A Large Proportion Should be Diverted from Treatment to Spending on Health Education and Prevention Measures IELTS Writing Task 2

Bhaskar Das

Nov 29, 2022

A large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and prevention measures is a topic from IELTS Writing Task 2. This consists of three model answers provided below. This is an opinion-oriented essay. The sample answers have three parts- Introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction provides a brief about the topic. The body comprises two paragraphs. Paragraph 1 states Cases of deaths due to smoking are increasing which could have been prevented by proper health education. Paragraph 2 mentions that governments have to do a comparative study on the money spent on buying expensive pieces of machinery for treatment to the money spent on preventive healthcare. Lastly the concluding paragraph summarizes the entire points discussed above.

IELTS writing task 2 evaluates candidates based on the knowledge and views they have expressed. The areas that candidates are assessed on are grammar, vocabulary, and style. IELTS writing score is marked based on band scores. The band scores range from 0 to 9. Since the topics are very diverse, candidates must go through IELTS Writing practice papers to become familiar with a lot of topics.

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Topic: Prevention is better than cure. Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Band 8 IELTS Essay

Every country in the world wants to become powerful. Wealth, power, development, technological advancement, and superior medical facilities are the few factors that determine power. All the countries are trying to improve in these fields. But, there are countries still suffering from poverty, poor hygiene, and improper medical facilities. All the countries are marching towards treatment due to the result of illness and hygiene. In this topic we will dicuss if it should be diverted to preventive measures that causes these illness.

In todays world, the cost for surgery, operation or treatment is too high. There are many people who cannot afford this treatment. As a result they leave the face of the world. To prevent this, people need to be given proper health education and critical diseases. They should be taught basic preventive measures, and precautions that can be taken at home. With the advent of technology, countries began to shift toward industrial development. This has resulted in increasing pollution levels and consequently greater concentration of diseases. Due to this, people are suffering from lung diseases and cancers that are almost incurable. If a person visits a hospital, most of the patients has more than one ailment.

It should be the role of the government to promote health education amongst mass people. Preventive measures if taken properly can reduce the amount of people falling ill. For this, the budget should be shifted towards the development and education of people. Various social campaigns must be organized by the state government to promote and raise awareness among people. The main theme of such a campaign must be "Prevention is better than cure". People must also be aware of the negative consequences of consuming addictive products such as cigarettes, and alcohol consumption. The administration must visit the local slum areas and try to educate them, raising awareness on hygiene and health which could, in turn, save many lives and make society free from deadly diseases. The last decade has also shown an increasing trend of patients suffering from heart disease and diabetes. Thus, it becomes necessary to take preventive measures before these diseases start assaulting people. The measures include greater stress on body fitness, yoga or meditation, gym, running, cycling, swimming, etc.

This prevention will not only be benificial for individuals but also for the government. The country will be known to the whole world and all other countries might take inspiration from them. The country will also encourage some foreign investors to come and promote health campaigns, fitness programs, building parks, multi-facility gyms, etc. This will definitely help to increase the revenue of the country.

Band 7 IELTS Essay

One of the prime requirements of human life is proper health and hygiene. As it goes without saying Prevention is better than cure. The universal truth should be the first and foremost priority of every country. Thus, in recent years there has been a shift from treatment to improving health education and preventive measures. This indicates a greater amount of investment from the government's health budget to raise awareness of proper health and hygiene.

Campaigns are raised on issues like improper health, hygiene, and sanitation, as dangers from unhealthy diet and lifestyle which are needed to be combated effectively and efficiently by proper long-term health education. Treatment, surgery, or operations not only involves a huge amount of expense but also it does not guarantee you the patient will be cured totally. Treatment and operations must be the last required option to save a patient's life. The government must arrange some regular health awareness campaigns to spread the importance of prevention, and proper hygiene. Like the saying, “An apple a day, keeps a doctor away”. The programs must focus on proper health measures, proper diet, healthy and balanced lifestyle. It will not only keep society free from diseases but also will be beneficial for the government. Every year, the government has to spend a huge amount on the health budget. The administration bodies must be aware of the negative consequences of consuming addictive products like cigarettes, alcohol, etc. Basic health education should be made compulsory in the school curriculum as children will learn the importance of health and hygiene from an early age. Some chronic diseases like lung diseases, heart diseases, and cancers are incurable. Treatments and diagnosis can increase their life span to a small extent but cannot cure it completely. Thus, it becomes necessary to take prevention otherwise it could be fatal for an individual. The younger generation must be taken special care of as they are the future of a country and they are most vulnerable to addiction. Promoting healthy living benefits people as well as the nation in the long run. For example, promoting outdoor sports activities and exercise not only keeps the child fit but also significantly reduces the risk of severe diseases.

As the saying goes, prevention must be the first priority of every nation. It is always better to be safe earlier, rather than be sorry later.

Band 6.5 IELTS Essay

There is a phrase “Prevention is better than cure” and it applies to different spheres of our lives. In this ever-growing world, people are dying from various health diseases due to a lack of appropriate health education and preventive measures. Thus, in the simplest words, it is always better to avoid contracting an illness rather than to go around and go for a solution to get rid of it.

Firstly, prevention is easier and more affordable than cure. Surgeries and therapies are indeed very costly. If prevented, an individual not only remains fit and away from diseases but also the money saved can be utilized for safer living practices and better livelihood. The government also becomes beneficial if the overall illness rate of the nation decreases. The government can reduce its health budget, and the savings can be used for other development purposes and also generate consciousness among youths about the benefits of healthy living. The main focus is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits. One should maintain proper sleeping timings and should avoid remaining awake till late at night. Treatments not only come with a cost of huge expense but also comes with a lot of suffering. Hence, prevention is considered better in many aspects, rather than cures by medicines or other remedies. Thus, it is not only the duty of an individual to remain healthy by adopting preventive measures, but it is also the duty of the administrative bodies to teach the common people about the negative consequences of leading an unhealthy and unhygienic life. Efforts are made to raise health education by adopting various health campaigns, making health education compulsory at the elementary level of schooling, organizing regular fitness programs, etc.

So, to conclude, prevention is way better than cure because prevention guarantees you the certainty that something bad will not happen. On the other hand, the need to find a cure is more tiring, uneconomical, and can lead an individual’s life to a mess. When we say that prevention is better than cure, it essentially means that it is better to stop something before it happens, rather than repent it later and deal with its consequences.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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