoteric d. reciprocal
20. a. plethora b. miniscule c. dearth d. vestige
  1. It was a(n)______effort on our part to try to convince her not to make such a rash decision and quit her job before she had anything lined up; she was never going to listen to us anyway.

Answer: Futile
As futile means worthless or pointless and the sentence states that it was a pointless effort to try and convince her that it is a rash decision to quit hr job before she had anything lined up as she was never going to listen us us, thus the word correctly matched with the sentence above.

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  1. The violent scenes in that movie were simply______and added nothing to the storyline. All they served to achieve was to force the Film Censor’s hand so as to prevent under 12s from being able to view what was otherwise a perfectly suitable film for them to watch.

Answer: gratuitous
As gratuitous means anything that is unjustified or unwanted and the sentence above states that the violent scenes were needless so as to force the Film’s Censor board to prevent under 12 children from watching the film which was otherwise perfect for them to watch. Hence the word gratuitous correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. Living as a foreigner in such a(n)______place as this, it is hardly surprising that I get stared at walking down the street; I stand out like a sore thumb.

Answer: Homogenous
As homogenous means comparable, identical or matching and the sentence above states that living as a foreigner in such an unvarying place as this, it is hardly surprising that I get stared at walking down the street, thus, the word homogeneous correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. Rumors abound that the announcement of the merger of the two companies is______; apparently it is as good as a done deal.

Answer: Imminent
As imminent means approaching, or about to happen and the sentence above states that rumors about the announcement of the merger of the two companies is near and apparently it is as good as a done deal, thus, imminent correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. He had the______build of someone half his age involved in professional athletics; it was as though he never aged at all, and yet I seldom saw him do exercise of any kind and he never went to the gym.

Answer: Lithe
As lithe means thin, supple, or graceful and the sentence above states that he had the build of someone half his age involved in professional athletics thus, the word,lithe correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. The______details of the deceased’s year-long affair with his secretary emerged during the trial as the prosecution tried to build a strong case for motive to murder. This much is clear; most people in Jane Eyre's shoes probably would have wanted their lying, cheating, money-grabbing husband dead.

Answer: Lurid
As lurid means bright, gaudy or showy and the sentence above states that the gaudy details of the deceased year-long affair with his secretary emerged during the trail as the prosecution tried to build a strong case for motive to murder, thus, the word lurid correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. It is one thing to simply tell a white lie, James, but you have been downright______; I will never be able to trust you again.

Answer: mendacious
As mendacious means untruthful, lying, or dishonest and the sentence above states that it is one thing to simply tell a white lie, James, but you have been downright dishonest and I will never be able to trust you again, thus, the word mendacious correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. The chances of finding those trapped in the snow after the avalanche now are______; after all, most avalanche survivors suffocate within 15-30 minutes of being buried alive. It has been nine hours now that the rescuers have been searching.

Answer: miniscule
As miniscule means tiny or very small and the sentence above states that the chances of finding those trapped in the snow after the avalanche are now small. After all, most avalanche survivors suffocate within 15-30 minutes of being buried alive and it has been nine hours since the rescuers are searching. Thus, miniscule correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. There is a(n)______of books on the subject, so you should have no trouble whatsoever researching ideas for your project.

Answer: Plethora
As plethora means abundance or cornucopia and the sentence above states that there are tons of books on the subject so you should have no problem researching ideas for your project.

  1. She has a(n)______way of making her point which is brilliantly effective; I find it leaves those with whom she argues at a loss for what to say next, so taken aback are they by her succinct ripostes.

Answer: Laconic
As laconic means using a few words or brief and the sentence above states that she has a concise way of making her point which is brilliantly effective and i find those with whom she argues at a loss what you say next, thus, laconic correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. He is no doubt a(n)______talent, but I question whether or not he has the temperament to succeed in this sport.

Answer: Prodigious
As prodigious means enormous, huge or great in extent and the sentence above states that he is no doubt a huge talent, but I question whether or not he has the temperament to succeed in this port thus, the word prodigious correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. He is a(n)______goal scorer; not even the great Malcolm Mound managed to convert his chances with the same regularity during his spell at the club.

Answer: Prolific
As prolific means abundant or plentiful and the sentence above states that he is a goal scorer, not even the great Malcolm Mound managed to convert his chances with the same regularity during his spell at the club.

  1. The two houses are______to each other and yet they are so differently styled that you could be forgiven for thinking they were built in completely different eras.

Answer: Contiguous
As contiguous means neighboring or adjacent and the sentence above states that the two houses above are adjacent to each other and yet they are so differently styled that you could be forgiven for thinking they were built in completely different eras thus,the word contiguous correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. He left a(n)______on my answerphone about having to ‘disappear’ for a few weeks, saying that ‘everything would be all right’ and that he would sort it out. I am still struggling to understand what this is all about, but it can’t be good.

Answer: Gaudy
As gaudy means loud, harsh or violent and the sentence above states that he left a loud message on my answer phone about having to disappear for a few weeks saying that everything would be alright and that he would sort it out, thus, the word gaudy correctly matches with the sentence above.

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  1. The diamond is of______origin; indeed, I strongly suspect that it has been smuggled into the country illegally from one of the African conflict zones.

Answer: Latent
As latent means dormant, untapped or inactive and the sentence above states that the diamond is of untapped origin indeed and I strongly suspect that it has been smuggled into the country illegally from one of the African conflict zones thus, the word latent correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. That is a(n)______abuse of power; be warned, you will not win any friends behaving like this and walking all over everyone.

Answer: Latent
As latent means hidden or untapped and the sentence above states that it is an underlying abuse of power be aware you will not win any friends behaving like this and walking all over anyone, thus, the word latent correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. The bottom fell out of this______cardboard box while I was carrying it up the stairs; how cheap of the courier company to use such cut-rate packaging.

Answer: Flimsy
As flimsy means breakable or fragile and the sentence above states that the bottom fell of the breakable cupboard box while I was carrying it up the stairs how cheap of the courier company to use such cut rate packaging thus, the word flimsy correctly matches with the sentence above.

  1. He wore a(n)______expression for weeks following the news that he had not got the promotion.

Answer: Doleful
As doleful means sorrow or mournful and the sentence above states that he wore a mournful expression for weeks following the news that he had not got the promotion, thus, the word doleful correctly matches with the sentence above. Hence it is the correct answer.

  1. He has a(n)______collection of butterflies which he bought from the local Natural History museum.

Answer: Esoteric
As esoteric means enigmatic or hidden and the sentence above states that he has a reserved collection of butterflies which he bought from the local Natural History museum thus, the word esoteric correctly matches with the sentence above. Hence it is the correct answer.

  1. There is a(n)______of new homes being built in the region and at the moment demand far outweighs supply. Something must be done to redress the balance.

Answer: Dearth
As dearth means scarcity or lack of something and the sentence above states that there is a scarcity of new homes being built in the region at the moment demand far outweigh supply, thus the word dearth correctly matches with the sentence above.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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