A Conversation Between Two Flatmates Discussing the Rules of Their Shared House IELTS Listening Answers

Bhaskar Das

Dec 7, 2022

A Conversation Between Two Flatmates Discussing the Rules of Their Shared House is an IELTS Listening topic. Candidates need to listen to the passage and answer the IELTS listening questions. This topic - A conversation between two flatmates discussing the rules of their shared house is IELTS listening part One. Candidates need to answer the following IELTS Listening question types: Complete the table and Complete the form. IELTS Listening Practice tests papers will help candidates prepare for the IELTS Examination. 

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Audio Transcript

You will hear two flatmates, Tom: and Richard, discussing the rules of their shared house.

Tom: Richard, as we discussed before, with this extra bedroom in the house, we should advertise for another tenant, but I think we’ve got to establish rules this time.

Richard: We already have two rules, about the rent money. Remember? We pay on the 5th and expect full payment, with no excuses.

Tom: Sure, but I mean additional rules, apart from those two.

Richard: Okay. There’s certainly no harm in that.

Tom: Remember the problems we’ve had with people in the past. I think we should learn from those bad experiences.

Richard: You may have a point there. For example, you know that I like cooking, so I can propose a kitchen rale straightaway: every tenant must clean after use. We shouldn’t allow what happened last time.

Tom: You mean that guy who left all his dirty dishes piling up, and food on the floor? Clean after use! We should write that down. I’m happy with that.

Richard: And not only clean, but they also have to tidy up. We can’t have them cluttering up our very small kitchen counter.

Tom: I’m with you there. That will make life far more manageable. So, ‘tidy up’ is our second ‘cooking’ rule, let’s say. And now, can I tell you what really annoys me?

Richard: Sure.

Tom: Dirty tenants. Those who just allow dirt and dust to build up around the house, and don’t care less. We’ve got to have a strict rale prohibiting that.

Richard: What about a cleaning roster? We can make a list of everything that we expect to be done: carpets vacuumed, furniture dusted, toilet cleaned, and so on.

Tom: And everyone is required to take turns. First my turn, then your turn, then the third tenant’s turn. This spreads the load, so we can keep the apartment very clean.

Richard: I’m happy with that. Otherwise one person will be working harder than the others. But how often do we do it? Every day, twice a week, or once a week, or what?

Tom: Every day What do you think?

Richard: Too often, I would say.

Tom: Well, every three days, then.

Richard: I don’t know. We’re all busy, with part-time jobs and study. I’d say that once a week is good enough. It’s probably what most households do, anyway.

Tom: Alright, alright. Let’s run with that, then. As long as we do clean regularly and well. Okay, are there any other rales? What about music, loud TV, that sort of thing?

Richard: I want absolute quiet at night because I go to bed early, in order to get up early for my job.

Tom: So, why don’t we say no noise after... say... 11 at night?

Richard: Earlier than that! 10 pm! That’s consistent with most rental properties, and... no overnight visitors , either!

Tom: You’re right. That caused a lot of problems when the last tenant brought his drinking buddies in for the night. So, we prohibit late-night noise, and overnight visitors as well.

Richard: That sounds good to me.

Tom: Okay Richard, if we want to advertise for an extra tenant for the third bedroom, there’s a website, with an online form here that we can fill out. That will speed things up.

Richard: Good idea - in fact, let’s do it now, and get it over and done with.

Tom: Sure. The first category here is ‘gender’. I guess that means we write male or female.

Richard: I think I’d prefer a male. He’d fit in with us - one of the boys, something like that.

Tom: Sure, but that might limit things, and I’d say a female might be just what this household needs.

Richard: Why don’t we say ‘any’, and let fate decide. See who turns up, and judge them as they come.

Tom: Okay, I’ll type ‘any’ , so now we move on to ‘job’. What sort of job do you want them to have?

Richard: To me, it doesn’t matter - doctor, lawyer, cleaner - as long as they have a job, of course. Unemployed tenants can be a problem. Just type in, ‘must-have’.

Tom: You mean a job?

Richard: Yes.

Tom: Must... Okay, that’s done. Now, how much should we ask them to pay? $180 would be about one third of the total rent.

Richard: I’m doing the maths now with a calculator. The figure would be closer to $173.50.

Tom: Well, let’s round that up to the nearest $5. I’ll type in $175 , and we can share the extra $ 1.50.

Richard: Done! Now, finally, when can we let the new tenant move in?

Tom: Immediately, I’d say. The sooner the better. Type in ‘immediately’.

Richard: But I’m busy this week, with my job, so I’m not in the mood to interview tenants right now, and anyway, we’ve had just you and me for so long, what does another couple of weeks matter?

Tom: So, when would you like the tenant to move in, then? One week from now? Beginning of the month, March 1st?

Richard: Later. Give it another four days at least. March 5th is better for me.

Tom: Okay, I’ll type that in. It should be fine. Any later than March 8th and I’ll be too busy with my exams. And that’s about it.

Questions 1-6.

Complete the table.

- Rule One Rule Two
Payment of rent on the 5th (Example) full amount expected
Cooking/Kitchen must clean 1 ______ must 2 ______
Cleaning Duties must 3 ______ do once every 4 ______
Other no noise 5 ______ no 6 ______

Question 1.

Answer: after use

Explanation: Tom and Richard were discussing rules of the house for new tenant. Richard stated he liked cooking and suggested a rule that every tenant must clean after use. Therefore, the answer must be “after use”.

Question 2.

Answer: tidy up

Explanation: To the above proposal, Richard added that they should not only clean but tidy up the kitchen. Richard stated “not only clean, but they have to tidy up”. Tom also agreed that “tidy up” is their second cooking rule. Hence, the correctanswer is tidy up.

Question 3.

Answer: take turns

Explanation: Richard talks about cleaning roster. To that, Toms stated that for cleaning duties ‘everyone is required to take turns’. So the correct answer is to take turns.

Question 4.

Answer: week

Explanation: They started to discuss about the time when cleaning would be required. Richard mentioned that cleaning must be done once a week. He stated that ‘once a week is good enough’. Therefore the answer is week.

Question 5.

Answer: after 10 (pm)

Explanation: Richard says that he needs to wake up early for job. Hence, there should be silent nights. Tom suggests that no sound after 11 P.M. Richard states that he wants ‘quiet at night and no noise after 10 pm, that’s consistent with most rental properties’. Therefore, the answer is 10 pm.

Question 6.

Answer: overnight visitors

Explanation: Richard continues to make rules regarding the night disturbance. He mentions that no overnight visitors would be allowed. So the answer should be overnight visitors.

Questions 7-10.

Complete the form.


Tenancy Service
Online Advertising Form
Gender: 7 ______
Job: 8 ______
Rent: $9 ______
Move in: 10 ______

Question 7.

Answer: any

Explanation: Richard and Tom wanted to put ad on the website. The website asked for gender. Richard suggests ‘Why don’t we say ‘any’, and let fate decide’. And Tom agrees to this. Hence, any is the answer.

Question 8.

Answer: must(-)have

Explanation: After selecting gender, they move on to job. Richard firmly states that, as long as they have a job, just type in, ‘must-have’. This means they wanted a tenant with a job. Therefore, the answer is ‘must-have’

Question 9.

Answer: 175

Explanation: Tom asks Richard “how much should we ask them to pay?”. One third of the rent is $180. Richard calculates it around $173. So they round it up to $175. Therefore, the answer is $175.

Question 10.

Answer: March 5th

Explanation: Richard and Tom agree on March 5th as a move-in date for the new tenant. Hence the answer is March 5th.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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