A Conversation Between a University Tutor and a Student About a Job Fair - IELTS Listening Sample Answer

Collegedunia Team

Sep 22, 2021

The IELTS Listening section comprises four sections. There are four recordings based on academic and general contexts. This IELTS listening sample is a conversation between a university tutor and a student about a job fair is Section 3. IELTS listening practice papers contain numerous types of questions that candidates can practice from. The question type includes:

  • Sentence completion
  • Choose the correct answers
  • Multiple choice questions

Audio Transcript

You will hear a conversation between a university tutor and a student about a jobs fair. First, you have some time to look at questions 21 to 23.

Now listen and answer questions 21 to 23.

Tutor: Okay Fergus, so we've looked at your assignment which was okay. Now before you go, you know about the jobs fair that's coming up. Don't you?

Fergus: Yes, it's the week after next, isn't it? The whole week? Is that right?

Tutor: That's right. Monday through to Friday. I'd suggest making sure you get along there on Tuesday and Wednesday. Engineering companies tend to be more prominent then, rather than on Monday or the end of the week.

Fergus: hmm...Yes, I've got the program for this year. And it looks like those days will be best for me. I'm only in my first year, so I'm not expecting too much from the day. But I've heard you can pick up some valuable ideas for career paths.

Tutor: Well, you've still got a few years here, I know. But it's never too soon to make a good impression on potential employers. You've got the program. So do some research. Have a look at company websites, so you've got the basis for a good conversation with the people on the stance.

Before you hear more of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 24 to 27.

Now, listen and answer questions 24 to 27.

Fergus: Yes, I was looking at one, the other day. The boss was being interviewed about their staff development program and there are one or two other firms I'm also interested in.

Tutor: That’s good. You've made a start, already. Remember to think about what you're going to ask people before you turn up. Not how much you're likely to earn, of course. You only discuss salaries at job interviews. Now, questions about the skills you need for the job, the kind of personal qualities employers are looking for, that kind of thing.

Fergus: Yes. I see what you mean. It's best to go prepared and make the most of the opportunities.

Tutor: And I'm sure you don't need to say that it's a good idea to dress correctly for the event. You need to give off a professional air.

Fergus: Well, I won't be buying anything special for the occasion. That's for sure. I've got a suit and tie from my parents, but I don't have time to collect it. I'll make an effort though. A nice pair of trousers and a jacket, nothing too formal.

Tutor: I'm sure if you’ll look the part. By the way, you often find companies that have more than one representative. Maybe someone from marketing, handing out free gifts. Someone who'll explain the interview process, an ex-student who now works for them, that kind of thing. Try to direct your questions towards the best person.

Fergus: Yes, that's a good idea. I'd certainly be keen to talk to any ex-students that are around.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at questions 28 to 30.

Now listen and answer questions 28 to 30.

Tutor: I'm sure you'll find the whole thing really useful. It's important to go to these events and we always get great feedback from students who've attended. As long as you go with the right expectations. It's unlikely you'll come away with the promise of a job, of course. It's more about discovering what companies are looking for in potential employees.

Fergus: Yes. Plus they're a great opportunity to practice things like networking, meeting new people, talking about yourself and what you do. You know, I mean..

Tutor: Definitely yes, there will be several high-profile companies in the engineering sector and you will have the chance to get to know some useful people. If they give you their card or contact information, make sure you keep it safe. It's a sign they like you and want to keep in touch.

That is the end of Section 3.

Questions 21-23

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  1. The best days for engineering students are
  2. Students can get useful suggestions about
  3. Use the internet to look at before the event

Question 21.

Answer: Tuesday and Wednesday

Explanation: Tutor suggests to Fergus that Tuesday and Wednesday are the most prominent days for engineering students.

Also, check:

Question 22.

Answer: Career Paths

Explanation: The student states.”But I've heard you can pick up some valuable ideas for career paths.” Thus the answer is career paths.

Question 23.

Answer: Company website

Explanation: The tutor advises to read about company websites prior to the event. Therefore the company website is the answer for this question.

Questions 24-27

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 24-27 on your answer sheet.

Question 24. Fergus says that

  1. there is one company he is particularly interested in
  2. he has done some research already
  3. he knows the boss at one of the companies

Answer: B

Explanation: Fergus states that he already made a start by watching an interview of the company’s boss about their staff development program. Hence the correct answer is option B.

Question 25. The tutor thinks Fergus should

  1. prepare questions in advance
  2. research the skills required for jobs before the event
  3. find out what the starting salaries are

Answer: A

Explanation: As stated by the tutor “It's best to go prepared and make the most of the opportunities.” Therefore option A is the right answer.

Question 26. Fergus plans

  1. to wear a suit and tie
  2. to wear smart but casual clothes
  3. to buy an outfit for the event

Answer: B

Explanation: Fergus tells the tutor that he is thinking to wear nothing formal. He states, “A nice pair of trousers and a jacket, nothing too formal.” Nothing too formal is similar to casual. Therefore the answer is option B

Question 27. The tutor suggests that Fergus

  1. should ask particular people certain questions
  2. should avoid taking free gifts
  3. should treat conversations like short interviews

Answer: A

Explanation: As suggested by the tutor, “Try to direct your questions towards the best person.” Accordingly the correct answer is A.

Questions 28-30

Choose THREE letters A-F.

Why do the tutor and Fergus think it is useful to attend a jobs fair?

  1. to get a job
  2. to find out what employers want from you
  3. to give employers your contact details
  4. to discover which are the key companies to work for
  5. to practice your communication skills
  6. to make useful contacts

Question 28.

Answer: B

Explanation: The tutor states, “But it's never too soon to make a good impression on potential employers.” According to him, job fairs are a good place to start your career journey and to take experience of the whole process.

Question 29.

Answer: E

Explanation: According to the tutor , job fairs are a great way to polish and practice your communication skills and other skills as well that you need for the job. The kind of personal qualities employers are looking for you can find that out at such fairs.

Question 30.

Answer: F

Explanation: As stated by the tutor, “there will be several high-profile companies in the engineering sector and you will have the chance to get to know some useful people. If they give you their card or contact information,” Therefore attending job fairs is a great way to make contacts for future purposes.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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