A Monologue about Enjoying Studying same as Games IELTS Listening Answers

Bhaskar Das

Aug 4, 2022

A Monologue about Enjoying Studying same as Games IELTS Listening Answers is a monologue. Here Rebecca Bramwell, an artist, and illustrator give advice on how to get your first job or commission as an artist. The candidate needs to answer the following question types: Sentence completion with no more than two words. In this type of question, candidates are required to complete the sentence with a maximum of two words.
The IELTS Listening section tests a candidate’s listening ability. The candidates are required to listen to an audio and then answer the given IELTS listening questions.

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Audio Transcript

How many of you know people who hate studying, but love doing crosswords or playing computer games that challenge their minds and their reflexes? Lots of you, I’m sure. Well, one objective is to learn to enjoy studying in the same way, we enjoy those crosswords and computer games. Okay, we’ll come back to that later. Now, I want to discuss a few basics. One, regular exercise. Countless studies show that regular physical exercise, say, 40 minutes or so, five days a week of jogging, fast walking, weight training,

tennis, whatever you enjoy, puts you in a more positive frame of mind and also increases creativity and memory for hours after the exercise. Other important things are to eat good healthy food, get enough sleep and try not to spend too much time and money in the student bar. There’s nothing worse than trying to learn something or solve a problem than when you have a hangover. So, as the Romans used to say men Sana in corpore Sano, a healthy mind in a healthy body. Right. Now we’re all going to keep fit and healthy. What about the studying? First, you must work out the times that you will use for study. When I say study, I mean all the school work. Writing essays, reading etc that you do out of class. Be realistic, don’t plan to spend 60 hours a week on it. It’s too much for most of us. Set aside one or two blocks of time each of say, two or two and a half hours a day, that are your study time.

As I say be realistic. Don’t set yourself such an ambitious goal that you will never stick to it. And it’s also a good idea to leave one day a week, Sunday, perhaps, completely free so you can relax and occasionally do some schoolwork at those times when it builds up a bit. That’s time, settled. Now for place. We are creatures of habit. We do things better when we do them in places that we associate with the particular activity, in this case studying. So it’s best to try and set aside a quiet place. Perhaps your bedroom, a study if you have one which is where you study. When the weather is nice, it could be our doors. Nothing is nicer than reading and thinking about that novel, you have to read for English literature 101 on a quiet grassy bank by a stream on a sunny day.

And we mustn’t forget the library. Most of us find that studying surrounded by the learning of centuries is inspiring as though studying is the only proper thing to do in a library. Okay, time, place, what next? It is, questions. Before you set out to read something, always ask yourself,

Sentence/Note completion:

Complete the sentences using no more than two words.

  1. Doing crosswords or playing computer games challenges the ……………. and ………….

Answer: Mind, reflex
In the above transcript, it is evident that

“How many of you know people who hate studying, but love doing crosswords or playing computer games that challenge their minds and their reflexes?”

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  1. Studies show that regular physical exercise puts you in a more ………………… of mind

Answer: Positive frame
In the above transcript, it is evident that “Countless studies show that regular physical exercise, say, 40 minutes or so, five days a week of jogging, fast walking, weight training, tennis, whatever you enjoy, puts you in a more positive frame of mind.”

  1. We have to be ………………when creating study plans.

Answer: realistic
In the above transcript, it is evident that “When I say study, I mean all the school work. Writing essays, reading etc that you do out of class. Be realistic, don’t plan to spend 60 hours a week on it.”

  1. Studying in the ………………….. is inspiring.

Answer: Library
In the above transcript, it is evident that “...we mustn’t forget the library.Most of us find that studying surrounded by the learning of centuries is inspiring.”

  1. When planning for a study we must decide on time, place and ……………………

Answer: questions
In the above transcript, it is evident that “Okay, time, place, what next? It is, questions.”


*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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