A Very Tough Job Reading Answers

Sayantani Barman

Mar 21, 2024

A very tough job Reading Answers is an academic reading answers topic. A very tough job Reading Answers have a total of 14 IELTS questions in total. This topic has 7 questions in which you have to choose the correct title for the passage given. In the rest 7 questions you have to choose the correct choice.

Candidates should read the IELTS Reading passage thoroughly to recognize synonyms, identify keywords, and answer the questions below. IELTS Reading practice papers, which feature topics such as A very tough job Reading Answers. Candidates can use IELTS reading practice questions and answers to enhance their performance in the reading section.

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Section 1

Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

A Very Tough Job

  1. Playing in a big international orchestra is one of life's most exciting experiences, yet it is also a very tough job. Players are part of a team of eighty or more musicians playing some of the world's greatest music. They work very long hours - turning up early for rehearsals on dark, cola winter's mornings in a chilly, empty hall; working till late in the evening on the night of a concert; travelling on trains and planes at all hours of the day and night; eating and sleeping when they can; trying to play well when they are tired or hungry or have a headache. There's not much time left for home, family or friends. In fact, their 'family' is the rest of the orchestra. The musicians share the hectic pace and the worries, but they also share the wonderful moments when they are all playing together and feel on top of the world.
  2. Much of an orchestra's time is spent in rehearsal. The players may already know the music by heart, but every conductor has his or her own ideas about how a piece of music should be played. That is one reason why rehearsals are necessary. Another reason is the problem of orchestra balance of sound. With the rest of the orchestra around them, players cannot always hear themselves properly (sometimes not at all), and so they cannot gauge the balance of sound between their own instruments or section and the rest of the orchestra. At rehearsals, this is something that the conductor is able to put right.
  3. Some conductors like to go through a piece of music bar by bar, stopping the orchestra each time they want to make a comment. Others let an orchestra play for long stretches at a time, then go back to a particular point they want to rehearse again. Whatever the conductor's method, it is important that the musicians are happy with it. If the players don't like the conductor they can become very difficult, interrupting the session with questions or complaints. At one time conductors, such as Toscanini, used to get such fine performances out of an orchestra by shouting at the musicians and almost frightening them into playing well. That sort of behaviour would not work with most orchestras today. After all, orchestral musicians are highly trained and experienced people and they should be treated with respect.
  4. If a rehearsal is held in the morning of a concert, it probably takes place in the concert hall. In the morning, everybody will still be in casual clothes but in the evening they will change into formal dress. Most will arrive at least an hour early to unpack and inspect their instruments - violinists to check their strings and bow, woodwind players to check their reeds and change them if need be, and everyone to run over any difficult passages of music. If they want a bit of peace and quiet some members of the orchestra may even hide themselves away in the toilets or creep down to the boiler room! Players whose instruments are too big for them to carry, such as timpani, harps and double-basses, will arrive on the platform before the rest to make their last minute checks.
  5. About five minutes before the concert is due to start, everybody except the leader or concert master, files on and takes their place. Then the leader comes on to a round of applause from the audience and calls for silence, while the oboist sounds the note A. The rest of the orchestra tune their instruments to this note. Finally, on comes the conductor, to more applause, and, when there is quiet once more, the concert begins
  6. However well the orchestra may have rehearsed, problems may still occur. In a warm, crowded concert hall the acoustics are different from those in a cool, empty building, and this can change the balance of the sound. Also, the instruments may go out of tune after some time in a warm atmosphere.
  7. Musicians, like actors, are aware of the audience; they notice whether the audience is a good one or not. A good audience will listen and respond to the music, whereas a difficult audience coughs and fidgets throughout the performance. Above all, the musicians are also aware of whether they are playing well, not just individually but as a team. Knowing they are giving a good performance makes all the difference at the end of a long, hard day.

Section 2

Solution and Explanation

Questions 27-33

The text 'Life in an international orchestra' has seven paragraphs (A-G). Choose the correct heading for Paragraphs A-G from the list of headings (i-x) below. 

