A Monologue on the Subject of Volunteer Work in Africa- IELTS Listening Sample Answer

The IELTS Listening section comprises two conversations and two monologues. Candidates need to answer 40 IELTS listening questions. This topic - A Monologue on the Subject of Volunteer Work in Africa students is IELTS Listening section four. Candidates need to answer the following question types:

  • No more than two words
  • No more than three words

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Topic: A Monologue on the Subject of Volunteer Work in Africa
Audio Transcript

Good morning, everybody. I’m Jane Winter and I’m here to tell you a little about the possibility of volunteer work in Africa. If you’re looking for volunteer work in Africa there are plenty of opportunities available. Let’s look at the different types of volunteer opportunities available in Africa, what to expect when volunteering in Africa and stories from volunteers who have worked in Africa. Volunteering means something different to almost every organisation you come across. Some agencies will cover your flight and cost of living while you are working and some are true “volunteer” projects and expect you to cover all costs for the privilege of the experience. If you are looking for a more meaningful way to spend a few months in Africa than simply travelling around, volunteering is a wonderful way to spend your time. Most jobs that last less than a year or so are going to be the ones you have to pay for. Jobs that require a commitment of more than a year will often offer a basic stipend to cover some of your costs.

Whether you get paid and how much you get paid will also depend on your skills and how much they are in demand. Most paid volunteer opportunities in Africa are available to those who have a university education and/or a practical skill. Engineers, doctors, nurses, environmentalists, emergency relief personnel and teachers are among the most asked for by volunteer agencies. If an organisation doesn’t require you to have specific skills then you will usually have to pay your own expenses as a volunteer. In general most organisations working in Africa try and recruit as many local people as possible rather than foreigners, since the projects should continue long after you have returned home. So don’t take it personally if your intention to help people in Africa is rejected, it may just be that a local person is better suited to do the job.

What should you expect when you volunteer to work in Africa? Conditions are usually basic. Most volunteer opportunities take place in rural areas where you may not have ready access to running water and electricity. Housing can be very basic and you will likely be staying with local families. A word about cultural adaptability. As in most countries in the world rural communities are usually more traditional than urban centres. As you will be working closely with the local population you will have to dress and behave in accordance with what is acceptable locally. General pace of life and work is much slower than in the west. Don’t expect any organisation to run efficiently and without glitches. Getting sick can be a problem. If you’re spending more than just a few weeks in Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, your chances of getting malaria or bilharzia will also increase. Make sure you take all the medicine and precautions you need. The organisation you work with should brief you about health issues and don’t forget that local nurses and doctors will have plenty of experience with these common afflictions probably more than your doctor at home. Initially you may also have some problems getting used to different food and water.

Anyone who has volunteered in Africa will probably tell you that the biggest impact their project had was not on the community but on themselves. Spending time immersed in another culture will change the way you look at life and is part of the appeal of volunteering. Before you decide to volunteer in Africa you may be interested to learn what the typical experiences are of people already in the field. Later, we’ll look at a selection of volunteer stories and experiences from Africa. There are many volunteers and travellers who keep online diaries of their experiences. These contain some excellent tips about working, travelling and living in Africa. Before that, just a quick word about work permits in Africa. Many people who travel around Africa may wish to stay and work. But just as in Europe or in the US, every African country will require you to get an official work permit. In most cases these laws exist to stop foreigners getting jobs that local people may be qualified for. Unemployment is bad enough throughout Africa so don’t take a job that a local person could do. Now, let’s look at a few people’s experiences…

Questions 31-40
Questions 31-35

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each gap.

  1. Many organisations will pay for the cost of a volunteer’s _________________ to Africa.

Answer: flight

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks that Some agencies will cover your flight and cost of living while you are working and some are true “volunteer” projects and expect you to cover all costs for the privilege of the experience.

Also, check:

  1. The presenter describes volunteering as ______________________ than just travelling there.

Answer: more meaningful

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks that If you are looking for a more meaningful way to spend a few months in Africa than simply travelling around, volunteering is a wonderful way to spend your time.

  1. Jobs lasting over a year generally offer a ____________________ to cover expenses.

Answer: basic stipend

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks that Jobs that require a commitment of more than a year will often offer a basic stipend to cover some of your costs.

  1. People without ________________________ or extensive education can expect to cover their own costs.

Answer: specific skills

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks that If an organisation doesn’t require you to have specific skills then you will usually have to pay your own expenses as a volunteer.

  1. The employment of ________________________ is preferred by organisations since projects are long-term.

Answer: local person

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks that if your intention to help people in Africa is rejected, it may just be that a local person is better suited to do the job.

Questions 36-40

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  1. Which two things are uncommon in rural areas?

Answer: running water and electricity

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks about most volunteer opportunities take place in rural areas where you may not have ready access to running water and electricity.

  1. Which areas generally have more conservative populations?

Answer: rural

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks that most countries in the world rural communities are usually more traditional than urban centres.

  1. What two new things will your body need to adapt to?

Answer: food and water

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker says that you may also have some problems getting used to different food and water.

  1. Where do many volunteers and travellers relate to their experiences?

Answer: online diaries

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks there are many volunteers and travellers who keep online diaries of their experiences.

  1. What do you need to work in African countries?

Answer: official work permit

Explanation: In the above monologue, the speaker speaks just as in Europe or in the US, every African country will require you to get an official work permit.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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