A Monologue on Tour for Hampstead in the City of London IELTS Listening Answers

A Monologue on Tour for Hampstead in the City of London IELTS Listening Answers is a topic about visiting Hampstead Heath in the city of London. The given IELTS topic includes 10 questions which are to be attempted within the given time span of 40 minutes. The candidates should undergo the provided passage to understand the core of the topic. The IELTS Listening section is to analyze and evaluates the listening skills of the candidates. The given topic is divided into two different segments of questions, like,

  • Choose the correct letters
  • Multiple choice 

The candidates should skim through the given extract, identify the keywords and recognize the synonyms before answering the given sections of Choose the correct answer and Multiple choice. The practice of the IELTS Listening practice papers should be taken into consideration by the candidates so that they can prepare for similar kinds of topics.

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Topic: A Monologue on Tour for Hampstead in the City of London

Audio Transcript

Hi and welcome to the walking audio tour service, which offers guided audio tours of over 30 walks around London. The full list of the walks is available on our website. You have chosen the Hampstead Heath Tour Part 1, which was, in fact, the first, of the walking tours that were recorded. Your walk takes you through part of the heath, a huge, wild, open parkland where Londoners and visitors to the city can come and enjoy some leisurely and refreshing exercise. The heath is one of the gems of north London. When you enter the parkland, you will feel as if you are walking in the wild countryside , but you are actually still in an urban area .

The walking tour begins here at the exit to Hampstead underground station, which is the deepest station on the London Underground system . We hope that you enjoy your experience, whether you are on your own or sharing your walk with a companion … So let’s begin your tour. We hope you enjoy it!

If you turn right as you exit Hampstead station , and stay on the right hand side of the road, the main thoroughfare , Heath Street, will take you up the hill to the heath itself. You are now walking away from the main shops and cafes in Hampstead village, but you can return to visit, these after your walking tour for some window shopping. The village is busy during the daytime and the evenings.

Now back to Heath Street. As the road winds northwards up Heath Street, you will pass some shops and restaurants on your way to the heath. When you reach the top, the first part of the heath that you will see on your right is the Vale of the Heath, which has some spectacular houses, built on the heath itself beside a large pond . If you go along a little further you will come to a fork in the road, where one road – North End Way – turns to the left and goes northwest away from the heath; and on your right is Spaniards Road, which turns north-east, cutting through the parkland. Walk along this latter road a little way and look for the first opening on your right, where a path leads you down into the wild parkland.

As you descend along the pathway, you will find that the noise of the busy road, that is just on your left, disappears completely. You might want, to take off your headphones to enioy the delight of the sounds of the parkland. Don’t imagine that there is only silence! There is the noise of the trees and the wildlife that hves there. As you walk along the path, you will come across several paths coming from the right to join the path that you are on, but keep going until you come to the first fork in the path. Now take the path that goes to your left, which will bring you shortly to the open spaces around Kenwood House.

You can either walk through the woods and enjoy being among the trees, or you can savor the other charms the heath has to offer. You are now at Kenwood House, which is a museum open to the public. It has been used as the setting for several well-known films, and is used as a venue for a wide range of functions . For some light refreshments, there is the café at Kenwood House. Below Kenwood House itself, you can see the grassy slopes, which are an ideal place for picnics and for children to run around and play games. Just beyond this picnic area is an open air stage where music concerts are held in the summer months. You might even see the stage being prepared for a concert while you are there.

You might want to explore this part of the heath at your leisure . But before you leave the heath altogether, there are two other notable features that are worth visiting. On the east side of the heath are several large ponds for segregated and mixed bathing. And if you would like a view of London, you can visit Parliament Hill, which gives you a good panorama of London that is in fact protected by law.

Questions 11-15

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C, and write answers next to 11-15 on your answer sheet.

  1. The Dark which makes up Hampstead Heath is
  1. very large.
  2. fairly large.
  3. fairly small.

Answer: A

Explanation: The narrator mentions that the walks of the visitors guides them through path of the Hampstead Heath, which is a very large, wild, open area where the Londoners and the visitors can come and enjoy some refreshments. Hence, option A is the correct choice. 

  1. According the speaker Hampstead underground station is
  1. the shallowest in the system.
  2. the deepest in the system.
  3. the oldest in London.

Answer: B

Explanation:  As per the narrator in the monologue, the Hamstead underground station is the deepest one. So, the option is B is the proper choice.

  1. The speaker suggests that after their walk people might want to
  1. have a meal in the famous restaurants.
  2. avoid Hampstead village as it is very busy.
  3. visit Hampstead village to look at the shops.

Answer: C

Explanation: The people in accordance of the narrator, may have the willing to pay a visit at the Hamsptead village to look at the shops in it after completing their walk. So, option C is the correct answer.

  1. The houses in the Vale of the Heath are built
  1. on the edge of the heath.
  2. on the heath itself.
  3. opposite the heath.

Answer: B

Explanation: The houses in the Vale of Hampstead Heath as per the narrator are made beside a huge pond on the heath itself. Therefore, option B is the right choice.

  1. The speaker advises walkers to remove their headphones to
  1. hear the silence away from the traffic.
  2. ensure they are not being followed.
  3. listen to the noises in the park.

Answer: C

Explanation: In order to hear the mesemerising sounds inside the parkland, the narrator advises the visitors to remove their headphones. Hence, option C is an appropriate answer.

Questions 16-20

Choose FIVE answers below and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 16-20.

Which activity can be done at each of the following locations on the heath?


  1. have picnics
  2. go fishing
  3. view London
  4. have a swim
  5. attend concerts
  6. watch plays
  7. have snacks

Locations on the Heath

  1. Kenwood House
  2. grassy slopes
  3. open-air stage
  4. ponds
  5. Parliament Hill

Question 16.

Answer: G

Explanation: For the purpose of enjoying the light refreshment or having their snacks, the narrator suggested about the cafe at Kenwood House to the walkers. Hence, the right option is G.

Question 17.

Answer: A

Explanation: The ideal place for having picnics as per the narrator are the grassy slopes. So, the correct answer is A.

Question 18.

Answer: E

Explanation: The narrator states that there is an open-air stage for conducting music concerts during the season of summer. Thus, option E is the most applicable one.

Question 19.

Answer: D

Explanation: For the purpose of bathing or swimming, the narrator mentioned about various huge ponds those are located on the eastern region of the Hampstead Heath. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

Question 20.

Answer: C

Explanation: Therefore, the answer must be “A”. The narrator suggested to the walkers that in order to get a better view of the city of London, they can pay a visit to the parliament Hill. Hence, option C is the justified answer.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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