NB There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them.

List of Headings

  1. The need for a high-quality instrument
  2. Formalities at the beginning of the concert
  3. Problems with changes in sound in the hal!
  4. Poor and ineffective conducting method
  5. The highs and lows of being a member of an orchestra
  6. Pre-concert arrangements
  7. The response of the audience
  8. The need for detailed rehearsal
  9. The importance of the conductor's management style
  10. Correct adjustment of each instrument
  1. Paragraph A

Answer: V
Supporting statement:
“........Players are part of a team of eighty or more musicians playing some of the world's greatest music. They work very long hours - turning up early for rehearsals on dark, cola winter's mornings in a chilly, empty hall...........”
music, dark 
Keyword Location: para A, line 3
Paragraph A mentions the challenging aspects of being part of an orchestra, highlighting both the excitement and the difficulties faced by the musicians. 

  1. Paragraph B

Answer: VIII
Supporting statement:
“.........Much of an orchestra's time is spent in rehearsal. The players may already know the music by heart, but every conductor has his or her own ideas about how a piece of music should be played. That is one reason
why rehearsals are necessary...........”
music, necessary 
Keyword Location: para B, line 1
Para B mentions on the importance of rehearsals in an orchestra. It discusses how each conductor has unique ideas about how a piece should be played, requiring detailed rehearsals to address issues such as balance of sound and interpretation.

  1. Paragraph C

Answer: IX
Supporting statement:
“.........Whatever the conductor's method, it is important that the musicians are happy with it. If the players don't like the conductor they can become very difficult, interrupting the session with questions or complaints...........”
difficult, session 
Keyword Location: para C, line 4
Para C mentions the role of the conductor in managing the orchestra during rehearsals. It discusses different approaches that conductors may take and emphasizes the importance of the musicians being comfortable with the conductor's style.

  1. Paragraph D

Answer: VI
Supporting statement:
“....... If a rehearsal is held in the morning of a concert, it probably takes place in the concert hall. In the morning, everybody will still be in casual clothes but in the evening they will change into formal dress.............”
concert, formal 
Keyword Location: para D, line 2
Para D mentions the preparations that orchestra members undergo before a concert. It discusses the process of arriving early, inspecting instruments, and running over difficult passages of music, highlighting the pre-concert

  1. Paragraph E

Answer: II
Supporting statement:
“..........About five minutes before the concert is due to start, everybody except the leader or concert master, files on and takes their place. Then the leader comes on to a round of applause from the audience and calls for
leader, silence 
Keyword Location: para E, line 2
Para E details the formalities that occur at the beginning of a concert, such as tuning instruments to the note A and the entrance of the conductor and leader. It focuses on the rituals that precede the start of the performance.

  1. Paragraph F

Answer: III
Supporting statement:
“.........crowded concert hall the acoustics are different from those in a cool, empty building, and this can change the balance of the sound. Also, the instruments may go out of tune after some time in a warm
cool, may
Keyword Location: para F, line 3
Para F mentions potential issues that may arise during a concert, such as changes in the acoustics of the concert hall and instruments going out of tune. It addresses the challenges related to sound balance and quality.

  1. Paragraph G

Answer: VII
Supporting statement:
“..........Musicians, like actors, are aware of the audience; they notice whether the audience is a good one or not. A good audience will listen and respond to the music, whereas a difficult audience coughs .........”
respond, difficult 
Keyword Location: para G, line 2
Para G mentions the awareness of musicians regarding the audience's response during a performance. It discusses how a good audience can positively impact the musicians' experience and emphasizes the importance of playing well as a team.

Questions 34-40 Write answers, A-D.

  1. Playing in a large orchestra requires long hours because

A) there are many members in a team.
B) the rehearsals take a lot of time.
C) the leader asks them to do so.
D) players are sometimes absent because they are sick.

