A Salesman giving Information to House Owners about an Alarm System- IELTS Listening Sample Answer

The IELTS Listening section comprises two conversations and two monologues. Candidates need to answer 40 IELTS listening questions. This topic - A Salesman giving Information to House Owners about an Alarm System is IELTS Listening section two.

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Topic: A Salesman giving Information to House Owners about an Alarm System

Audio Transcript

Section 2

You will hear a salesman giving information to house owners about an alarm system. You now have 45 seconds to read questions 11 to 20.

Thank you for inviting me to your resident’s meeting. My name is Martin Pugh from safecell alarms. I'm going to explain a little bit about home security and I hope you'll all feel a bit better informed and perhaps that you will even purchase one of the alarms we sell. It is all too easy these days for people to break into our homes. Did you know that 25% of all burglaries are committed by burglars breaking and entering via the back door? Even though it is locked, it is still relatively easy for someone to gain entry and there are parts of our house that we think are not vulnerable because they look inaccessible. But they're not. So if you're trying to protect your home, you should make sure the top floor is covered by that protection. Not just the ground floor.

We believe that the only way to secure your property is by having an alarm fitted. Just having the alarm on the outside can put burglars off and we also recommend that you warn them about the alarm. To do this we suggest you stick a sign in the front window of the house, so it can be seen clearly. This alone should be enough to dissuade a burglar before they start. Now, our company has a range of alarms on offer and I brought several along for you to see tonight, but let me just explain a few things about them.

First of all, all of our alarms are highly visible. They’re coloured red and on the underneath there is a blue light which you can see whether they are switched on or not. This acts as a deterrent to burglars who can see it as an active alarm system. Like most systems our alarms are very sensitive. So you do need to look after them. You may be surprised to hear that a cat can often slink around unnoticed under the infrared beings, but a spider crawling across them will set them off. Also our system is a little different from some. Most companies offer an option that connects their alarms to the police station. All our alarms have an automatic link to our company office. This means we can deal with the situation promptly. and can sort out any alarms that have gone off by mistake.

Okay, let me tell you about the installation of our alarms. Later on, I'll show you some house plans and diagrams of how the alarms operate, but you don't have to worry about them being intrusive as we normally put them in hallways rather than individual rooms. The diagram shows you how the beams work to cover the whole house in this way. Oh! One small thing what I remember is don't leave your security code in your house. A lot of people keep it in the kitchen or their study. But we suggest you leave it with a neighbour so that if there is a break in, the burglars can't switch the system off.

Now regarding the practical aspects of installation. I know that many of you are out all day and I'm afraid we don't install the alarms and we can’t. But we do offer service where we can fit the alarm system in the evenings for you, but we do charge a little bit extra for that. Finally we do offer a range of systems, so I suggest you look at the leaflets on our prices. And please don't be put off from investing in a more sophisticated system to protect your home as we do allow you to set up a monthly payment if it's too much in one go. Okay, now if you'd like to…..

Questions 11-20

Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Your home:

  1. A quarter of break-ins are through the ____________________

Answer: back door

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker says that 25% of all burglaries are committed by burglars breaking and entering via the back door.

Also, check:

  1. The _______________of the house should also be protected.

Answer: top floor

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker says if you're trying to protect your home, you should make sure the top floor is covered by that protection. Not just the ground floor.

  1. You should warn burglars your house is alarmed by putting a________________in the window

Answer: sign

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker suggests sticking a sign in the front window of the house, so it can be seen clearly.

The alarms:

  1. The alarms show a constant ___________

Answer: blue light

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker says the alarm is colored red and underneath, there is a blue light which you can see whether they are switched on or not.

  1. The alarms can be set off by a______________

Answer: spider crawling

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker says You may be surprised to hear that a cat can often slink around unnoticed under the infrared beings, but a spider crawling across them will set them off.

  1. The alarms are connected to the______________

Answer: company office

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker says all our alarms have an automatic link to our company office.


  1. The alarms are usually installed in _____________

Answer: hallways

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker shows some house plans and diagrams of how the alarms operate, added not to worry about them being intrusive as we normally put them in hallways rather than individual rooms.

  1. The security code should be kept_______________

Answer: with a neighbour

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker says that a lot of people keep it in the kitchen or their study. But we suggest you leave it with a neighbour so that if there is a break in, the burglars can't switch the system off.

  1. The alarms can be installed__________________ at an additional cost.

Answer: in the evenings

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker says they do offer service where we can fit the alarm system in the evenings for you, but we do charge a little bit extra for that.

  1. Customers can pay___________________for their alarm system.

Answer: monthly

Explanation: from the above monologue it is evident when the speaker requested not to put off from investing in a more sophisticated system to protect your home as we do allow you to set up a monthly payment if it's too much in one go.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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