Accommodation - IELTS Speaking Sample Answer

Bhaskar Das

Jan 24, 2022

IELTS Speaking Part 1 gives a general topic on which you are expected to speak eloquently and cover the topic from various angles. There is no right or wrong answer. All you need to do is speak on the IELTS topic from your own experiences. Candidates are asked several questions relating and relevant to the IELTS speaking topic - Accommodation like- how did your accommodation look, your favorite room, whether the candidate lived in a house or an apartment and how long does he/she plan to stay in the said accommodation and many more.

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Topic: Accommodation

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Answer: I grew up living in an apartment with really cordial neighbors. The place has all my childhood memories and the apartment has a special place in my heart.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Cordial: Friendly, pleasant

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What is your favorite room in your home? why?

Answer: My favorite room in my home is obviously my bedroom. Though I’ve grown up, my room still looks like a room that belongs to a teenager studying in middle school. Now that I stay away from home, I’ve grown fond of my room and get nostalgic whenever I return to my hometown. My parents have made sure that all my stuff is left untouched so that I can relive my childhood.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Nostalgia: to think fondly of the past

Would you change anything in your home? Why/why not?

Answer: I wouldn’t want to particularly change anything in my home, in terms of redesigning or restructuring. But we have a huge balcony where we usually sit in the winters and have tea in the evening, and I always wanted a swing there, to spend some leisurely time. The balcony has enough space where a swing can be easily installed and I hope someday I get to see it there.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Restructuring:  restore the structure of

Would you like to move into a different home in the future?

Answer: I always wanted to move out of my hometown because there are fewer opportunities there and I wanted to have my own place in a cosmopolitan city. I love my parent's house but I do want to shift in the future when I become financially independent.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Cosmopolitan: a place which has people from many countries and regions.

How is your apartment decorated?

Answer: My apartment is well decorated which resonates with the culture of my hometown. Since my parents are very culturally oriented, they wanted to decorate the place with items and furniture made by local artists. They decorated the place meticulously, putting every piece together over the years.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Resonates: something one can relate to on a personal level
  • Meticulously: very carefully

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Answer: I’ve lived in that apartment for over 20 years and only shifted recently to a different city for college. I frequently return to the apartment. Though I do not plan to permanently live there for a long time, I will always return from time to time, because there’s no place like your childhood home.

Do you have a garden?

Answer: We live in an apartment so we cannot afford to have a garden due to lack of space. But we have a few plants in our home because it is good to have some greenery around. Though I would love to have a garden someday, not just because of the aesthetics it provides, the plants also keep the house fresh.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Aesthetics: a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty.

Are there amenities near your home?

Answer: Our apartment is right at the heart of the city, so we’ve all the amenities near our home. The place is well-connected with public transports, has a few medical stores which are always open, there are grocery stores nearby and also there's a supermarket in the vicinity. So, we do not have any problem with regard to our basic needs.

Who do you live with?

Answer: I live with my parents and a younger sibling. I’m the eldest in the family and have a much younger sister who is just in middle school. We have all lived in the apartment since the time I was born.

How long have you lived there?

Answer: I’ve lived there since my birth and it’s been almost 20 years that I’ve stayed in the same apartment with my parents and my sister. I did my entire schooling and diploma in my hometown.

What’s the difference between where you’re living now and where you lived in the past?

Answer: I currently stay at the college hostel so things are very different here which reminds me of the apartment where I grew up. Staying away from my parents, reminds me how privileged I am to get all my basic needs taken care of. Now I’ve to share a room with almost zero privacy. There is one common bathroom which is used by all the students in that particular floor. Things are drastically different. And as much as I miss home, I’m looking forward to this new journey ahead.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Privileged: someone who has all the advantages in life
  • Drastically: a change in huge proportions

Which room does your family spend most of their time in?

Answer: As a family, we spent most of our time in the common room. Since television was a major attraction back then, we used to sit in the common room altogether and watch various shows. We used to sit there for cricket matches and also while we played games over the weekend.

Are the public transport facilities to your home very good?

Answer: My home is very well-connected to public transport. There is a direct metro to my palace. Also, there are several public buses which pass through my place. All other short-distance public transports like the rickshaws are also available.

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

Answer: I’ve always stayed in a flat so I do not know my preference in a practical way. But I do have dreams of getting a landing and building a house from scratch. Everything has its pros and cons, it only depends on which one you can get adapted to overtime. And I loved staying in an apartment all my life.

What part of your home do you like the most?

Answer: I really like the sofa set in the living room. It’s always the place where we as a family spend most of our time together. The sofas are extremely cozy and comfortable. One could sit for hours there and talk. The set is very chic and the colour is also very elegant.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Chic: elegant and fashionable


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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