Answer: B
Supporting statement:
“..........Playing in a big international orchestra is one of life's most exciting experiences, yet it is also a very tough job. Players are part of a team of eighty or more musicians playing some of the world's greatest music. They work very long hours .........”
eighty, hours 
Keyword Location: para A, line 3
This is given in para A, where it mentions the long hours spent rehearsing, starting early in the morning and often lasting till late in the evening.

  1. Frequent rehearsals may be needed because

A) the musicians are occasionally worried.
B) the conductor must correct players' mistakes.
C) the players may not know each piece of music.
D) the volume of the instruments needs to be Adjusted.

Answer: D
Supporting statement:
“.........Much of an orchestra's time is spent in rehearsal. The players may already know the music by heart, but every conductor has his or her own ideas about how a piece of music should be played. That is one reason
why rehearsals are necessary...........”
piece, reason
Keyword Location: para B, line 3
This is given in para B, where it mentions the necessity of rehearsals to address the problem of orchestra balance of sound, as players may not always hear themselves properly amidst the rest of the orchestra.

  1. An effective conductor is one who

A) has the players' approval.
B) forces the team to play well.
C) explains everything to the players.
D) allows no interruption to the rehearsal.

Answer: A
Supporting statement:
“.........Others let an orchestra play for long stretches at a time, then go back to a particular point they want to rehearse again. Whatever the conductor's method, it is important that the musicians are happy with it. If the players don't like the conductor they can become very difficult,..........”
method, difficult 
Keyword Location: para C, line 5
This is given in para C, where it mentions that if the players don't like the conductor, they may become difficult, emphasizing the importance of the musicians being happy with the conductor's methods.

  1. Today, a conductor who loudly criticises the players

A) is showing them respect.
B) can expect insults from them.
C) will force them to play well.
D) will not get good music from them.

Answer: D
Supporting statement:
“........At one time conductors, such as Toscanini, used to get such fine performances out of an orchestra by shouting at the musicians and almost frightening them into playing well...........”
fine, playing
Keyword Location: para C, line 6
This is given in para C, where it mentions that intimidating behavior from conductors would not be effective with modern orchestras, who are highly trained professionals deserving of respect.

  1. On the evening of a concert, the players, will

A) visit the changing rooms.
B) arrive at the hall too early.
C) make sure their instruments are working properly.
D) check they have their formal clothing. 

Answer: C
Supporting statement:
“.......... Most will arrive at least an hour early to unpack and inspect their instruments - violinists to check their strings and bow, woodwind players to check their reeds and change them if need be, and everyone to run over any difficult .........”
reeds, difficult 
Keyword Location: para D, line 3
This is given in para D, where it mentions players inspecting and tuning their instruments before the concert to ensure they are in optimal condition.

  1. Problems in a concert may occur if

A) the hall temperature changes.
B) the audience does not applaud the conductor.
C) the players are playing an unfamiliar piece of music.
D) the conductor doesn't go through music bar by bar.

Answer: A
Supporting statement:
“.........However well the orchestra may have rehearsed, problems may still occur. In a warm, crowded concert hall the acoustics are different from those in a cool, empty building, and this can change the balance of the sound...........”
cool, sound
Keyword Location: para F, line 2
This is mentioned in para F, where it mentions how changes in the temperature of the concert hall can affect the acoustics and instrument tuning, potentially leading to problems during the performance.

  1. Plavers feel satisfaction in their music when

A) they have rehearsed well.
B) they have worked a long hard day.
C) the whole orchestra plays well together.
D) the audience is happy.

Answer: C
Supporting statement:
“.........difficult audience coughs and fidgets throughout the performance. Above all, the musicians are also aware of whether they are playing well, not just individually but as a team...........”
team, musicians
Keyword Location: para G, line 2
This is given in para G, where it mentions the importance of the musicians being aware of whether they are playing well individually and as a team, which contributes to their satisfaction at the end of the performance.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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