A Rise In The Standard Of Living Benefit Cities IELTS Writing Task 2

Collegedunia Team

Jul 25, 2022

A Rise In The Standard Of Living Benefit Cities IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of three sample answers provided below. The task requires the candidates to provide a tentative and argumentative answer for the question. The sample answers comprises two parts: Introduction and body. The introduction is a brief description about the topic. The body contains argumentative statements and tentative answers to support the test-taker's perspective.
IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: A rise in the standard of living in a country often only seems to benefit cities rather than rural areas. What problems can this cause? How might these problems be reduced?

Model Answer 1

Every data seems to indicate that enormous growth is happening in every field. It is important for a thriving economy— technology, agriculture, services, and industry. This development transforms into better purchasing power and an associated overall better standard of living.
It has been found that a rise in the standard of living in a country only seems to benefit cities rather than rural areas. The reasons for such a disparity lie in many factors contributing to the rising economic differences between households in urban and rural areas.
Migration due to the absence of opportunities in the countryside and the rising cost of every facility. This includes education, healthcare, infrastructure, food, clothing and travel is forcing rural populations to move into cities for a better life. With fluctuating prices of essential and non-essential commodities, the fear of having a bleak future is looming large on the less-privileged demographics.
Although all the major cities are overcrowded with people forced to live in congested spaces. The fascination of making more money is alluring the youth to make the shift to big cities. Making better money coupled with an absence of parental control are making the youth aspire for freedom— a freedom that seems elusive in rural set-ups.
Also, the overcrowding of cities is leading to major irreversible environmental issues like— high pollution. Because of the increased number of vehicles plying on the roads and deforestation due to an uptick in living requirements to accommodate the incoming footfall. These are major concerns for a sustainable future of the country and the world.
This ensuing migration also results in the vanishing of many valuable traditional crafts. Since the youth refuse to work for longer hours in lieu of small amounts of wages. They find assistance and clerical jobs located in cities to be better paying and more fulfilling.
The government must take notice of the ever-broadening gap between city and rural dwellers. Introduction of intervention measures to arrest the migration via the building of quality educational centres with highly-trained teachers. In addition, a fully-functional hospital with advanced technology, wide roads ensuring fast connectivity. Moreover, employing new technologies in the agricultural field and skilling the youth for digital integration is necessary.
If the rural population are made to believe that they can do equally well living in their native places. Then the standard of living in rural areas will become aspirational. This will uplift the standard of living of the country uniformly.

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Model Answer 2

Catering to the needs of one section of the country and ignoring the other leads to perpetual dissatisfaction in its citizens. This is especially true for democratic countries whose foundations are based on pursuing equality for all.
A strong observation has been made that a rise in the standard of living in a country only seems to benefit cities rather than rural areas. The unrestricted pipeline of facilities available in the urban spaces is largely missing from the rural landscape.
Be it access to advanced education, world-class hospital facilities, travel connectivity, food cuisine and clothing options. In these aspects, cities seem to be making higher leaps in comparison to rural areas.
The reason for the above situation is the lack of government measures to provide its rural residents opportunities. These are meant for a dignified livelihood and lifestyle. Since the education system in rural areas that forms the spine of growth in any country has not been upgraded. Thus, to meet the changing needs of the workforce, there is an out-migration of students to pursue higher studies for an improved life.
Once students graduate from city-based educational centres, they want to secure high-paying and respected jobs. However, these are mostly available in cities rather than rural areas. This increased working population leads to the proliferation of accompanying needs. These include accommodation, public transportation, hospitals, food joints and other retail spaces.
If fewer people stay back in the rural spaces, then due to the absence of demand, the supply chain also starts drying up. This leads to a decreased interest in investments that can raise the standard of living of countryside folks.
It’s high time that people living in rural places demand their respective governments to provide facilities. This will ensure a healthy ecosystem catering to all their needs. This will stop the outflow of the youth from the rural areas to cities.
Cities that are bursting at all their seams due to overcrowding, loss of green belts, pollution, diseases. Further, ailments also need breathers for this relentless influx of people. In addition, setting up of higher educational centres, modern hospitals etc. will make the rural spaces self-reliant, increasing employment opportunities.
For a comparable standard of living for cities and rural areas, the government's people need to collaborate. In addition they should make concrete and consistent efforts toward a sustained resolution.

Model Answer 3

A rise in the standard of living in a country only seems to benefit cities rather than rural areas. This statement evokes many emotions as many of us like to believe that the soul of a country lies in its rural landscape.
The standard of living that is a prominent marker of progress depends on various factors. These include highly ranked universities, healthcare with the best pool of medical talent. In addition, it also needs recreation and cultural spaces, living spaces entailing modern amenities and more.
Rural spaces, although high in cultural and traditional values often lack the amenities required to consistently live well. Amenities important for one’s transformation— right from education, healthcare and accommodation of desirable quality aren’t available in the countryside.
The out-migration from rural areas to urban ones is the result of wanting a life fulfilled in every manner. With access to institutions of excellence, one can hope to get into the workforce with a bigger paycheck. This has the capacity of increased purchasing power and a staircase for building generational wealth.
However, this leads to rural areas’ progress being stuck in the tunnel. A place that’s sparsely populated would not be able to start and build successful businesses. With no cash flow, the demand-supply chain would break down and this would result in livelihood losses resulting in forced migrations. This is the main reason for a poor standard of living in rural spaces.
The truth is cities are accommodating humans way above their thresholds. This has led to a haphazard development without taking into account the environmental costs. Extreme weather, suffocating air quality, absence of green covers and less space per person are all points of grave concern.
The government must do the needful by employing measures to create an ecosystem serving all the necessities and wants of the rural population. Digital literacy programs, education and healthcare-related missions and heavy investment in infrastructure and logistics. These are some of the programmes that must be dealt with urgently in an expert manner.
The situation has to be made favourable to ensure an equitable lifestyle for all the people of a country. After all, a truly developed country is one that provides equally for all its residents.


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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