A Monologue of University Professor on Good Study Habits and Developing a Study Plan IELTS Listening Answers is a monologue by a university professor on the topic good study habits and developing a study plan. The candidate needs to answer the following questions like complete the sentences, write one word answer, write no more than three words answer, and choose the correct letter. Candidates are required to complete the sentence using no more than three words to each question, write one word answers to each question, write the answer in no more than three words and choose the correct letter from options A-C.
The IELTS Listening section tests a candidate’s listening ability. The candidates are required to listen to an audio and then answer the given IELTS listening questions.
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Topic: A Monologue of University Professor on Good Study Habits and Developing a Study Plan
Section 4
Questions (31-40)
Questions 31-32:
Complete the following sentence.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.
The professor says studying properly uses our 31____________and gives us
Answer 31: Creativity
Explanation: many studies show that most of us enjoy studying most things if we do it right if we study properly in an active way that constantly uses our creativity, that makes us excited about what is coming next.
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Answer 32: Satisfaction
Explanation: That gives us the satisfaction of having solved a problem. How many of you know people who hate studying, but love doing crosswords or playing computer games that challenge their minds and their reflexes.
Questions 33-34:
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
What two things does the professor say can be challenged by crosswords and computer games?
34 ____________
Answer 33: minds
Explanation: One, regular exercise. Countless studies show that regular physical exercise, say, 40 minutes or so, five days a week of jogging, fast walking, weight training, tennis, whatever you enjoy, puts you in a more positive frame of mind and also increases creativity and memory for hours after the exercise.
Answer 34: reflexes
Explanation: That gives us the satisfaction of having solved a problem. How many of you know people who hate studying, but love doing crosswords or playing computer games that challenge their minds and their reflexes
Questions 35-37:
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer
What two immediate benefits of physical exercise does the professor mention?
36 ____________ and memory
Answer 35: a positive mind
Explanation: ...five days a week of jogging, fast walking, weight training, tennis, whatever you enjoy, puts you in a more positive frame of mind and also increases creativity and memory for hours after the exercise
Answer 36: increasing creativity
Explanation: ...five days a week of jogging, fast walking, weight training, tennis, whatever you enjoy, puts you in a more positive frame of mind and also increases creativity and memory for hours after the exercise
Answer 37: associate with
Explanation: The professor says most efficiently and enjoyably we do things better when we do them in places that we associate with the particular activity, in this case studying.
Question 38:
Choose the correct letter, A-C
Answer 38: B
Explanation: Most of us find that studying surrounded by the learning of centuries is inspiring as those studying is the only proper thing to do in a library.
Questions 39-40:
Complete the sentence with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
The professor says questions raised before you start studying are like
39 ____________and every forty or fifty minutes you should think back and
Answer 39: little hooks
Explanation: ...absorb information like a sponge. Give the information somewhere to go like little hooks in your brain to hang it on.
Answer 40: relax
Explanation: ...after say 40 or 50 minutes, put the book down and tell yourself what you've learned, what questions have been answered, what it means, spend a few minutes on this and take a short walk while you're doing it.